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Classic Who S25 • Serial 1 · (4 episodes)

Remembrance of the Daleks

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Part One


J F KENNEDY [OC]: Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future.

(We pull out from the Earth and other languages and voices take over the narration.)

M L KING [OC]: I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up

(We reach a massive spaceship.)

[Outside Coal Hill School]

(In Shoreditch in the City of London is a Secondary School, here played by St Johns Church of England School, Hammersmith. An elegant woman in a two piece suit walks round the corner and past a pair of boys kicking a football between them next to a black van. The rest of the pupils are entering the schoolyard but one small blonde girl comes out to watch the scene. The TARDIS is parked by a block of flats. The Doctor is walking with Ace, who is carrying a 'ghetto-blaster' on her shoulder, blaring out rock music.)

ACE: What's she staring at?
DOCTOR: Your clothing's a little anachronistic for this time period, and that doesn't help.

(The Doctor switches off Ace's music.)

ACE: Well, it's not my fault this decade's got no street cred. I mean, look at that kid.
DOCTOR: Strange.
ACE: Oi, Professor, can we get something to eat now?

(The Doctor looks at the doors to the back of the black van. An aerial rotates on the roof and there is a distinct humming.)

DOCTOR: You're not carrying any Nitro Nine explosives in there?
ACE: No.
DOCTOR: What do you make of that van?
ACE: Dunno. TV detector van?
DOCTOR: No. Wrong type of aerial. For this time period, that's a very sophisticated piece of equipment.
ACE: What's so sophisticated about that rig? I've seen better aerials on a CB. Professor, I'm hungry. Lack of food makes me hungry, you know.
DOCTOR: Lack of food makes you obstreperous. Why don't you go and buy some consumables? There's a cafe down there. While I undertake a detailed and scientific examination of that van that has so singularly failed to grab your attention.
ACE: Right.

(Ace walks away.)

ACE: What?
DOCTOR: Money.
ACE: Oh.

(The Doctor holds out a small pouch. Ace takes it.)

ACE: Thanks.
(Ace leaves as the girl watches the Doctor examine the van.
'Return to Sender is playing in the cafe as Ace enters and a young man in a flying jacket watches her put down the ghetto-blaster and take off her rucksack. He is reading the Daily Mirror with the headline - Give Your Passport To Police. Ace goes to the jukebox.
The Doctor climbs up the external ladder to the van roof and uses his umbrella to measure the length of the moving aerial. The little girl goes inside the schoolyard.)


(Ace hits an ashtray with a knife while the Beatles regale us with Do You Want To Know A Secret.)

ACE: Service! Oi, anybody home?

(The young man in the corner speaks.)

MIKE: Not like that.
ACE: Like what, then?
MIKE: Like this. Oi, Harry! Customer! Like that.
ACE: Right.
HARRY [OC]: Coming.
MIKE: See? It's easy when you know how.

(Harry appears from the kitchen area. The menu is priced in shillings and pence, and the calendar on the wall is November 1963.)

HARRY: Right, give it a rest, Mike. I had enough of that during the war Er, can I help you, miss?
ACE: Oh, yeah. Four bacon sandwiches and a cup of coffee, please.
HARRY: Four bacon sandwiches and a cup of coffee. Righty-o.

(Ace tips her pre-decimal coins onto the counter and stares at them, baffled.)

[School playground]

(The Doctor enters. The little girl is playing hopscotch by herself in the middle of four dark patches in the tarmac.)

GIRL: Five six seven eight, it's a doc

(The Doctor tastes the residue of the nearest patch and goes to the girl, who runs off.)

DOCTOR: She doesn't talk to strangers. Very wise.

(The Doctor looks at the hopscotch markers and uses a small abacus before smiling and leaving. The girl is standing by the Boys entrance.)

GIRL: Five, six, seven eight. It's a doctor at the gate.


(The Doctor leaves the school by the old Girls gate and runs across the road. He gets into the black van.)

RACHEL: Hmm, you took your time. Get on the radio and tell the Group Captain. I think I've located

(This is the woman in the two piece suit. Everyone say Hi! to Pamela Salem, making her third appearance after 11 years. She finally looks at the Doctor, who is examining her monitoring equipment.)

DOCTOR: The source of magnetic fluctuation, perhaps.
RACHEL: A rhythmically pulsed fluctuation, yes.
DOCTOR: I thought so. Any possibility of natural phenomena?
RACHEL: Not likely. It's a repeated sequence.
DOCTOR: So, it's artificial in origin.
RACHEL: Yes. Excuse me?
RACHEL: Who are you?
DOCTOR: The Doctor.
RACHEL: I'm Rachel. Professor Rachel Jensen.
DOCTOR: How do you do? I'm sure I've heard of you.
GILMORE [OC]: Red Four, Red Four, come in please.
RACHEL: Red Four receiving. Listen, Group Captain, there's this man. What? On my way.


(Ace and Mike are walking along past the block of flats.)

ACE: Twelve pennies to the shilling, eight shillings to the pound right?
MIKE: No, twenty shillings to the pound. That makes two hundred and forty pennies in a pound. Where are you from anyway?
ACE: Perivale. Why? Oh, this is a stupid system. Twelve pennies to the shilling, twenty shillings to the pound, right?
MIKE: Yeah. Are you from somewhere else?

(They walk past the TARDIS.)

ACE: No. So what's half a crown?
MIKE: Well that's easy
RACHEL [OC]: Sergeant!

(Mike runs off.)

ACE: Sergeant?

[By the van]

RACHEL: The Group Captain says he's under attack. We have to get moving.

(Mike goes to drive the van. The Doctor pops his head out of the back doors.)

DOCTOR: Ace, get in here!

(Ace gets in the back and Rachel joins Mike up front.)

RACHEL: Matthews is hurt.
MIKE: Where are they?
RACHEL: At the secondary source, Totters Lane.

[Junk yard]

(I M Forman, Scrap Merchant, 76 Totters Lane says the painting on the big gates where a crowd of locals has gathered. The place where the whole Who saga began is being played by Kew Bridge Steam Museum.
A blanket is put over the face of a fallen soldier by Group Captain Gilmore then he goes to meet the van which has been stopped by policeman.)

(Everyone say Hi! to the handsome, posh Simon Williams.)

MIKE: Military.
POLICEMAN: Fine, sir.

(The policeman signals and Mike sounds the van's horn. They drive through the crowd into the yard proper. Everyone gets out of the van.)

DOCTOR: What's the situation?
GILMORE: Who the devil are you?
DOCTOR: I'm the Doctor and this is Ace. You must be with the military.
GILMORE: Well, how do you know?
DOCTOR: I'm very perceptive.
GILMORE: Is he with you, Professor?
MIKE: Sir?
GILMORE: Take the girl and set up a position by Red Six.
MIKE: Yes, sir. Come on, Ace.

(Mike and Ace leave.)

GILMORE: You'd better come and take a look.

(The Doctor uncovers Matthews and unfastens his tunic to check his torso.)

DOCTOR: No evidence of tissue damage. Ah, massive internal displacement.
DOCTOR: His insides were scrambled. Very nasty.
RACHEL: The effect of the blast?
DOCTOR: No. A projected energy weapon.
GILMORE: Projected what?
RACHEL: A death ray?
DOCTOR: Very succinct. I presume you've got reinforcements coming?
GILMORE: Any minute now.

(The Doctor takes cover behind some metal object.)

GILMORE: This is preposterous. A death ray? It's unbelievable.
DOCTOR: What a predictable response.

(Ace and Mike go to a black van with no aerial on the roof.)

[By Red 6 Van]

MIKE: Miss Williams? Allison!

(A blond woman wearing a striped university scarf appears.)

ALLISON: Sergeant, you're here at last. How's Matthews?
MIKE: He's dead. Is Blue One responding?
ALLISON: What? Blue One? Yes, they'll be here in a minute. Dead, are you sure?

[Junk yard]

DOCTOR: Whatever fired that weapon's trapped in there. There's no way out.
GILMORE: How can you be sure?
DOCTOR: I've been here before.

(An army lorry drives in carrying a bunch of squaddies.)

SERGEANT: Right, everybody out! Come on, quickly. Move it, move it. Squad, attention!
GILMORE: Stand at ease. Right, now the situation is this. we have an armed hostile pegged up in that lean-to shed. I want the squad to cover the entrance. No firing unless I give the command. Is that understood?
SOLDIERS: Yes, sir.
GILMORE: Remember, he's armed and hostile, so keep under cover as much as possible. Sergeant.
GILMORE: Detail some men to clear these civilians.
SERGEANT: Yes, sir. You two, come down with me and we'll sort this lot out. Now, let's have you all back as far as possible, please. Thank you, madam. There's nothing to be seen here.
MIKE: Yes, sir?
GILMORE: Take two men and get Matthews out of here.
MIKE: Yes, sir. You two, fall out and follow me.
DOCTOR: I don't think you realise what you're dealing with here.
GILMORE: Doctor, I assure you these men are hand picked. They can deal with anything, provided they can see it. Right men, take up positions.

(The Doctor joins Ace and Allison at Red 6 while Mike and the soldiers recover Matthews.)

MIKE: Take his arms. Move him back to the truck.

(Something targets one of the soldiers and zaps him. There is a brief flash of his skeleton as he is flung back against some corrugated iron sheeting.)

GILMORE: Covering fire now!

(Gilmore and the soldiers take up positions round and under the army lorry and send short bursts of bullets into the shed.)

GILMORE: Cease firing!

(The Doctor and Rachel run over to Gilmore.)

