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Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time!


Benny’s archaeological instincts lead her into another adventure, this time beneath the Eternity Club asteroid, where an unknown threat lurks in the Cloakroom Caverns. The premise is classic Benny—an investigation that begins with curiosity and quickly spirals into chaos. The fun comes from her dynamic with Pym, who spends most of the story in a state of panic, dreading the inevitable dangers of their mission. Benny, meanwhile, does her best to reassure him (and herself) that everything will be fine… despite the ever-mounting evidence to the contrary.


The mystery unfolds as Benny explores the caverns, only to find herself under attack by something truly bizarre—sentient clothing. It’s an offbeat but effectively eerie concept, with the garments behaving like predators, lurking in the shadows before striking. There’s a strong blend of tension and absurdity here, as Benny and Pym scramble to escape an enemy that, on paper, sounds utterly ridiculous—but in execution, manages to be surprisingly unsettling.

There’s plenty of classic adventure tropes at play—captivity, escapes, close calls—but the story remains engaging thanks to the strong character interplay and the mounting sense of something much bigger at work.


Beyond the immediate danger, The Cloakroom Caverns also expands on the wider mysteries surrounding the Eternity Club. Benny starts piecing together why she was drawn to this place in the first place, and how the enigmatic Oldest One might be linked to it all. The balance between standalone adventure and overarching narrative is handled well, ensuring that the episode delivers both an entertaining romp and meaningful progression in the bigger picture.


Please Retain Your Ticket for the Cloakroom is Benny at her best—curious, witty, and always in over her head. The pairing with Pym works brilliantly, and the sentient clothing provides a memorably strange threat. Add in the deepening Eternity Club mystery, and this is another strong entry in her ongoing saga.



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another intriguing development in this series! unfortunately i do know one major spoiler, but that's on me i suppose. really loved the concept of this, totally unexpected.


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This review contains spoilers!

Forget what I said in my first review on The Armageddon Chair. Not everything, but some selective things, like is happening to the characters in this grander Eternity Club story. What I then said about Dorian Gray and doing the big epic even though time is short? How that doesn’t apply here. Forget it! I lied. Had that planned. Totally. I just like to lie in reviews and not actually give my opinion ha ha. Anyways.

A departure from the ‘sitcommy-vibeszz’ that the previous stories more or less kept to. Though that’s not really true either. The first two were enough alike, but the series has actually been very quite diverse so far. Though this story is definitely the largest differentiator yet. Foley goes for Le Big Epic™ in this story. Even if it has arguably the silliest title yet too, even winning from Rhubarb (getoutofmyhead) for me. The story might still start off with that silly premise, and to be honest, if you think about it, conceptually the entire thing is just so silly that that never truly stops, but tonally the fact that life has sprouted in a big cloakroom and the coats are offering our main characters to their cloak-gods by throwing them in a big pool of lava (they’re still in the cloakroom btw) is played completely straight. And not even in a parodic manner. Everything is honestly quite epic, and the message about life is honest and pure. It’s just about living clothing.

So yeah, we do start going to the ‘Dorian Gray way’ here. Epic and cool. A feeling like we’re exploring a huge cave where we can encounter everything, and it’s quite nice. Some spelunking, eh?

So like, yeah, nice. That’s what it is. A lot of this adventure is just really nice. But it keeps at being just a really nice adventure. It greatly plays on the character dynamics between Benny and Secretary Pym and improves on them with also that really nice ending moment, and there I go, I said that it’s nice again. The teases of mystery are also really nice. Never goes much beyond that for me though. It’s very good, very solid and imaginative. Just can’t find much more in it like with the others.

I guess I’m missing the irony here? Like on one hand I really appreciate its honesty, and to just be whimsical and have this crazy plot without falling into farce, but I feel like Eternity Club so far has benefited from its satirical tone. But I’m also very happy with this story just like it is exactly because it is so different. Variety is nice. Dang it I said it again.


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Okay this one was fine I think volume 1 over all is stronger but I’m still very much invested in this story


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It's fun seeing shorter stories from Foley. There's his classic eye for big images, but all compressed. The ideas here really work. I like how the mystery of the Oldest Member is clearly not going the obvious route.


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