Stories Television Doctor Who Season 10 Classic Who S10 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 Planet of the Daleks 1 image Back to Story Transcript Needs checking Episode One [The Master's Lair] (The story carries straight on from Frontier in Space. The Doctor has been accidentally shot by the Master, as the Ogrons jolted his arm whilst fleeing from a generated image of the thing they feared most. Now the place is deserted, and the Doctor wakes. He is very weak.) JO: Oh, Doctor, I thought you were dead.DOCTOR: Help me up.JO: Come on. That's it, yes. Careful.DOCTOR: Help me into the TARDIS, Jo.JO: Okay. [TARDIS] DOCTOR: All right, Jo.JO: Careful.DOCTOR: The first thing we've got to do is get out of here. (The TARDIS dematerialises. The Doctor places his hands on two round disc on the console and concentrates.) JO: Doctor, what are you doing?DOCTOR: Telepathic circuits. Sending a message to the Time Lords. I must tell them to. I must, I (The Doctor collapses.) JO: Doctor! (Jo runs over to a wall covered in what appear to be fitted drawers and cupboards. She presses one and a bed slides out.) JO: Come on, come and sit down. Come on. That's it.DOCTOR: Help me off with this.JO: Let me get this. Now just lie back.DOCTOR: Must lie down, Jo.JO: Yes.DOCTOR: Must rest for a while. Must rest. I must rest, Jo.JO: Yes. (Jo dabs at the blood on his forehead.) JO: It's all right.DOCTOR: Now, Jo, now listen to me. I'm liable to sleep for quite some time. Now, if anything happens, anything at all, record it in the log. Record it in the log.JO: Log?DOCTOR: Yes.JO: What log? Doctor, I don't know what you're talking about!DOCTOR: In the log, up there in the locker. (Jo takes what looks like a large cassette tape from a cupboard above the bed.) JO: Doctor? (The Doctor is unconscious. Later, Jo has got changed and freshened up, and returns to the console room to find him delirious.) DOCTOR: Jo! Jo, careful!JO: Doctor?DOCTOR: Jo!JO: Doctor?DOCTOR: Jo!JO: Doctor! (The Doctor goes quite still, so Jo checks his hearts.) JO: Oh, he's so cold. (Jo makes her first log entry.) JO: Shortly after entering the TARDIS, the Doctor fell into a deep coma. His respiration was very shallow and his skin icy to the touch. I could find no trace of pulse or heartbeat, and his breathing apparently ceased. But I've seen the Doctor in this condition once before and he recovered after a sudden rise in temperature. (Something beeps on the TARDIS console and it starts to materialise.) JO: The TARDIS seems to have landed. I suppose the Time Lords are working it by remote control again. I've no idea what the Doctor said to them in his message, or where we are. I just hope that they've brought us somewhere where I can find some help for the Doctor. (Crystals are forming on the Doctor's skin.) JO: Ice! (The Doctor's eyes open.) JO: Doctor! Doctor, you're alive! Doctor? Doctor, I don't know whether you can hear me or not. Both your hearts are beating about oh, about once every ten seconds and your body temperature is somewhere below zero. I'm going outside. I'm going to try and find some help. (Jo goes to the console.) JO: Scanner, scanner. Scanner. That's it. (The scanner shows a lush jungle outside with some stone ruins. Then something squirts liquid onto the scanner obscuring the view.) JO: Doctor? Doctor, I'm going now. I'll be back as soon as I can. [Jungle] (Jo goes outside, and she gets squirted with the liquid which is coming from some of the local flowers. The lower half of the TARDIS has a brown encrustation over it. Jo looks at the standing stones then heads off through the thick vegetation, nervous at the sound of animals that fill the jungle. She is carrying the log recorder, and settles down at the base of a tree to rest. Suddenly the sky becomes very bright.) JO: Things growing in this jungle seem more like animal than plant life. The light is changing. It seems as if it's daybreak. There's a sudden change in temperature. I haven't seen any form of intelligent life except, except those bits of statue by the TARDIS. (Now it is warmer, Jo takes off her