GILMORE: Get down!
RACHEL: What was it?
DOCTOR: That was your death ray.
RACHEL: I know that, but how? To transmit focused energy at that level, it's incredible. It's
RACHEL: It's beyond the realm of current technology.
GILMORE: If you can save the science lecture for a less precipitous moment. Now perhaps, Doctor, you could tell me what is going on?
DOCTOR: You must pull your men back now. It's their only chance.
GILMORE: It's preposterous. We can't disengage now. Whoever is in there, my men can handle it. Sergeant!
DOCTOR: Listen to me, Brigadier.
GILMORE: Group Captain. Group Captain Gilmore!
DOCTOR: Nothing you possess will be effective against what's in there!
GILMORE: Three men, rifle-grenades, even spread left right and centre. Fire on my command.
SERGEANT: Yes, sir.
DOCTOR: Captain, you're not dealing with human beings here.
GILMORE: What am I dealing with? Little green men?
DOCTOR: No, Little green blobs in bonded-polycarbite armour.
SERGEANT: Grenades are ready, sir.
DOCTOR: Group Captain Gilmore.
DOCTOR: Humans.

(KaBOOM and the shed is obliterated in a fireball. Ace joins the Doctor.)

ACE: That's some serious hardware. Did you see that, Professor? Unsophisticated, but impressive.
MIKE: Sir?
GILMORE: Get on the radio. Call up Blue Four and Six. Tell Four to pick up an ambulance on the way.
MIKE: Yes, sir.
DOCTOR: It doesn't matter how many men you get here. It isn't going to make any difference.
GILMORE: Doctor, my men have just put three high-explosive grenades into a confined area. Nothing even remotely human could have survived that.
DOCTOR: That's the point group, Group Captain, it isn't even remotely human.

[Red 6 Van]

(Mike gets inside the van and uses a field telephone.)

MIKE: Blue Four, Blue Four, this is Red Six. Come in, please.
BLUE FOUR [OC]: Red Six, receiving.
MIKE: Blue Four. Group Captain Gilmore requests that you pick up an ambulance and proceed to Bravo Delta.

(The alien targets Mike in the van, but he moves at the last moment and it misses, going straight through the cab and knocking a bunch of steel drums over.)

[Junk yard]

(The soldiers start firing again as Mike scrambles out of the van and joins in.)

GILMORE: Cease firing! Cease firing! Wait for a target!

(A seriously annoyed oversized pepperpot trundles out, burning round its base.)


(The soldiers start shooting, so the Dalek fires back, killing at least one more soldier.)

DOCTOR: Aim for the eyepiece! Ace, give me some of that Nitro Nine that you're not carrying. Quickly.

(Ace hands over a can.)

DOCTOR: And another.
ACE: It's my last can.
DOCTOR: I should hope so, too. Er, how long, the fuse?
ACE: Ten seconds.
DOCTOR: That's long enough.

(The Doctor makes his way towards the Dalek, keeping under cover.)

GILMORE: When I tell you, head for the entrance. Take the girl with you.
RACHEL: Then what?
GILMORE: I'll meet you back at HQ. Go now, Rachel!

(Ace and Rachel leave. The Doctor runs behind some barrels level with the Dalek.)

DOCTOR: Oi, Dalek! It's me, the Doctor. What's the matter? Don't you recognise your mortal enemy?

(The Dalek reverses to turn and approach the Doctor, who takes the tops of the cans and puts them by a stack of bricks.)

DOCTOR: Three, four, five, six.

(The Doctor leaves and the Dalek arrives just in time for the explosion. It is wrecked, and the Doctor is on the ground.)

ACE: Doctor!

(Ace runs to the Doctor.)

DOCTOR: Ace, you said ten seconds.
ACE: Nobody's perfect, Professor. Are you all right?
DOCTOR: Yes, of course I am. Can you drive?
ACE: Why?
DOCTOR: Good, I thought so. Get in there.

(The Doctor and Ace get into a black van as everyone else comes over to investigate their enemy.)

GILMORE: I want an emergency team here at the double. Put a guard on that thing. Inform command HQ we will be returning there at once. And I want a weapons team at the Coal Hill School.
MIKE: Sir.
GILMORE: And, Smith? I want them armed with ATRs.
MIKE: Yes, sir.

(Rachel uses a pencil to examine the steaming green gunk.)

RACHEL: It has an organic content.
ALLISON: Or an occupant.
GILMORE: What the devil is it?

[Red 4 van]

DOCTOR: A Dalek. Only trouble is, it's the wrong Dalek.

(Ace tries to start the van's engine.)

ACE: Would the right one be better or worse?
DOCTOR: Yes. Choke.
ACE: No, thanks.

(The Doctor pulls out the choke, freeing more fuel into the engine. Gosh, I remember having to do that.)

MIKE: What do you think you're doing?
DOCTOR: Borrowing your van.

(They drive out of the yard, only hitting one barrel.)

ACE: These Day-leks
DOCTOR: Daleks.
ACE: Oh, Daleks. Where are they from?
DOCTOR: From Skaro. At least, originally. They're the mutated remains of a species called the Kaleds. Left here.
ACE: When were they left here?
DOCTOR: No. Turn left here.
ACE: Oh, right.
DOCTOR: No, left! You've missed the turning.
ACE: What turn? Where?
DOCTOR: Why don't you concentrate on where you're going?
ACE: Look, I'm doing the best I can. If you don't like it, you drive.

(They drive under a railway arch and suddenly the Doctor and Ace have swapped places.)

DOCTOR: The Kaleds were at war with the Thals. They had a dirty nuclear war. The resulting mutations were then accelerated by their chief scientist, Davros. What he created them he then placed them in a metal war machine, and that's how the Daleks came about
ACE: So that metal thing had a creature inside controlling it?
DOCTOR: Exactly. And ever since the Daleks were created, they've tried to conquer and enslave as much as the universe as they can get their grubby protuberances on.
ACE: And now they want to conquer the Earth.
DOCTOR: Nothing so mundane. They conquer the Earth in the twenty second century. No. They want the Hand of Omega.
ACE: What's that?
DOCTOR: One thing at a time, Ace.


(Gilmore enters the Territorial Army Centre at Acton and meets Mike in the corridor. Somewhere there is typing being done.)

MIKE: Sir?
GILMORE: Yes, Sergeant, what is it? Who is this man?

(A smartly dressed man with old school tie.)

MIKE: Sorry, sir. This is Mister Ratcliffe. He's brought some of his men, I think they can be of some use to us.
GILMORE: You do, do you? Mister Ratcliffe.

(Ratcliffe comes to attention and clicks his heels before holding out his hand.)

RATCLIFFE: Please to meet you, sir.

(Everyone say Hi! to tough guy George Sewell.)

[Control room]

RACHEL: We must get that Dalek to a well-equipped laboratory.
ALLISON: And a half decent biologist. R
ACHEL: What do you do think we should do?
ALLISON: You're the Chief Scientific Advisor. It's your decision.
RACHEL: Before I make any suggestions I want to catch up with the Doctor.
ALLISON: Who is he, anyway?
RACHEL: Someone who knows a lot more about Daleks then we do. When I get hold of him, I'm going to get some answers out of him or
ALLISON: Or what?
RACHEL: I'll set you onto him.
ALLISON: He certainly seems to have a detailed knowledge of the Daleks, and given that they are not terrestrial, it is possible that he is
RACHEL: Not of this Earth? An alien?
ALLISON: I just wish he was more obvious. You know, had green skin or antennae sticking out of his head or something.

[School corridor]

(The Headmaster is putting a notice about car thieves up on the school notice board when the Doctor and Ace enter.)

DOCTOR: Good afternoon.
HEADMASTER: And you would be?
DOCTOR: The Doctor. And you?
HEADMASTER: I'm the Headmaster here. Doctor, eh? Well, you're a bit over-qualified for the position, but if you would like to leave your particulars and references.
DOCTOR: References?
HEADMASTER: You are here for the job of school caretaker?
DOCTOR: Oh, no. We're here for a completely different reason.
HEADMASTER: Oh. What can I do for you, then?
DOCTOR: Well, we would like to look round your school, if you don't mind?
HEADMASTER: I'm afraid that's out of the question.
DOCTOR: We've got reason to believe there is a great evil at work somewhere in this school.
HEADMASTER: You'll have to be a bit more specific, Doctor.

(The Headmaster touches his ear, as if he is wearing an earpiece although nothing is visible.)

HEADMASTER: But I don't think it would do any harm if you were to have just a quick look round.
DOCTOR: Thank you.
HEADMASTER: My pleasure.

[Control room]

MIKE: Sir?
GILMORE: Are the anti-tank rockets being issued?
MIKE: They're being taken direct to their position, sir. An additional consignment is going to the school.
GILMORE: Good. Any news of the Doctor's whereabouts?
MIKE: Red Four has been seen in the Coal Hill area, sir.
GILMORE: He must be heading back to the school.
RACHEL: What is happening about the Dalek?
MIKE: Don't worry. It's under guard. It's safe.

[Junk yard]

(The Dalek remains are hauled onto the back of a flatbed lorry.)

RATCLIFFE: Right, get the tarpaulin over it. Come on, lads. Let's see you move. Right, let's go.

(The Ratcliffe Building Contractors lorry drives off to reveal two dead soldiers.)

[School science lab]

(The Doctor and Ace enter an old-style lab with Bunsen burners and racks of test tubes on the desks.)

ACE: You were expecting these Daleks, weren't you?
DOCTOR: Yes, they're following me.
ACE: I wouldn't be so pleased if I had a bunch of Daleks on my case.
DOCTOR: You can always judge a man by the quality of his enemies.

(Ace sits on a bench and picks up a book on the French Revolution, presumably the one Barbara was lending to Susan. The Doctor goes to the window.)

DOCTOR: Come and look at this.
DOCTOR: What do you make of that?

(The Doctor opens the window.)

ACE: It's a playground.
DOCTOR: The burn marks. See them? Well?
ACE: A landing pattern for some kind of spacecraft, isn't it?
DOCTOR: Very good.
ACE: But this is Earth, 1963. Well, someone would have noticed. I'd have heard about it.
DOCTOR: Do you remember the Zygon gambit with the Loch Ness Monster? Or the Yetis in the Underground?
ACE: The what?
DOCTOR: Your species has the most amazing capacity for self-deception, matched by only its ingenuity when trying to destroy itself .
ACE: If the Daleks are following you, what are they after?
DOCTOR: When I was here before, I left something behind.
ACE: You mean the Hand of Omega?

[Outside the school science lab]

(They leave the classroom, and Ace's ghetto blaster on the bench.)

