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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Circular Time: Autumn

It was definitely brave of Big Finish, as an audio company,  to make a sequel to the Classic story infamous for it's poor sound design. I'd say they handled the sound design quite well and it's probably the best part of the story.

In my opinion, The Web Planet was made fun by the TARDIS team and their interactions with each other. 5 and Nyssa just don't have that, they are only really interesting depending on the situation and are especially boring in this. This story is also quite weird because it has a lot of technology and general ideas that don't make any sense but are presented as logical.

Just a strange story and I don't really know what to think about it other than I disliked it. I really expected to like this one aswell, I thought The Web Planet was actually quite good.

Next Story: The Haunting of Thomas Brewster


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