Stories Audio Drama The Third Doctor Adventures The Third Doctor Adventures Episode: 1 2 Prisoners of the Lake 1 image Overview Characters How to Listen Reviews 4 Statistics Quotes Overview Released Wednesday, September 2, 2015 Written by Justin Richards Runtime 110 minutes Time Travel Present Location (Potential Spoilers!) Dunstanton Lake, Earth, England Synopsis Captain Mike Yates is investigating the disappearance of artefacts from an archaeological site deep below Dunstanton Lake. It's hardly a job for UNIT. But when the team discover a mysterious ancient structure buried deep underwater, all that changes. When chief archaeologist Freda Mattingly ventures inside, she soon realises that her skills do not begin to equip her to deal with what she finds. As an ancient menace begins to stir the Doctor, Jo Grant and Mike Yates must dive down to the lake bed and discover the secrets hidden there. Secrets that could mean the end of all life on Earth... Listen Listened Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Third Doctor Jo Grant Chief Dastron Dastrons Mike Yates The Brigadier UNIT Show All Characters (7) How to listen to Prisoners of the Lake: Big Finish Audio The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 1 Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 4 reviews 6 February 2025 · 263 words Review by AgentOfHell Very welming. Not overwhelmed or under really. Just a basic bare bones story. A safe bet for the first 3rd Doctor Audio story. Katy and Richard have done BF audios before in companion Chronicals so they are the most natural thing about it. Tim was still (unfortunately) still finding his footing, not to say he didn't do a bad job whatsoever. As impressions go it was more of using Jon Pertwee's way of talking than a genuine embodiment of the character. Katy does amazing as always, she's been voice acting for Doctor Who longer than she was ever an actor on board so its nearly a home away from home for her on this story. She probably is the most natural, playing a character she's made for decades. Richard is... Sorry to say, bland as usual. He adds no real flair to Yates. Yes he's old really but he must remember how to play his own character, feels like he's just reading off the pages than actually living in them. Playing a part. Granted I've never really been a fan of his VA scenes, its just bland. Regardless is is just a welmed story I say. Felt like a fanfiction in the best way. All the characters are safely written. Expectations adverted but the two plots sorta clashed near the end. Like they weren't entirely sure how to get what they needed done so they added the mini B plot in last minute. Not to say it was bad but it was ultimately a bit men save for the spots it was relevant. AgentOfHell View profile Like Liked 0 24 November 2024 · 23 words Review by Rock_Angel 1 It’s an okay start to the range but damn is the narration a little jarring knowing the rest aren’t like that Rock_Angel View profile Like Liked 1 9 May 2024 · 69 words Review by Allowableman2 There's nothing wrong with Prisoners of the Lake; it's an enjoyable enough story on its own, but it's a very typical story of the Pertwee Era. Treloar does a relatively good job portraying Pertwee's Doctor; Katy Manning is also good here as Jo Grant, with her loyalty to the Doctor on full display and her bravery and competence. Mike Yates is present as well, and he's well-written and well-played. Allowableman2 View profile Like Liked 0 29 April 2024 · 132 words Review by deltaandthebannermen A fun romp which fits really well into the Pertwee/UNIT era. Tim Treloar is very convincing as the Third Doctor, although I do wish Katy Manning would understand that she sounds more convincingly young when she doesn't try so hard. The set up - an alien stone spaceship at the bottom of the lake - is a good conceit but the script does end up just jumping back and forth between the ship and dry land for most of episodes 2-4 making it end up a bit repetitive. It's a good guest cast though which holds the interest and, as someone who wasn't convinced the Third Doctor Adventures would necessarily be for him, as not being a huge fan of that TV era, I do now anticipate more from this series. deltaandthebannermen View profile Like Liked 0 Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating58 members 2.91 / 5 The Time Scales AVG. Rating81 votes 3.50 / 5 Member Statistics Listened 105 Favourited 1 Reviewed 4 Saved 2 Skipped 0 Owned 5 Quotes Add Quote Submit a Quote