ACE: What is the Hand of Omega?
DOCTOR: Something very dangerous.

[Ratcliffe's office anteroom]

(Ratcliffe uncovers the remains of the Dalek. A rasping voice speaks to him from his office.)

COMPUTER [OC]: Report.

[Ratcliffe's office]

(Ratcliffe enters. The person is in a Dalek travelling machine and has their back to us, with a Dalek-like dome and eyepiece on their head, facing a large screen and futuristic control panel.)

RATCLIFFE: My men have recovered the machine. The Doctor is co-operating with the military.
COMPUTER: That is to be expected. I must be informed of his movements.
RATCLIFFE: Yes, yes. We have our contacts. I shall see that he is followed. That Dalek machine.
RATCLIFFE: I should like to know exactly what it is?
COMPUTER: A machine, a tool. Nothing more.

[Cellar staircase]

ACE: What are we looking for?
DOCTOR: Shush. Whoever it was landed the spaceship in the playground.
ACE: And that would be?
DOCTOR: More Daleks.
ACE: Oh, great. I thought it might be something really nasty.
DOCTOR: Ah, the cellar. It could be down in there.
ACE: Why the cellar?
DOCTOR: Good place to put things, cellars.

(The Headmaster observes them.)

[School cellar]

ACE: I wish I had some Nitro Nine.
DOCTOR: So do I.
ACE: What are you expecting to find down here, anyway?
DOCTOR: The unknown.
ACE: Oh. Isn't that a bit dangerous?
DOCTOR: Probably. But then if I knew what was down here, I wouldn't have to look.

(Ace takes an aluminium baseball bat from her rucksack and holds it ready. They get to the bottom of the steps and discover a transmat platform, flashing.)

ACE: This is some severe technology.
DOCTOR: Yes. Very elegant, very advanced. Flux circuitry elements.
ACE: What is it?
DOCTOR: It's a transmat. A matter transmitter. But transmitting from where? Within about three hundred kilometres.
ACE: Professor? Professor, something's activating it.
DOCTOR: Very likely. It has an automatic activator. What? You're right. Something is beginning to come through.
ACE: It's another Dalek.
DOCTOR: Excellent.
ACE: Will this one be friendly?
DOCTOR: I sincerely doubt that. If I can just get the transmitter to de-phase at the critical point.
ACE: Doctor!
DOCTOR: Any moment now. Quick! Down!

(The Dalek is nearly solid when it disappears in a swirl.)

ACE: The controls have gone dead.
DOCTOR: Yes, the de-phase must have caused an overload.
ACE: What did you do to it?
DOCTOR: Well, I persuaded one half of the Dalek to materialise where its other half was materialising. The two halves tried to co-exist at the same point. The resulting reaction destroyed it. Dangerous things, transmats.
ACE: So no more Daleks can be transported through here?
DOCTOR: Well, it'll slow them down a bit until the operator can repair the systems.
ACE: The operator?
DOCTOR: Yes, the Daleks usually leave an operator on station in case of any malfunctions.
ACE: And that would be another Dalek?
DALEK: Stay where you are! Do not move!
DOCTOR: The stairs!

[School corridor]

(Ace gets to the top of the stairs first and bumps into the Headmaster.)

ACE: Oh, sorry.

(The Headmaster knocks out Ace and bolts the door closed.)

DOCTOR [OC]: Ace! Ace! Open the door! Ace! Open

[Cellar staircase]

(The elegant cream and gold Dalek is gliding up the stairs behind the Doctor.)

DALEK: You are the Doctor. You are the enemy of the Daleks! You will be exterminated! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!
Part Two

[School corridor]

(Ace wakes up and attacks the Headmaster. He goes down easily and she unbolts the cellar door.)

DALEK [OC]: Exterminate! Exterminate!

(The Doctor falls backwards into the corridor and Ace bolts the door shut in the Dalek's face.)

DALEK [OC]: Exterminate!
ACE: Doctor!
DOCTOR: What's the matter with him?
ACE: Stomach ace.
DOCTOR: School dinners. Give me a hand.
ACE: Professor, he tried to lock you in.

(They drag the Headmaster away from the door, and the Doctor finds some electronics implanted behind the Headmaster's left ear. The Doctor and Ace run out of the school just before the Dalek blasts the cellar door down.)

HEADMASTER: I'm sorry.
DALEK: We must repair the transmat.

[Outside Coal Hill School]

(An RAF Land Rover is parked up outside. You can tell by the roundel.)

DOCTOR: What are you doing here? Oh, never mind. Get this thing out of here.
AIRMAN: I was ordered to deliver the ATRs to this position, sir.
DOCTOR: ATRs. Anti-tank rockets.
AIRMAN: Yes, sir.

(The Doctor and Ace run round the back and open the canvas cover.)

ACE: Will these things be any good against the Daleks?
DOCTOR: It's not the Daleks we're after, it's the transmat.

[School cellar]

(As usual it isn't the Dalek getting its sink-plunger dirty with actual work.)

DALEK: You will remain here.

[Outside Coal Hill School]

AIRMAN: You'll have to sign for them, sir.

(The Doctor signs with a question mark then attempts to pocket the soldier's pen.)

DOCTOR: Come on.

(The Doctor and Ace leave with weaponry. The airman starts to close up the back of the Land Rover when the little blond girl appears.)

AIRMAN: Hello, love.

[School corridor]

ACE: What about the Dalek? Won't he try and stop us?
DOCTOR: Quite possibly. Stay close behind.
ACE: Hey. It must have gone back down to the cellar.


DALEK: You will be exterminated.

(The Dalek fires and misses. The Doctor overturns a table as a barricade.)

DOCTOR: Ace, get down!
DALEK: Exterminate!

(The trophy cabinet is destroyed. Ace uses the anti-tank rocket. KaBOOM goes the Dalek.)

ACE: Ace.
DOCTOR: You destroyed it.
ACE: I aimed for the eye-piece.
MIKE: This way! Move it, move it! You fetch the Group Captain. Any more?
MIKE: Did you do that?
ACE: It makes a lot of smoke, doesn't it.
MIKE: Yeah.

(Gilmore runs in.)

GILMORE: You've destroyed it. Good.
DOCTOR: It is not good. Nothing about this is good. I've made a grave error of judgment. Oh, I'm going to wish I'd never started all this. Group Captain, I must ask you to evacuate the immediate area.
GILMORE: That's an absurd idea.
RACHEL: Why, Doctor?
DOCTOR: I've reason to believe a major Dalek Task Force could soon be operating here.
GILMORE: And where will this Task Force arrive from?
DOCTOR: One certainly is in place hidden somewhere in this vicinity. The other probably from a mothership in geostationary orbit.
GILMORE: Be reasonable, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Do you doubt the non-terrestrial nature of the Daleks? I mean, examine this one. Or better still, ask your Scientific Advisor.

(The Doctor leaves them with the Dalek.)

GILMORE: Well, Professor?
RACHEL: I'm afraid the Doctor's right. It is alien.
GILMORE: You're positive?
GILMORE: Professor, a word. This Doctor, do you trust him?
RACHEL: Well, he knows what he's talking about, and considerably more than he's telling us. I think we should go along with him for now.
GILMORE: And later?
RACHEL: We could ask him for an explanation.
GILMORE: We could do a lot more than ask. Very well, Doctor. I'll have to get a decision about this evacuation from my superiors.
DOCTOR: Splendid.
GILMORE: I should know either way by tomorrow morning. I'll see you all then.

(Gilmore leaves.)

DOCTOR: I shouldn't touch it if I were you. It may not be completely dormant yet.
ALLISON: That stench.
RACHEL: Now, Doctor, I have questions I would like answered.
DOCTOR: So have I. I'll return in the morning.
ACE: Doctor, where are you going?
DOCTOR: To bury the past.
ACE: I'm coming with you.
DOCTOR: It is not your past. You haven't been born yet. Would someone look after Ace for me?
RACHEL: Yes, of course.

(The Doctor takes her baseball bat.)

DOCTOR: I'll borrow this.
RACHEL: Sergeant, have you room for Ace at your house?
MIKE: Yeah, sure. Mum runs a boarding house. I'd like you to meet her.
ACE: Yes?
RACHEL: Not been born yet. What did he mean by that?

(Ace just smiles.)


(The sign says open, but there are no lights on and no customers. A Jamaican man comes out from the kitchen.)

JOHN: Can I help you?
DOCTOR: A mug of tea, please.
JOHN: Cold night tonight.
DOCTOR: Yes, it is. Bitter, very bitter. Where's Harry?
JOHN: Visiting his missus. She's in hospital.
DOCTOR: Of course. It'll be twins.
JOHN: Hmm? Your tea. Sugar?
DOCTOR: Ah. A decision. Would it make any difference?
JOHN: It would make your tea sweet.
DOCTOR: Yes, but beyond the confines of my tastebuds, would it make any difference?
JOHN: Not really.
JOHN: Yeah?
DOCTOR: What if I could control people's tastebuds? What if I decided that no one would take sugar? That'd make a difference to those who sell the sugar and those that cut the cane.
JOHN: My father, he was a cane cutter.
DOCTOR: Exactly. Now, if no one had used sugar, your father wouldn't have been a cane cutter.
JOHN: If this sugar thing had never started, my great-grandfather wouldn't have been kidnapped, chained up, and sold in Kingston in the first place. I'd be a African.
DOCTOR: See? Every great decision creates ripples, like a huge boulder dropped in a lake. The ripples merge, rebound off the banks in unforeseeable ways. The heavier the decision, the larger the waves, the more uncertain the consequences.
JOHN: Life's like that. Best thing is just to get on with it.

(The little girl looks in the window at them, and leaves as the Doctor notices her.)

DOCTOR: Did you see that?
JOHN: See what?
DOCTOR: Nothing. What would you do if you had a decision, a big decision?
JOHN: How big?
DOCTOR: Saving the world.
JOHN: Really?
DOCTOR: Really.
JOHN: I wish you the best of luck.
DOCTOR: Let's hope I make the right decision. Things could get unpleasant round here. I'd take a holiday if I were you.
JOHN: Oh, sure. How long?
DOCTOR: Two or three days. After that, it won't matter one way or the other. Thanks for the tea.
JOHN: Any time.