raincoat. The back is covered with the encrustation from the plant liquid. She throws it away and moves off. The pitcher plants watch her go, and something we cannot see puffs and pants its way through the bamboo after her.) [TARDIS] DOCTOR: Jo? Jo, where are you? (The Doctor appears completely healed. We can still hear the arum plants squirting liquid at the TARDIS.) DOCTOR: Jo? Jo? (Jo finds some footprints in the soil. She takes off her mittens as she bends down to examine them, and gets squirted. She moves on. The Doctor checks the console.) DOCTOR: That's odd. The atmosphere outside is breathable and yet the automatic oxygen supply is on. [Jungle - landing site] (Jo has put her mittens on again and followed the footprints to a spacecraft. She goes up to a hatch between its two engine exhausts.) JO: Hello? Hello, is anybody there? (She walks along the side of the ship but there are no other visible doorways so she returns to the rear and opens the hatch. The inside is small but tidy with dials on the wall. Up front is a figure in a spacesuit, with cobwebs. She touches it and it tumbles sideways.) [TARDIS] (The TARDIS door does not open. It sounds as if it is blocked by something. Then an alarm sounds and the monitor shows the message 'Automatic Oxygen Supply Exhausted') DOCTOR: I'll just have to use the emergency supply. (The Doctor opens a small wheeled box and opens the valve of the first cylinder. It hisses briefly and stops. He tries the second but that runs out too. The third and final one seems to work properly so he goes to get changed. Then the oxygen runs out of that one too.) [Spaceship] (Jo tries to hide as someone approaches the ship. It is a blond man in a spacesuit with a weapon. He easily finds Jo and brings her into the main compartment. There is a younger man with him.) JO: Who are you?TARON: My name is Taron. (Everyone say Hi! to Bernard Horsfall - again) TARON: This is Vaber.JO: I'm Jo Grant. Do you live here? I mean do you live on this planet?TARON: What are you? Where are you from?JO: Well, I'm from a planet called Earth.VABER: Earth? (Say Hi! to Prentice Hancock, before Space 1999.) JO: You've heard of it?TARON: We've heard of the name.VABER: There is no such place as Earth. It's just a name in our old legends. It doesn't really exist.JO: Believe me, it does!TARON: How did you come here?JO: In the TARDIS.TARON: TARDIS?JO: Well, yes, it's a sort of spaceship.VABER: Are you alone?JO: No. No, I have a friend with me and he's very sick. I was trying to find some help for him. Look, I'm afraid he's dying.VABER: We're not a hospital service.JO: Oh please? Please, you've got to help me.TARON: I'm qualified in space medicine. I'll do what I can.JO: Thank you. I was beginning to think that I'd never find anybody to help me.VABER: You were lucky they didn't find you.JO: They?TARON: Where is this ship of yours, the TARDIS?JO: Well, back through the jungle.TARON: Is it far?JO: Well, no, not far. It's by some bits of statue.VABER: Reference seven?TARON: Yes, yes, yes.JO: Look, come on, I'll take you there, right? (Another blond man in a spacesuit enters.) CODAL: Very near, a patrol.VABER: How many?CODAL: Three or four, headed this way. Who's this?TARON: We have to move.JO: Well, I'm coming with you.TARON: No, we know this jungle now. We can move in it quietly and quickly. You'll be safer if you stay hidden here. (Taron opens a small compartment.) TARON: Get inside. You can work the securer from in there.JO: But I want to come with you.TARON: That would slow us all up. You'd endanger all of us. Don't worry. We'll lead them away from here, lose them in the jungle.JO: Lose who?VABER: Come on! Come on!TARON: We'll do what we can for your friend. I'll come back for you later.JO: Thank you. Please hurry! (The three men move off, weapons ready. Jo shuts herself in the small compartment and watches through the door grill. The spaceship rocks, there is the sound of breathing, and a small object rises up, twists around then goes back to where it was. Then a door opens and items are thrown out onto the floor.) [Jungle] VABER: