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Before the recent Ianthology and I Hate Mondays, this was my favourite audio.

It's the closest we've ever gotten to something akin to SCP. And with Ianto being an introvert, requiring moments of solitude, it made sense to make a story of him in the Archives. In a way, this also makes the audio feel homely, as we're still in the Hub, and Ianto does live there afterall.

In certain ways, this is reminiscent of 'Journey to The Centre of the TARDIS', of Clara exploring the bowels of the ship (an episode which I adored), but instead of an infamous side-plot, it's Ianto's narrated thoughts on a recorder.

I personally used this episode to calm down my exam-season anxiety in 2023, and it was a great listen on top of that.


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without a doubt a really dull episode, apart from some good ianto moments. i'm really shocked considering how good the torchwood range is, that this managed to get made. i'm by no means a big ianto fan, he's okay, but nearly an hour of that was just... it just felt so uneventful and sure it was all leading somewhere but only for the last 5 minutes. very disappointed.


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This audio is for everyone who has ever said they would listen to Ianto read the dictionary. Personally, I loved it. It's pretty light on the plot, but the plot that *is* there is interesting. The items and their descriptions are very fun. Honestly, I could go for a few more of these.


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