(The Doctor puts a coin on the counter and leaves. John picks it up.)

JOHN: Nineteen ninety one? 

(Back at the school, a soldier armed with an ATR leaves the cellar just before the transmat starts up and delivers another cream and silver Dalek.)

[Funeral parlour]

(Next morning, as the milkman leaves a pint at the front door, in the back a Welshman is screwing the brass fittings onto a coffin. Something crackles in a large casket of bizarre design nearby. He goes to it and gets a small static electric shock.)

DOCTOR: Good morning. I believe this belongs to you.

(The Doctor hands over the bottle of milk.)

DOCTOR: The door was open so I thought I'd just pop in and collect my casket.
MARTIN: Ah, well, I'm the governor has yet to arrive and I'm afraid I can't just let you. Which er, casket would this be?

(The Doctor takes out Ace's baseball bat and indicates the strange one.)

MARTIN: Oh, I see. Er, well, if you could just wait until the governor arrives, I'm sure
DOCTOR: Yes, that would be perfectly all right.
MARTIN: Oh, good. Splendid. Mister er
DOCTOR: Doctor.
MARTIN: Doctor?
DOCTOR: Yes. Now, if I might be alone with the
MARTIN: Oh, yes, yes, of course. I'll leave you alone with, er.
DOCTOR: Thank you.
MARTIN: I'll just be in the next room if you

(Martin leaves. The Doctor shuts the door behind him then returns to the casket.)

DOCTOR: Hello. Open.

(The casket lid tilts open to reveal dry ice swirling around inside.)

[Funeral parlour office]

(Martin is on the phone to his boss.)

MARTIN: Hello, governor? Somebody's come to collect that big casket. Yes. Yes, the Doctor. Just one thing, governor. I thought you said he was an old geezer with white hair.

[Funeral parlour]

DOCTOR: Now, let's see what you can make of this.

(The Doctor places the baseball bat on the dry ice and it slowly sinks.)

[Boarding house - front room]

(In the boarding house. Mike is fully dressed when Ace enters in a dressing gown.)

ACE: Hello.
MIKE: Good morning.
ACE: Where are you off to?
MIKE: I have to check some things out at the Association.
ACE: Who's the Association?
MIKE: They're my friends. You can meet them later.

(Mike leaves. Ace picks up the newspaper - Daily Express with headline Rescue Bid Is On.)

[Funeral parlour]

DOCTOR: Come on, now. Give it up.

(The baseball bat zooms up and the Doctor grabs it.)

DOCTOR: Goodbye. Close.

(The casket lid shuts.)

DOCTOR: Follow me.

[Funeral parlour office]

MARTIN: Yes, all right, governor.
DOCTOR: Thank you.
MARTIN: Oh, cheerio, Doctor. But Doctor, what about your

(The casket glides past Martin, who faints.)

[Ratcliffe's office]

RATCLIFFE: Once we possess this Hand of Omega, what then?
COMPUTER: We shall be on the brink of great power.
RATCLIFFE: And our agreement?
COMPUTER: You too shall share this power, if you have the stomach for it.
RATCLIFFE: What do you mean?
COMPUTER: There will be casualties. Many deaths.
RATCLIFFE: War is hell.


(Played by Willesden Lane Cemetery. The funeral procession is the Doctor and a vicar using a white stick, with the casket bringing up the rear.)

DOCTOR: It's very good of you to do this at such short notice.
VICAR: Nonsense, my dear Doctor. The grave's been ready for a month. Mister Stevens, the gravedigger, was wondering what he should do.
DOCTOR: I had to leave suddenly.

(They turn off the path to an open grave. The casket positions itself over the hole in the ground.)

VICAR: Forgive me for saying this, but it seems to me that your voice has changed somewhat since we last met.
DOCTOR: Yes, it has changed. Several times.
VICAR: I must say your pallbearers are very quiet. Silent as ghosts, really.

(The Doctor removes his hat.)

[Ratcliffe's office]

(Ratcliffe is pacing when the telephone rings.)

RATCLIFFE: Yes? Good. Stay with the Doctor. Watch him and call me back. Ah, ah, ah. Yours not to reason why, just to obey orders. Now just get on with it.

(He puts the telephone down.)

RATCLIFFE: My man has found it.
COMPUTER: Yes, but my enemies have found your man.

[Outside the cemetery]

(Mike comes out of a telephone box and walks past the Headmaster, who then gets an instruction via the chip in his head.)

DALEK [OC]: He is an agent of the renegade Daleks. Apprehend and interrogate.

(The Headmaster follows Mike into the cemetery.)


(The Headmaster grabs Mike from behind.)

HEADMASTER: What is the location of the renegade Dalek base?
MIKE: What? Get off me or I'll break
HEADMASTER: What is the location of the renegade Dalek base?
MIKE: I don't know what you're talking about.
HEADMASTER: Renegade Daleks have defied the will of the Emperor Dalek. They must be located and destroyed. And you are an agent of the renegade Daleks.
MIKE: I work for Mister Ratcliffe. The Association.

(Mike finally elbows the Headmaster in the stomach and frees himself.)

MIKE: Who do you work for?

(The Headmaster stares into the sky.)

DALEK [OC]: Alert. Security is compromised. Terminate agent.
MIKE: Who do you work for?
(The Headmaster dies. Mike puts him down on an old work memorial stone below an angel monument and runs off.
Meanwhile, the casket is lowering itself into the grave.)
VICAR: It is over.
DOCTOR: No. It's only just beginning.

(The Doctor throws a handful of soil onto the casket then gently leads the blind vicar away, watched by Mike.)

[Boarding house - dining room]

(Mike's mum brings in a fresh pot of tea for her three lady guests.)

ALLISON: Thank you.
ACE: The Professor said he'd be back by now.
RACHEL: What was he doing, anyway?
DOCTOR: Working, unlike some people.

(The Doctor and Mike enter.)

DOCTOR: Have a nice sleep?
ACE: It was okay. You're late.
MIKE: I found him wandering the streets.
DOCTOR: I was not wandering the streets. I was merely contemplating certain local cartographic anomalies.
MUM: There's a message for you, Mike.
MIKE: Thanks. Ladies and gentlemen, the Group Captain is expecting us.
ACE: Great. Something to do at last.
MIKE: Ah. He specifically ordered that Ace remain here.

(Mike screws up the note to stop Ace reading it.)

ACE: Professor?

(The Doctor has picked up a copy of 'Doctor in the House'.)

DOCTOR: Ah, Ace, I have a present for you.

(He takes out her baseball bat and taps it against his hand. It sparks and hurts.)

RACHEL: How did you do that?
DOCTOR: Higher technology, and no, I can't tell you how.
RACHEL: Why not?
DOCTOR: You're not ready for it. No one on this planet is.
MIKE: Ladies? Doctor?
DOCTOR: I'll meet you outside.
MIKE: Sorry, Ace. Work to be done. Back at six. Have dinner ready.

(Mike, Allison and Rachel leave.)

ACE: Toe rag. Professor, you can't leave me here.
DOCTOR: Ace, I'm trying to convince Group Captain Gilmore to keep his men out of trouble, otherwise there'll be a lot of needless deaths.

(Mike keeps sounding the van's horn outside.)

ACE: You're up to something.
ACE: Then I have to come with you.
ACE: Who else is going to guard your back?
DOCTOR: Will you obey me this once? I'll explain everything when I return.
ACE: Tell me now!
DOCTOR: I haven't got the time!
ACE: All right, I'll stay here if that's what you want.
DOCTOR: Trust me.
ACE: Doctor?
ACE: You'd better explain when you get back, or

(Ace hefts her baseball bat.)

ACE: Things could get nasty.


(The Doctor goes into the TARDIS.)

MIKE: I wonder what he's up to?
RACHEL: Who knows? His motives are alien.
MIKE: Meaning?
RACHEL: Meaning I don't think he's human.
MIKE: And Ace?
RACHEL: She's not an alien. You're all right there.
MIKE: Good. Well, I mean, I wouldn't want her to be foreign, would I?

(The Doctor leaves the TARDIS.)

RACHEL: Ah, here comes the Doctor.

[Ratcliffe's office]

(A second high-tech wall panel is revealed. It shows a map of the local streets with various alien symbols on it.)

COMPUTER: The enemy is about to start moving.
RATCLIFFE: Do you think that Group Captain Gilmore suspects us?
COMPUTER: (scoffs) Not the paltry military forces of your world. The real enemy. The Imperial Dalek faction, may their shells be blighted. Soon it will be war. Are you ready for war, Mister Ratcliffe?
RATCLIFFE: Yes. This country fought for the wrong cause in the last war. When I spoke out, they had me imprisoned.
COMPUTER: You will be on the right side in this war.

[Control room]

DOCTOR: Group Captain, the evacuation?
GILMORE: I've been in direct contact with High Command and they've agreed to stage a quiet withdrawal under the peace time nuclear accident provisions. They felt that given the sensitive stage of the current government
ALLISON: Just for a change.
GILMORE: They felt, Miss Williams, that the initial stages could be carried out under the aegis of the Counter-Intrusion Measures, United Kingdom. The D-notice office has of course been informed and a cover story prepared.
RACHEL: What is it?
GILMORE: I have no idea. Not my department. Now, Doctor, since you hold my career in your hands, I trust you can justify my faith.
DOCTOR: With respect, Group Captain, your career's magnificently irrelevant. Now, let's see. Any more transmission sites?
RACHEL: No, just at the school.
DOCTOR: Good. I want a direct line to Jodrell Bank. Let's see. 1963. The Fylingdale installations and the Royal Observatory. Order them to search these localities for any signs of high orbital activity.

(Mike gives the Doctor a pencil to write them down. The Doctor hands the note to him and keeps the pencil, then switches on the light above a pool table covered in maps.)