Which way are they moving?TARON: We're all right. They seem to be staying on the main tracks. There's a few scouts moving independently, but off that way.CODAL: What about the girl?TARON: Oh, she should be all right.VABER: And this friend of hers?TARON: Let's go and find him. (In the spaceship, something tries the handle to Jo's compartment but cannot get in. What might be a fire extinguisher is picked up, examined and put down, then the outer hatch opens and closes and triangular prints appear in the soft soil. Jo comes out of hiding and leaves the spaceship.) [TARDIS] (The scanner now says 'Cabin Atmosphere Unable to Sustain Life'. The Doctor is working under the console.) DOCTOR: All the circuits are in order. The door must be held from the outside. I must get it open. I must get that door open. Got to get the door, got to get that door open. (He staggers to the doors and tries to push.) DOCTOR: That's it. Must get it open. (falls to the floor) Must get it open. Must get, must get, must get. [Jungle - Ruins] (Outside the TARDIS, Vaber and Taron are hacking at the encrustation on the doors while Codal stands guard. The two men are wearing plastic protection from the liquid. The doors swing open and they carry the Doctor out and away from the TARDIS.) TARON: Right, sit him down here. (They take off the plastic hoods and gauntlets.) DOCTOR: Thank you. Thank you very much. How did you find me?TARON: A girl we met.VABER: She told us where you were.DOCTOR: Is she all right?TARON: She should be.VABER: We left her hiding.TARON: Circle round the neighbourhood. See if there's any activity. (Codal leaves.) VABER: What are you staring at?DOCTOR: Oh, I'm sorry, it's just, just that I thought I knew you.VABER: That's not likely.DOCTOR: Where are you from?TARON: A planet, many systems from here.DOCTOR: Skaro! Yes, of course, you're Thals!TARON: How did you know that?DOCTOR: Because I've been to Skaro, that's why.TARON: When?DOCTOR: Oh, many years ago. During the Dalek war.VABER: Dalek war?DOCTOR: Yes.VABER: That's impossible. That was generations ago. You couldn't have been there.DOCTOR: Well, I can assure you that I was.TARON: How?DOCTOR: By travelling through the barriers of time. If you must know, I was with the Thal group when they broke into the Dalek city.TARON: In our legend, there is a being, a figure from another planet who came to Skaro when the Thals were in their greatest peril, in something called a TARDIS. He had three companions with him.DOCTOR: Yes. Barbara, Ian and Susan.VABER: And their leader was called?DOCTOR: The Doctor.TARON: Are you trying to tell us that you are the Doctor?DOCTOR: That's right.VABER: That's nonsense! You've come to spy on us. What are you doing on this planet? Here, of all the planets in the galaxy! Answer!DOCTOR: Now you listen to me, young man. You may have saved my life, and I'm grateful, but that does not give you the right to subject me to an inquisition! (The Doctor wipes something from his cheek.) TARON: Vaber, give me the spray.DOCTOR: What?VABER: Waste our medical supplies?TARON: The spray, Vaber.DOCTOR: What are you doing?TARON: You have been infected by a particularly deadly fungus. Close your eyes. (Taron sprays the Doctor's face.) TARON: They spread their spores in that liquid they've discharged. And the fungus spreads very quickly unless the surface has been specially treated. Turn your hand over. There, that should be all right now.DOCTOR: Now? Why, what would have happened?TARON: Without special treatment it would have spread all over your body.DOCTOR: Ah, that's nice.TARON: Until finally, you'd have been engulfed by it.DOCTOR: Oh. (Jo has returned to the spaceship and is taking off her jacket. She sees a growth on the back of her hand, like the stuff on her raincoat.) VABER: Come on, let's get started.TARON: No. We wait for Codal.DOCTOR: Tell me, what's the name of this planet?VABER: Spiridon. One of the nastiest pieces of space garbage in the ninth system.DOCTOR: Is it inhabited?VABER: Oh, yes. Vegetation that's more like animal life than plant, creatures hostile to everything