Stories Audio Drama Big Finish Main Range 201-275 Main Range Episode 271 Plight of the Pimpernel 1 image Back to Story Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 1 review 23 October 2024 · 202 words Review by thedefinitearticle63 Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order. Previous Story: Brightly Shone The Moon That Night Really enjoyed this one, it has so many things going for it that it's hard not to. It starts off as a really fun pseudo-historical, I thought it was gonna stay like that for the entire story. I also thought it would be set in France more, something in the vein of Reign of Terror. None of these predictions were correct as it shifted to a very different story altogether. I almost felt bad for Percy, until the twist happened. That was absolutely the highlight of the story, Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant's sheer outrage at this, especially the former was some brilliant bits of acting. It tapped into that unpredictable and unstable side of 6 from TV where you never know if he's ready to go against his morals or not, without feeling out of character for the Doctor. Those final words from Peri to Percy hit hard, a very poignant end for the story, showing how much Peri cares for the Doctor. Overall a very fun, very dramatic story that I would recommend. Next Story: The Mysterious Planet thedefinitearticle63 View profile Like Liked 1