DOCTOR: Now, I want the detector vans moved so they can cover this area here and here. Order all air and ground forces to avoid engaging the enemy at all costs. We must act with extreme caution.
ALLISON: And if we don't?
DOCTOR: Goodbye civilisation as you know it.

[Boarding house - Front room]

(Mrs Smith is doing some ironing while Ace plaits her hair. She is completely bored now and decides to turn on the small TV set in the corner. It eventually warms up and shows the Test Card while playing music. Mrs Smith leaves the room. Ace finds the notice in the window that says - No Coloureds. She takes it down.)

ACE: Mrs Smith?
MUM [OC]: Yes?
ACE: I'm just going out for a breath of fresh air.
MUM [OC]: All right, dear.
ANNOUNCER: This is BBC television. The time is a quarter past five and Saturday viewing continues with an adventure in the new science fiction series, Doc

(But Ace has already left the room.)

[Control room]

(The teleprinter is chattering away. The Doctor tears off the paper to read it.)

DOCTOR: Twenty six by zero zero one. A big mothership of some kind, with maybe as many as four hundred Daleks on board. Well, at least we know where it is.
RACHEL: Much good that does us.
GILMORE: It would be foolish of me, I suppose, to hope that this mothership was not nuclear capable?
DOCTOR: That ship has weapons capable of cracking open this planet like an egg.
ALLISON: We've got the parts you wanted, Doctor. Where do you want them?
DOCTOR: Good. Over here.

(The Doctor clears the maps from the pool table, and Allison and Mike deposit their armfuls of bits and pieces.)

RACHEL: Allison, we've located the mothership. It's in a powered geostationary orbit
MIKE: Where?
RACHEL: Guess.

(Mike looks up at the ceiling.)

RACHEL: Right.
GILMORE: Is that their main base, Doctor?
DOCTOR: For one group, at least. I believe we're dealing with two antagonistic Dalek factions.
GILMORE: And do they both come from outer space?
DOCTOR: From another planet in a distant future. We must try and contain them, let them destroy each other.
GILMORE: Shouldn't we send for reinforcements? Armoured units?
DOCTOR: Have you been listening to me, Group Captain? That spaceship up there has surveillance equipment capable of spotting a sparrow fall at fifteen thousand kilometres. Any sign of a military build-up and they may simply decide to sterilise the area.
GILMORE: And we have no defence.
DOCTOR: Frightening, isn't it, to find there are others better versed in death than human beings.

[School corridor]

ACE: Hello? Anyone at home?

(Ace gives the fallen Dalek a look over then goes up the stairs. Down in the cellar, a fourth Dalek is transmatting in.)

[School science lab]

(Ace turns on her ghetto blaster, but it's not the station she expects to receive.)

DALEK [OC]: Attack squad in position.
DALEK 2 [OC]: Lower area clear.
DALEK [OC]: Proceed. Exterminate any aliens.
DALEKS [OC]: We obey.

(Ace takes her baseball bat from her rucksack and turns her player from radio to tape. She goes out to the stairwell to see a cream and gold Dalek on it's way up. She runs and it fires.)

[Control room]

(The Doctor has built a gizmo with what looks like an infrared light on the end.)

RACHEL: What does it do?
DOCTOR: Well, at best it will interfere with the Dalek's control systems. I rigged something like it on Spiridon.
RACHEL: And the worst?
DOCTOR: It'll do absolutely nothing.
ALLISON: Doctor? Red Nine reports an increase in modulated signalling.
DOCTOR: Where?
ALLISON: Just a minute.
DOCTOR: Mike, phone up Ace and tell her someone will come and collect her.
MIKE: Right.
ALLISON: The signal emanates from Coal Hill School. Multiple sources in close proximity.
DOCTOR: Multiple? They've got the transmat working again.
RACHEL: Transmat? What does that mean?
DOCTOR: More Daleks.

(Gilmore bursts in.)

GILMORE: Doctor, there's no reply from my men at the school.
DOCTOR: Get a vehicle ready. Load it up with plastic explosives and integral detonators.

(Gilmore leaves.)

RACHEL: Why explosives?
DOCTOR: Well, that thing merely disorients and weakens them. What do you expect me to do then, talk to them sternly?
MIKE: Doctor, Mum says that Ace left ages ago.

[School science lab]

(The Dalek has glided slowly to the top of the stairs. Ace hides behind the doors as it enters and blasts her noisy tape player to pieces and reports in.)

DALEK: Small human female sighted on level three.
ACE: Who are you calling small?

(Ace starts hitting it with her souped up baseball bat.)

DALEK: Under attack. Under attack.

(She knocks off its eyepiece then dives under the benches.)

DALEK: Vision impaired.

(It starts firing wildly.)

DALEK: Reinforcements requested.

(Ace leaps through a window into the corridor. A second Dalek has come up the stairs. It fires and misses so she gives it a clout before running down the stairs.)

[School corridor]

(By the entrance is a dead soldier. Ace takes his rifle and leaves.)

DALEK: Human female is now leaving building.


(Ace is trapped between two Daleks in a large empty area opening onto the playground.)

DALEK 2: Stay where you are. Do not move.
DALEK: Exterminate. Exterminate.

(A third Dalek appears.)

DALEK 3: Exterminate.

(Ace gets down on her knees as the Daleks close in on her. She takes the anti-tank rocket and launcher out of her rucksack and prepares to fire.)

DALEKS: Exterminate. Exterminate. Exterminate.
Part Three


(The Doctor runs in with his gizmo, followed by Mike and some soldiers.)

DALEKS: Exterminate. Exterminate.

(He turns on the gizmo and it works. The Daleks start groaning.)

MIKE: You, move in.

(Mike and two soldiers sticks some explosives on the Daleks and pull the pins on the detonators, as Ace gets out from in between.)

MIKE: Fall back. Fall back!

(Mike and the soldiers run outside.)

DOCTOR: It works. It works!
MIKE: Fall back! Three, two, one, down!

(The three Daleks get their heads blown off. Gilmore, Rachel and Allison join the men as they reenter.)

DOCTOR: There were living beings in there.
MIKE: Not any more.
GILMORE: Come on, Sergeant. We'll search upstairs.
MIKE: Yes, sir. Doctor, may I?
DOCTOR: Yes, Sergeant.

(The Doctor hands over his gizmo.)

MIKE: Stay sharp. Follow me.

(The military head out, leaving the scientists behind.)

RACHEL: Doctor?
RACHEL: This one's still active.
DOCTOR: Oh? Let's see, Professor.

(A claw comes up from the third Dalek casing and grabs the Doctor round the throat. Allison grabs Ace's abandoned baseball bat and starts hitting it. Finally it lets him go, and she keeps on hitting the squealing thing until it shuts up, and beyond.)

DOCTOR: Allison, it's dead. Thank you.
RACHEL: What was that?
DOCTOR: They've mutated again. Here, come and have a look. Compare that to the destroyed Dalek at Totter's Lane. Note the difference.
RACHEL: The other Dalek was underdeveloped, with vestigial limbs and sensory organs almost amoeboid. Allison, look. This is altogether different. It has functional appendages and some kind of mechanical prosthesis grafted into its very body. I think I'm going to be sick.


DOCTOR: Sergeant Smith must have found some more Daleks.
ACE: Don't anyone give me a hand.
ALLISON: Ace, you're hurt.
ACE: I had an argument with a window.
DOCTOR: You two go down and check the cellar, but don't touch anything. I'll look after Ace.

(Rachel and Allison leave.)

DOCTOR: When I say stay put, I mean stay put, not take on an entire Dalek assault squad single-handed. What were you doing here, anyway?
ACE: I came to get my tape deck.
DOCTOR: Where is it?
ACE: It's in little bits.
ACE: Good? Ow. What do you mean, good. Where am I going to get another one?
DOCTOR: That tape deck was a dangerous anachronism. If someone had found it and discovered the principles of its function, the whole microchip revolution would take place now, twenty years too early, with incalculable damage to the time line.
ACE: So?
DOCTOR: So? Ace, the Daleks have a mothership up there capable of eradicating this planet from space, but even they, ruthless though they are, would think twice before making such a radical alteration to the time line.

(The Doctor checks Ace's leg then tweaks her ear.)

DOCTOR: There, you ought to be able to get up and walk about now.
ACE: Cheers, Professor.


DALEK: Bridge reporting. Mothership will maintain Earth geostationary orbit. All systems fully operational. Attack squad Delta prepare to enter transmat.

[School cellar]

ALLISON: The subject obviously is placed on that dais. Then what?
RACHEL: The Doctor called it a transmat. What's that imply to you?
ALLISON: Matter transmission? But that's impossible.
RACHEL: Impossible. You know, after this is over I'm going to retire and raise begonias.
DOCTOR: Lovely flowers, begonias.

(The Doctor enters with Ace's baseball bat.)

ALLISON: Doctor, how exactly does this thing work?
RACHEL: Don't bother.
DOCTOR: It's a link for the Daleks, allowing them to beam death squads onto Earth without anybody knowing. And I don't want them here just yet.

(The Doctor sets about the transmat with the baseball bat until he breaks it.)

DOCTOR: Weapons. Always useless in the end. Oh, you look hungry. How about lunch?


(Ratcliffe marches up to the new grave, which now sports a lovely black marble headstone by A Tomes of Acton, with a lower case Omega in gold.)


(Lollipop is playing on the jukebox as the whole party is eating.)

ACE: Professor, what are you doing?
DOCTOR: Concentrating.
ACE: Harry, I wanted some toast.
HARRY: Coming, coming.

(Ace goes to Rachel and Allison's table.)

ACE: May I?

(Ace takes the spare chair and joins Mike and his friends at their table.)

MIKE: Hello, Ace.
ACE: Hi.
MIKE: You've met Paul, John.
ACE: Hello.


(Ratcliffe takes a metal bar from a nearby grave and inserts it into the Omega grave. When it reaches the casket he gets an electric shock that throws him back.)



DALEK: Power source detected. Alert! Power source detected. Full alert!

(Two more second cream and gold Daleks enter.)

DALEK 2: It is the Hand of Omega.
DALEK 3: Inform the Emperor Dalek.
DALEK: I obey.