including themselves and a climate that changes from tropical in the day to sub-freezing in the night.DOCTOR: Any intelligent life form?TARON: Oh, yes. the Spiridons. They're invisible.DOCTOR: Mmm, I'd very much like to see one of them. I mean, I'd very much like to come into contact with one of them.VABER: Don't worry, you will.DOCTOR: You said just now that you were on some sort of mission. May one ask what it is?TARON: No, I can't tell you that. That's top secret.DOCTOR: As you wish. I'm on something of a special mission myself.VABER: Taron, why can't you face it?TARON: Now listenVABER: None of us is ever going to get away from here.TARON: Vaber!VABER: The radio's gone, the ship's damaged, we can't take off. We're on a suicide mission!TARON: It was your choice. Nobody made you come.DOCTOR: Well, whatever it was you came here to do, it must be pretty important.TARON: We think so.DOCTOR: How many are there of you?TARON: There were seven. But our commander was killed on touchdown. And we've lost three others since.DOCTOR: Oh, only three left.TARON: Yeah.DOCTOR: Well, you could make that four if you'd let me help you. Five with Jo Grant.TARON: Thanks. I'll think about it.DOCTOR: You still don't trust me?TARON: Why should I? You come here out of nowhere and then claim to be something out of a legend.DOCTOR: Yes, I see your point. But I am on your side, you know? (Codal returns.) VABER: Anything about?CODAL: No, it seems quiet enough.TARON: You all right now?DOCTOR: Yes, never felt better.TARON: Good, we'll take you to your friend.DOCTOR: That's good.TARON: After that, you're on your own. If you see me signal, dive for cover quickly and don't make a sound. Understood?DOCTOR: Understood. (Jo is lying on the spaceship floor. The fungus has grown half way up her arm.) [Jungle] (Taron signals the group to get down. We hear a vaguely metallic noise.) TARON: It's coming this way. It sounds like it's in trouble. What do you think?VABER: It could be ray exhaustion.CODAL: No, light wave sickness. That's what the others had. (There is a round depression in the ground nearby.) TARON: Do you think it's deactivated?CODAL: Well, we can't be sure.VABER: Let's chance it. (The group moves forward a little.) DOCTOR: Spiridons?CODAL: Here. (Codal hands the Doctor and Taron an aerosol can each.) DOCTOR: What's this? Some kind of weapon?CODAL: A liquid colour spray.TARON: Point it in this direction, press the control on top and you'll see what we're up against. (The two men spray paint into existence -) DOCTOR: Daleks!Episode Two [Jungle] (The Doctor shakes the overgrown pepperpot.) DOCTOR: Motive power nil. Total loss of vision. Sensor plates not functioning, and weaponry deactivated.TARON: You seem to know a good deal about Daleks.DOCTOR: Yes, well I've had cause to. This one's something new. I've never come across Daleks that have mastered invisibility before.VABER: They haven't mastered it, not completely.CODAL: As far as we can tell, they can only stay invisible for very short periods.TARON: Even so, it gives them quite an advantage.DOCTOR: Yes, a terrifying advantage. Have you any idea how they do it?TARON: Codal's our scientist.CODAL: They discovered it by studying the Spiridons. It's an anti-reflecting light wave. Their problem is that to create the energy required, they have to generate fantastic power, so they can't sustain it for very long.DOCTOR: I see.CODAL: I'd like to investigate a bit further. Let's lift off the top so thatDOCTOR: No, don't do that. No, most Daleks have an automatic distress call. Even when they're deactivated, the transmitter may keep functioning.TARON: Thank you, Doctor. Let's go. [Spaceship] (Jo wakes and covers her arm with her jacket, then picks up the log recorder.) JO: My hand and. My hand and my arm are infected by something I can't describe. It's spreading rapidly and my hand is already quite numb. [Jungle] TARON: You wait here, Doctor. Codal and I will scout ahead. We won't be long.DOCTOR: Taron seems very cautious.VABER: Too cautious. Things would be different if Miro was still alive.DOCTOR: Oh? Who is