GILMORE: I just feel we should be doing something.
RACHEL: Frankly, I wouldn't advise it, Group Captain. We're in way over our heads.
GILMORE: You were hired as a Chief Scientific Advisor. One tends to expect advise from one's advisors.
RACHEL: For one thing, Group Captain, I was not hired, I was drafted. And for another, do you think I am enjoying having some space vagrant come along and tell me that the painstaking research I've devoted my life to has been superceded by a bunch of tin plated pepperpots?
GILMORE: Steady on.
RACHEL: Steady on? You drag me down from Cambridge, you quote the Peace Time Emergency Powers Act at me, and then you expect me to advise on something outside the realm of human experience. Bluntly, Group Captain, we're reliant on the Doctor because only the Doctor knows what is going on.


(The little schoolgirl skips up to Ratcliffe's lorry, parked by the grave. His men are exhuming the casket.)

RATCLIFFE: Get on with it. I want that coffin back at the warehouse.
MAN: Guv.

(Ratcliffe goes over to the girl.)

RATCLIFFE: What are you staring at?

(She looks at the grave, then up at the sky.)


DALEK: Emperor on the bridge.

(A giant headed Dalek with no eyepiece, sink plunger or weapon rolls up.)

EMPEROR: Report.
DALEK: The transmat is no longer operational.
DALEK 2: We have established the position of the Omega device.
EMPEROR: Prepare the assault shuttle.
DALEK 2: Renegade Dalek agents are in the area.
EMPEROR: They will surrender the Hand of Omega.


RATCLIFFE: Haven't you got a home to go to? Come on, lads, put your backs into it. We haven't got all day.

(When he looks back, the girl has vanished.)


DOCTOR: Group Captain, we need to establish a forward base at the school. Can it be done?
GILMORE: Of course.
DOCTOR: Thank you for your cooperation.
GILMORE: Only a fool argues with his doctor. Sergeant!
MIKE: Sir?
GILMORE: Get Embery. Set up a command unit. Forward command on the third floor, defensive positions on the ground floor and the roof. Get a move on.
MIKE: Yes, sir. All right, men, fall out. Follow me back to the school.
GILMORE: Professor Jensen, Miss Williams, follow me.
ALLISON: Jawohl. Coming, Professor Jensen?
RACHEL: Of course, Miss Williams.
ALLISON: I wish Bernard was here.

(Professor Bernard Quatermass, that is.)

RACHEL: The British Rocket Group's got its own problems.
ACE: Harry, toast.
HARRY: Coming, coming.

(Just the Doctor and Ace are left in the cafe now.)

ACE: What's so important about the school?
DOCTOR: Well, now that I've disabled the transmat, absolutely nothing. As long as the renegade Daleks have got the Hand of Omega, then the Imperial Daleks' attention will be focused on that.
ACE: So there are two sets of Daleks.

[Ratcliffe's office]

(Ratcliffe and his men drive into the yard with the casket on the back of the lorry. Ratcliffe goes to his office.)

RATCLIFFE: We have the Hand of Omega. It's out in the yard.
COMPUTER: Excellent.
RATCLIFFE: Good. I'll tell my man. After all, he found it.

[School corridor]

ALLISON: Mike? There's a phone call for you in the Headmaster's office.
MIKE: Thanks.

[School yard]

ACE: Professor?
ACE: If this place is so out of the way of the action, what are we doing here?
DOCTOR: Keeping an eye on Group Captain Chunky Gilmore. Although why his men call him Chunky, I've no idea.

(They walk past a machine gun emplacement being built out of sandbags.)

[School corridor]

ACE: They're really going for it.
DOCTOR: That's the general idea. I want to keep the military fully occupied and out of the way.
ACE: Out of the way of what? Oh, Professor, you promised me, remember?

(They start up the stairs.)


DOCTOR: A long time ago, on my home planet of Gallifrey, there lived a stellar engineer called Omega.
ACE: Stellar? As in stars? You mean he engineered stars?
ACE: Sorry. Go on.
DOCTOR: It was Omega who created the supernova that was the initial power source for Gallifreyan time travel experiments. He left behind him the basis on which Rassilon founded Time Lord society, and he left behind the Hand of Omega.
ACE: His hand? What good was that?
DOCTOR: No, no, not his hand literally. No, no, it's called that because Time Lords have an infinite capacity for pretension.
ACE: I've noticed that.
DOCTOR: The Hand of Omega is a mythical name for Omega's remote stellar manipulator, a device used to customise stars with. And didn't we have trouble with the prototype.
ACE: We?
ACE: And the Daleks want it so they can recreate the time travel experiments? But you said that both Dalek factions can already travel in time.
DOCTOR: Oh yes, Daleks have got time corridor technology, but it's very crude and nasty. What they want is the power that Time Lords have, and they'll get that with the Hand of Omega, or so they think.
ACE: And you have to try and stop them.
DOCTOR: No, Ace, I want them to have it.
ACE: Eh?
DOCTOR: My problem is trying to stop Group Captain Gilmore and his men getting diced in the crossfire.
ACE: So, all this is
DOCTOR: A massive deception, yes.
ACE: Oh, well devious. So the Daleks grab the Hand of Omega and go, and no one gets hurt. Brilliant.
DOCTOR: Just one thing.
ACE: What?
DOCTOR: I didn't expect two Dalek factions, and now I've got to make sure the wrong ones don't get their grubby little protuberances on it.
ACE: Shouldn't we take Mike?
DOCTOR: No. Dalek hunting is a terminal pastime.
ACE: So what are we doing?
DOCTOR: Dalek hunting.

[Ratcliffe's yard]

(A Black Dalek watches Ratcliffe's men take the casket off the lorry and inside.)

BLACK: Advance.

(Grey Daleks follow it.)

BLACK: Stay where you are.

[Ratcliffe's office]

RATCLIFFE: It's been a long and difficult struggle for myself and my men. Now we can afford to relax and reap the rewards. As I said, people need a firm hand. It's in their nature. They feel more comfortable with a strong leader, someone who knows when to be lenient and when to be harsh.

(Dalek weapon fire outside. Ratcliffe rushes out to see his men dying, then runs back in.)

RATCLIFFE: What have you done to those men? They were on our side!
COMPUTER: You are a slave, Ratcliffe.

(The controller turns round and remove the helmet.)

GIRL: You were born to serve the Daleks.

(Ratcliffe's jaw hits the floor.)

BLACK: Patrol the area until the time controller is operational.
GREYS: We obey.
BLACK: You will obey the Daleks or you will be exterminated. Activate the time controller.

(The girl goes to Ratcliffe's desk and opens the bottom drawer. It contains a large globe on a base. She runs her hands over the globe, generating electricity inside it.)

GIRL: Time controller activated. Calculating coordinates.
BLACK: You will come with us.

[Outside Ratcliffe's yard]

(The grey Daleks trundle down the street as the Doctor and Ace hide behind a parked car.)

DOCTOR: This way.

(They dash through a door as another grey Dalek comes out and heads off.)

DOCTOR: The main staging area must be in that warehouse.
ACE: Are we going to have a look?
DOCTOR: Might as well.

[School corridor]

MIKE: I've checked the whole building, sir. There's no sign of Ace or the Doctor.
GILMORE: Right, deploy lookouts, take a squad and sweep the area. I want the Doctor found and brought back here.
MIKE: Yes, sir. Okay, men, follow me.
GILMORE: You two, follow me.

(Rachel and Allison snap to attention and obey.)

[Ratcliffe's yard]

(The Doctor and Ace sneak in and he checks the fallen men.)

DOCTOR: Daleks.

(The casket mutters on its pallet. He goes to soothe it.)

DOCTOR: Be quiet.
ACE: Is that it?
DOCTOR: The Hand of Omega's inside this box. The most powerful and sophisticated remote stellar control manipulator device ever constructed.
ACE: Are you sure you want the Daleks to have it?
DOCTOR: Absolutely. You know what you've got to do, don't you?

(The Hand chirps its reply.)

DOCTOR: Yes, of course you do.
ACE: Is it alive?
DOCTOR: In a manner of speaking, yes.

[Ratcliffe's office]

(The Dalek chair is unoccupied.)

ACE: What is it?
DOCTOR: Some kind of biomechanoid control system, for a small human. Of course, it's a battle computer!
ACE: But why would a human need to sit in it?

(Ace sits in the seat and the Doctor pulls her out.)

DOCTOR: The Dalek's major drawback is their dependency on rationality and logic. The solution? Get a human, preferably young, imaginative, plug the child into the system, and their ingenuity and creativity are slaved to the battle computer.
ACE: That's well boggling.
DOCTOR: It's obscene. Ah, now for the time controller.
ACE: Hey, is this it?

(The Doctor slaps Ace's hands off the electrostatic globe.)

ACE: What is it?
DOCTOR: It's a device the renegade Daleks use to travel through time. They've come a long way.

(The globe switches off.)

ACE: Have you busted it?
DOCTOR: No, no, no, I don't want to lumber Earth with a load of desperate Daleks. I've merely put it out of phase. They'll be able to fix it, but it'll slow them down.

(The Doctor stretches out his arm and magically produces a calling card, which he puts onto the time controller.)

RATCLIFFE [OC]: What are you going to do to me?
BLACK [OC]: Remain silent.

(The Doctor and Ace run and hide behind a rack in the store room. The girl leads Ratcliffe and the Black Dalek into the office.)

GIRL: The time controller has been disabled!
BLACK: Instruct all Daleks to seek and destroy the intruder.

(The girl holds up the Doctor's calling card - Gallifreyan characters, a black seal and a gold question mark.)

BLACK: Exterminate the Doctor! Crush all resistance!
GIRL: I obey.

(She goes to the battle computer, sits in the seat and pulls the helmet down over her head.)


(The Doctor and Ace make their escape from the yard and run round the corner to hide behind a workman's hut as a grey Dalek trundles past.)

ACE: Why didn't you just run off with the Hand of Omega and give it to the other Daleks?
DOCTOR: With a bit of luck, the Imperial Daleks will wipe out the renegade faction. Besides, I can't just roll up and give it to them. They get suspicious.
ACE: Suspicious of what? You still haven't told me w
DOCTOR: Shush!