Miro.VABER: Expedition commander. He was killed when we landed.DOCTOR: Oh, I'm sorry. And Taron, who's he?VABER: Spacecraft doctor. Next in seniority so he took command. And a fine mess he's making of it.DOCTOR: Oh, do you think so? I thought he seemed to be doing rather well.VABER: Do you? Three more dead. Nothing achieved. Nothing even planned. He'll go on being cautious until we're all killed.DOCTOR: Well, what do you think he should do?VABER: Oh, we've got explosives and weapons. We could attack the Dalek laboratory and wipe them all out.DOCTOR: How many Daleks are there, do you know?VABER: Well, as far as I know, there's not more than twelve. Just a scientific group, here to try and learn the technique of invisibility. One determined attack and we could destroy them all.DOCTOR: Tell me about these creatures that live here, the Spiridons. Are they invisible at all times?VABER: As far as I know.DOCTOR: Are they working with the Daleks? (A tentacle is moving through the grass.) VABER: I imagine they've been totally subjugated. The usual Dalek technique of rule by terror.DOCTOR: Mass exterminations followed by absolute suppression of the survivors. I know.VABER: I hate all this waiting round. I wish he'd get back and we could get started. (The tentacle closes in on Vaber. Meanwhile, Taron and Codal take cover as a Dalek patrol glides past.) TARON: Probably going out to recover the one we found.CODAL: That's a pity.TARON: Let's check out the area in that direction, then get back to the others.CODAL: Yeah. (As the tentacle closes in on Vaber, the Doctor is checking out the pitcher plants and how they follow movement.) DOCTOR: Fascinating.VABER: The eyeplants?DOCTOR: Mmm.VABER: They've come in very useful.DOCTOR: Oh, how?VABER: They get very agitated whenever an invisible Spiridon comes near them. It's given us a, well, a kind of early warning system. (Vaber cries out. He is entwined in the tentacle.) DOCTOR: Vaber!VABER: Get my knife!DOCTOR: Hang on! Just hang on! I got it! Quickly, your hand. Let go! Let it go! Let it go. (The Doctor severs the tentacle and the plant/animal screams and withdraws it.) TARON: What happened?DOCTOR: Oh, it's all right. Nothing much. Just that some sort of tentacle tried to make a breakfast of our friend here.TARON: Vaber?VABER: I'm all right.TARON: Are you sure?VABER: I said I'm all right! Thanks, Doctor.DOCTOR: My pleasure. Made an interesting little object lesson.VABER: What do you mean?DOCTOR: Well, just that it shows the need for continued caution, I think.VABER: You think I don't know that? I have been here rather longer than you have. But danger's not going to scare me into doing nothing.TARON: Vaber.DOCTOR: There's a considerable difference between courage and reckless stupidity, you know.VABER: If I have to die, I want it to be for a better reason than providing nourishment for a flesh eating tentacle.CODAL: The eye-plants are moving.TARON: It's a Spiridon patrol! Quick, over there. (Meanwhile, Jo leaves the spaceship and collapses. Hearing heavy breathing she goes back into the spaceship, leaving the log recorder on the ground. Once inside she passes out. The Spiridon opens the hatch.) TARON: They're coming closer.DOCTOR: Unless they change direction, they're bound to find us.VABER: Why wait? We're well armed. Let's attack now.TARON: Don't be stupid. There could be dozens of them.CODAL: I'll try and lead them off. (And does so. As he dashes into the bamboo, the Spiridons follow.) TARON: Codal's given us a chance. Let's not waste it! (Codal is caught by the Spiridons, his arms pulled behind his back. Then he is hit over the head with a piece of wood.) [Jungle - landing site] (The Doctor finds the log recorder on the ground.) TARON: There's our ship. Your friend's inside.DOCTOR: Thank you.VABER: Wait, something moving other side of the clearing.TARON: Where? Quick, get through there. (The men take cover behind some vegetation and the Dalek patrol enters.) DALEK: Primitive spacecraft of type originating on Skaro. Report discovery to command centre.DALEK 2: Dalek patrol two calling command centre. We