(The Dalek returns so they hide inside the canvas hut. The Doctor stifles a sneeze as it circles, then they run off in the direction of the Kings Arms.)

[Outside Coal Hill School]

MIKE: All right, follow me and keep your eyes peeled for Ace and the Doctor. Move.

[Outside the TARDIS]

(The Doctor and Ace come running down the street.)

ACE: Hey, Doctor!
ACE: Couldn't we just get in
DOCTOR: No, no, no, we've got work to do. Anyway, here come the military.
MIKE: Where've you been?
DOCTOR: Dalek hunting. Now it's the other way around. Is Gilmore back at the school?
MIKE: Yes.
DOCTOR: Good. We'll go back and smooth his troubled brow.
MIKE: Ace, when we're finished with this lot, do you fancy going to the pictures?
ACE: You're confident. Why, what's on?
MIKE: I don't know.
ACE: Doesn't matter. I've probably seen it on television anyway.
MIKE: Huh? Daleks! Move it!

(They make it back into the school yard just before the grey Dalek opens fire.)

[School corridor]

(The Doctor staggers in, breathless.)

GILMORE: Well, Doctor, I trust your little jaunt was successful.
DOCTOR: Moderately so. I'm afraid we've brought back some Daleks with us.
MIKE: I don't get it. They've got the Hand of Omega. Why don't they just leave?
DOCTOR: How did you know that, Sergeant?
MIKE: Ace told me.
ACE: You toe rag. You lying dirty scumbag.
DOCTOR: It can wait.
ACE: You're finished. He's a grass, a dirty stinking grass! He's selling us out to the Daleks!

(The Doctor drags Ace up the stairs.)

GILMORE: What's going on, Sergeant? What are they talking about?
MIKE: I didn't know it was the Daleks, sir.

(Mike is escorted away. Outside, the machine gun nest is under attack. It doesn't last long.)

[Ratcliffe's office]

(The little girl is still plugged into the battle computer.)

COMPUTER: Imperial Dalek shuttlecraft entering atmosphere.
BLACK: We must defend the Hand of Omega. Withdraw all units. Return to base immediately.

[School yard]

COMPUTER [OC]: Battle computer to all units. Withdraw immediately.
DALEK: Return to base.

[School science lab]

(Ace is watching from the lab window.)

ACE: They're retreating, all of them. Wimps!

(Rachel enters.)

RACHEL: Doctor, we've had a report of a radar contact.
DOCTOR: On a re-entry curve from low orbit?
DOCTOR: That'll be the Imperial Dalek shuttlecraft.
GILMORE: What? They're not landing a spaceship here.
DOCTOR: Here? No. We're much too far from the main action.

(There is the sound of landing jets outside.)

RACHEL: You're sure?
ACE: Cor!
DOCTOR: Ace, get away from the window! Down!

(As the shuttlecraft descends onto the schoolyard, the windows shatter.)

DOCTOR: I think I might have miscalculated.
Part Four

[School playground]

(The shuttlecraft has planted itself neatly on the existing scorch marks. A hatch opens and a cream and gold Dalek leads its companions out.)

DALEK: Advance. We must capture the Hand of Omega from renegade Dalek faction. Proceed to area two five zero six immediately.

[School science lab]

GILMORE: Right, out of here. Everybody downstairs.

(Rachel, Allison and Ace leave. Gilmore joins the Doctor at the shattered window.)

GILMORE: Is that the mothership?
DOCTOR: No, that's a shuttle. The mothership's much larger. Are you willing to cooperate with me now?
GILMORE: Do I have a choice?
DOCTOR: Well, you could go down there and make a gloriously futile gesture, yes.
GILMORE: What do we do?
DOCTOR: A little bit of piracy.

[School corridor]

MIKE: Ace.
ACE: Go away.
MIKE: Ace, I didn't know it was the Daleks. I was just doing Mister Ratcliffe a favour.
ACE: Do me a favour and drown yourself.
MIKE: I thought it was the right thing. Mister Ratcliffe had such great plans. Ace, I never really wanted to hurt anybody. It's just you have to protect your own, keep the outsiders out just that your own people can have a fair chance.
ACE: I said shut up! You've betrayed the Doctor, you betrayed me. I trusted you. I even liked you, and all you

(Ace runs off. Gilmore comes down the stairs with a Sergeant.)

GILMORE: Sergeant Smith.
MIKE: Sir.
GILMORE: Attention! I'm placing you under close arrest under suspicion of offences contrary to the Official Secrets Act.
MIKE: Yes, sir.


DALEK: Scout seven reporting area two five zero nine clear.

(The Imperial Daleks get ambushed by a pair of renegades. They are all lousy shots, but eventually an Imperial gets destroyed.)

DALEK: Retreat! Squad Delta under attack from renegade Daleks. Retreat!


DALEK: Mothership bridge to shuttle force controller. Receiving your signal.
EMPEROR: We must recover the Hand of Omega without delay.
DALEK: Shuttle force has encountered heavy resistance from renegade Daleks.
EMPEROR: Order Special Weapons Dalek into position.

(An even more heavily armoured Dalek with no vulnerable eyepiece and one big gun rolls down the road. It obliterates a grey Dalek with its first shot.)

[School science lab]

(The Doctor uses a rope to lasso one of the shuttle's antenna. Gilmore ties the end off.)

ALLISON: Why are we doing this?
DOCTOR: Elementary piracy, my dear Allison. Dalek shuttles have massive ground defences and an unguarded service hatch on top. Now once I'm down there, I'll attempt to open that hatch. Ace, you come after, then Gilmore, followed by Allison and Rachel. Any questions? No? Good.

(The Doctor uses his umbrella to slide down the rope to the top of the shuttle. He kicks in the hatch.)

[Imperial shuttlecraft]

(The pilot Dalek is physically fastened to the controls through connections where its plunger and weapon ought to be.)

DALEK: Emergency! Emergency! Unable to disengage from control position.

(The Doctor grabs some fibre optic cables from the control panel.)

DALEK: Humans on the bridge.

(The Doctor puts his hat over its eyepiece.)

DOCTOR: I'm not human.
DALEK: You are the Doctor.
DALEK: You are the enemy of the Daleks.
DOCTOR: Correct.
DALEK: You must be exterminat

(The Dalek is switched off. The Doctor retrieves his hat.)

DOCTOR: Goodbye.

(He closes the access hatch in the floor and goes to the open one.)

DOCTOR: You can come down now!

[School cellar]

MIKE: Yeah.
CORPORAL: Come on, Sarge.

(Mike attacks his guard and escapes.)

[Imperial shuttlecraft]

(Everyone is on board.)

ACE: What did you do to it?
DOCTOR: I shorted it out. Daleks are such boring conversationalists.

(The Doctor retrieves the Dalek's plunger from its storage box at its back.)

RACHEL: It's very functional.
DOCTOR: Yes, they're not known for their aesthetic sense. Let's see what they were up to.

(He uses the plunger to operate some controls. A star map lights up.)

DOCTOR: Ah, the planet Skaro. So, the Daleks are returning to their ancestral seat. I think we've seen enough. Time to leave. Er, get off the grill.

(He opens the floor hatch.)

DOCTOR: We'll go back through the playground.
ALLISON: What about the massive ground defences?
DOCTOR: Oh, I've turned those off. Come on, jump.

(Allison jumps.)

[Ratcliffe's yard]

(Mike enters the yard. The gates swing closed behind him to reveal two renegade Daleks.)

DALEK: Exterminate.
DALEK 2: Exterminate.
MIKE: No, no, don't. Look, I have a message for Ratcliffe. Understand? A message for Mister Ratcliffe.
DALEK: You are my prisoner. You will obey all instructions or you will be exterminated.
MIKE: You said it, mate.

[School yard]

(Allison, Rachel, Gilmore, Ace and the Doctor exit the shuttlecraft. The hatch shuts on the Doctor's umbrella and he struggles to free it.)

DOCTOR: I rigged the communications relay to the shuttle control system. We can monitor the Daleks on the transmat in the cellar.
ACE: You can't do that. You mashed up the transmat, remember?
DOCTOR: I can do anything I like!

(He finally pulls his umbrella free and stalks off.)

[Ratcliffe's office]

BLACK: Kneel!

(Ratcliffe and Mike obey.)

GIRL: Repairs on time controller almost complete.
BLACK: Good.
RATCLIFFE: (sotto) Without that thing, they're stuck here. Someone in possession of that would have something to bargain with.
MIKE: For what, our lives?
RATCLIFFE: Nothing so mundane. If we get that, we can demand anything.
MIKE: You never give up, do you.

[School corridor]

(The unfortunate Corporal who had been guarding Mike staggers upstairs.)

ALLISON: What happened?
CORPORAL: Sergeant Smith.
RACHEL: Is he all right?
ALLISON: I've no idea, I'm a physicist.
DOCTOR: He'll be fine. Rachel and Allison, I need your help.
RACHEL: Sorry?
ALLISON: He said he needed our help.
RACHEL: That's what I thought he said. Get your hands off his scalp and come on.
GILMORE: You all right, Corporal?
GILMORE: Come with me. We'll search the building.

[Ratcliffe's yard]

(The girl carries the globe out.)

GIRL: Time controller repaired and ready.

(She places it next to the casket.)

GIRL: Departure imminent.
BLACK: Destroy human captives.

(Just then, the Imperial Special Weapon Dalek blasts the yard gates to splinters. The Dalek war begins.)


(Ratcliffe grabs the time controller and runs up the exterior staircase after Mike.)

BLACK: Recover the time controller.

(The girl follows and zaps Ratcliffe with electricity from her hands. Mike grabs the time controller before he dies and gets inside. The girl follows. The Black Dalek withdraws to the store room and leaves the grey Daleks to fight it out with the Imperials and the Special Weapons Daleks. It is hardly a fair match.)

[School cellar]

RACHEL: When he said he needed our help, I had hoped it meant more in a technical area.
ALLISON: It was a vain hope.
DOCTOR: Ah, you brought it then. Put it down there.

(Rachel and Allison put down the television they had struggled down the stairs with.)

RACHEL: Now, Doctor, will you please answer one question?
RACHEL: Why are two Dalek factions fighting each other.
ACE: It's simple, isn't it. Renegade Daleks are blobs.
DOCTOR: Blobs?
ACE: Imperial Daleks are bionic blobs with bits added. You can tell that Daleks are into racial purity. So, one lot of Daleks reckon the other lot of blobs are too different. They're mutants. Not pure in their blobbiness.
DOCTOR: Result?
ACE: They hate each other's chromosomes. War to the death.

(The Doctor disentangles himself from the fibre optics of the transmat.)

DOCTOR: Well, er, Ace, let's go and see which blobs are winning.
ALLISON: Doctor, how do you do that?
DOCTOR: Do what?
ALLISON: How do you just rewire a piece of alien machinery?
DOCTOR: It's easy when you have nine hundred years experience.


DALEK: Force leader has recovered the Hand of Omega.
EMPEROR: Excellent. Order all forces to make immediate withdrawal.

(The Imperial Daleks leave Ratcliffe's yard, with the casket gliding behind them. Mike comes out of hiding and goes back down the staircase past Ratcliffe's body, carrying the time controller.)

[Outside Ratcliffe's yard]

(The Doctor and Ace have been hiding behind that gate again.)

ACE: It's Mike.
DOCTOR: He's got the time controller. Typical human. You can always count on them to mess things up. Get after him. Stay with him. See where he's going.
ACE: Right.
DOCTOR: Oh, Ace.
ACE: What?
DOCTOR: No heroics. I've got enough problems already.
ACE: Trust me.


EMPEROR: Prepare to place the Hand of Omega into the control circuit.
DALEK: I obey.

(The casket glides into the shuttlecraft.)

[School cellar]

ALLISON: What are you going to do after all this is over?
RACHEL: Retire to Cambridge and write my memoirs.
GILMORE [OC]: Professor!
RACHEL: Subject to security vetting, of course.
GILMORE: The shuttle seems to be leaving.
ALLISON: Good riddance to bad rubbish.


(The shuttlecraft takes off with a lot less damage than when it landed. The Doctor stands next the TARDIS and waves it goodbye. Ace also sees it fly away.)

ACE: Oh, wicked.

(The little girls skips along.)

[School cellar]

GILMORE: Well, Doctor, are we out of the woods?
DOCTOR: Provided everything goes according to my plan.
ALLISON: I, er, I don't suppose you could let us know what your plan is?
DOCTOR: It's a surprise.
RACHEL: Good. I love surprises.


DALEK: Prepare for shuttle docking.
EMPEROR: Lock the Hand of Omega into the control circuit.
DALEK: Omega device is now locked in and running.

[School cellar]

(The Doctor plugs a camera and microphone into the television and transmat.)

DOCTOR: How do I look? Don't answer. Do you mind? You're in my shot.

(He switches on the television set.)

DOCTOR: Hello, hello, hello? Dalek mothership, come in please. Come in, please.

(A grainy image of the Emperor Dalek appears on the television screen.)

DOCTOR: Ah, there you are. This is the Doctor, President Elect of the High Council of Time Lords, Keeper of the legacy of Rassilon, Defender of the Laws of Time, Protector of Gallifrey. I call upon you to surrender the Hand of Omega and return to your customary time and place.


EMPEROR: Ah, Doctor. You have changed again. Your appearance is as inconstant as your intelligence. You have confounded me for the last time!

(The Emperor's dome swings up to reveal -.)

DOCTOR [on screen]: Davros. I should have known. I see you've discarded the last vestige of your human form. Still no improvement.
DAVROS: Save your insults for the weak-minded, Doctor.
DOCTOR [on screen]: Will you return the Hand of Omega or not?
DAVROS: Are you threatening me? If so, it is most unwise.
DOCTOR [on screen]: Every time our paths have crossed, I have defeated you.

(Davros makes a gurgling sound that is supposed to be a laugh.)

DAVROS: You flatter yourself, Doctor. In the end, you are merely another Time Lord.

[School cellar]

DOCTOR: Oh, Davros, I am far more than just another Time Lord.

[Boarding house - front room]

(Ace lets herself in with the latch key and goes into the front room. Mike is waiting with a gun.)

MIKE: Hello, Ace.
ACE: Would you really shoot me?
MIKE: If I had to.
ACE: You might have to.


DOCTOR [on screen]: Davros, the Hand of Omega is not to be trifled with.
DAVROS: I think I am quite capable of handling the technology.
DOCTOR [on screen]: I sincerely doubt that.
DAVROS: Does it worry you, Doctor, that with it I will transform Skaro's sun into a source of unimaginable power? And with that power at my disposal, the Daleks shall sweep away Gallifrey and its impotent quorum of Time Lords!

[School cellar]

DAVROS [on screen]: The Daleks shall become Lords of Time! We shall become all
DOCTOR: Powerful. Crush the lesser races. Conquer the galaxy. Unimaginable power. Unlimited rice pudding, et cetera, et cetera.
DAVROS [on screen]: Do not anger me, Doctor. I can destroy you and this miserable, insignificant planet.
DOCTOR: Oh, wonderful. What power, what brilliance. You can wipe out the odd civilisation, enslave the occasional culture, but it still won't detract from the basic fundamental truth of your own impotence!
RACHEL: Careful, Doctor.
DOCTOR: (covers the microphone) Don't worry, I know what I'm doing.


DAVROS: I will teach you the folly of your words, Doctor. I will destroy you and demonstrate the power of the Daleks!
DOCTOR [on screen]: Davros, I beg of you, don't use the Hand.
DAVROS: Ah, Doctor, now you begin to fear.
DOCTOR [on screen]: You're making a grave mistake.
DAVROS: Activate the Omega device!
DALEK: Omega device activated.

(A little star flies out of the Mothership.)

DALEK 2: Plotting course to home planet Skaro.
DAVROS: Now the Daleks shall become the Lords of Time!
DALEK 2: Entering Skaro time zone. First stage expansion. Primary neutrino release.
DALEK: Core collapse instigated.
DALEK 2: Danger! Instability! Reaction out of control.
DAVROS: No, this cannot be correct!
DALEK: Home planet Skaro about to vapourise.

(The Hand leaves the system as the star goes supernova and takes the planets with it.)

DAVROS: You have tricked me!
DOCTOR [on screen]: No, Davros. You tricked yourself.
DALEK 2: Omega device returning.
DALEK: Impact minus twenty five.
DOCTOR [on screen]: Do you think I would let you have control of the Hand of Omega?
DAVROS: Do not do this, I beg of you.
DOCTOR [on screen]: Nothing can stop it now.
DAVROS: Have pity on me.
DOCTOR [on screen]: I have pity for you.
DALEK: Fifteen.
DOCTOR [on screen]: Goodbye, Davros. It hasn't been pleasant.

(The Doctor turns off the transmission. Davros lowers the Emperor's dome and backs off the bridge.)

DALEK: Emperor abandoning bridge.
DALEK 2: Eight, seven
DALEK: Emperor activating escape pod.
DALEK 2: Four, three
DALEK: Escape pod leaving mothership.
DALEK 2: Two, one.

(The Hand slams into the mothership. KaBOOM.)

[School cellar]

RACHEL: What happened?
DOCTOR: I programmed the Hand of Omega to fly into Skaro's sun and turn it supernova.
GILMORE: Super what?
ALLISON: He blew it up.
DOCTOR: The resulting explosion destroyed Skaro, and the feedback destroyed the mothership. The Hand of Omega is now returning to Gallifrey.

[Boarding house - front room]

(The doorbell rings.)

MIKE: You stay there.
ACE: It might be the Doctor. Put the gun down, Mike. It's too late for that. Come on, Mike, who are you going to shoot with it, anyway?
MIKE: Just stay there.

(He goes and opens the front door. It is the little girl. She zaps him and he is thrown back onto the staircase, dead.)

[Outside Ratcliffe's yard]

(The Black Dalek is in the street when the Doctor and Gilmore arrive in Red 4 from one direction, and the RAF lorry comes from the other.)

GILMORE: This is the last Dalek left. I'll call for reinforcements.
DOCTOR: Not this time. I started this.

(The Doctor gets out of the van as the little girl enters the front room and smiles at Ace. He walks down the street towards the Dalek.)

DOCTOR: Dalek, you have been defeated. Surrender. You have failed.
BLACK: Insufficient data.
DOCTOR: Your forces are destroyed. Your home planet a burnt cinder circling a dead sun.
BLACK: There is no data.
DOCTOR: Even Davros, your creator, is dead.

(Ace ducks just in time for the little girl to miss her and smash the mirror instead.)

DOCTOR: You have no superiors, no inferiors, no reinforcement, no hope, no rescue.
BLACK: You are lying. There is insufficient data.
DOCTOR: You're trapped a trillion miles and a thousand years from a disintegrated home.

(The Black Dalek starts twirling around, groaning.)

BLACK: Out of control!
DOCTOR: I have defeated you. You no longer serve any purpose.
BLACK: Cannot compute. Unstable.

(The little girl grabs her head and starts swinging back and forth, squealing.)

BLACK: Unstable.

(The Black Dalek atomises gently.)

[Boarding house - front room]

(The little girl collapses. Ace comes out from behind the sofa to pick her up and hug her.)

ACE: It's all right. Don't worry. It's all over now.

[Outside Ratcliffe's yard]

(The Doctor prods the smoking remains of the Black Dalek.)

DOCTOR: Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.


(The chapel bell tolls and an organ plays as a coffin is carried in for the service. Group Captain Gilmore escorts Mrs Smith, with Allison and Rachel behind. The Doctor stops Ace at the threshold.)

DOCTOR: Time to leave.
ACE: Yes. Doctor?
ACE: We did good, didn't we?
DOCTOR: Perhaps. Time will tell. It always does.

Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.

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Signal Strength: 50%

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Also featuring:

Black Dalek Leader