have located Thal spacecraft. Indicate course of action. (pause) Command centre orders the craft is to be destroyed.DALEK: Position to fire.DOCTOR: But Jo Grant's inside your ship. I've got to do something.TARON: There's nothing you can do.DALEK: Aim.DOCTOR: No! Wait! Wait. Somebody's still in there.DALEK: Save for interrogation. Disable. (The Daleks fire and the Doctor falls, clutching his knees.) DALEK: Proceed as ordered.DOCTOR: No! No!DALEK: Fire. Repeat, full power. (The Daleks set the spacecraft on fire.) DOCTOR: Jo.DALEK: Stand or we will exterminate you now.VABER: We've got to help him.TARON: There's nothing we can do. Nothing.DALEK: Walk! Walk! (The Daleks escort the Doctor away.) TARON: Let's get away from here. [Corridor] (The Doctor is in front of the patrol as they walk along an enclosed corridor with occasional archways. His legs seem to be better now.) DALEK: Wait. (The Dalek summons a lift.) DALEK: Walk. (The Doctor and one Dalek enter. ) [Lift] (The lift goes down.) DALEK: Walk! [Corridor] (There is less light down here. They walk on to a door guarded by another Dalek.) DALEK: Halt. (The door opens.) DALEK: Enter. [Cell] CODAL: Doctor.DOCTOR: Codal. So, they captured you too, did they?CODAL: Where are the others, Taron and Vaber?DOCTOR: Well, they're all right as far as I know. How are you?CODAL: I'm fine. Splitting headache, but I'll survive.DOCTOR: That's good.CODAL: Why didn't they kill us straight away, Doctor?DOCTOR: Oh, I expect they're saving us for interrogation. They'll want to know what we're doing on this planet. You know, what you did back there, leading the searchers away from us, was very courageous.CODAL: I just didn't give myself time to think. If I had, I certainly wouldn't have taken the risk.DOCTOR: Oh, I don't know. I think you're doing yourself rather an injustice there. If you hadn't acted the way you did, we'd have all been captured. They give medals for that sort of bravery.CODAL: Bravery? I've been terrified ever since I landed on this planet. It's different for Taron and Vaber, they're professionals. They've seen action before.DOCTOR: And do you think they're any the less brave because of that?CODAL: They know how to deal with fear. They're used to living close to death. I'm not. I'm a scientist, not an adventurer.DOCTOR: Well, forgive me if I'm wrong, but aren't you a volunteer?CODAL: Yes.DOCTOR: Then you must have known what you were getting into?CODAL: No. None of us did. We're not a warlike people, Doctor. We've only just developed space flight. No one had attempted a voyage of this length before, but every man and woman from my division volunteered. Over six hundred of them. You see, I didn't even have the courage to be the odd man out. What are you laughing at?DOCTOR: Ah, you, my friend. You may be a very brilliant scientist but you have very little understanding of people, particularly yourself. Courage isn't just a matter of not being frightened, you know.CODAL: What is it, then?DOCTOR: It's being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway, just as you did.CODAL: I'm not convinced, but thanks anyway.DOCTOR: Right, well, after that little tutorial on bravery, let's see if we can find a way of getting out of here.CODAL: Escape?DOCTOR: Yes, escape. Well, let's take a look in our pockets and see if we can come up with something that might prove useful. Come on. Turn 'them out. Sonic screwdriver.CODAL: Battery.DOCTOR: Fancy hankie. (TARDIS log recorder.) JO [OC]: Shortly after entering the TARDIS, the Doctor fell into a deep coma.CODAL: Wasn't that the girl we met? Your assistant?DOCTOR: Yes, that's right. She'd gone to fetch help for me. The DaleksCODAL: Took her prisoner?DOCTOR: No, they murdered her.JO [OC]: His respiration was very shallow and his skin icy to the touch. [Cave] (Oh no they didn't. Jo is lying covered by a very purple fake fur as a Spiridon mixes a concoction by pouring it from one wooden bowl to another repeatedly. Jo wakes as the fur is pulled aside and the invisible being speaks.) WESTER: Don't be afraid. I want to help you.JO: What are you doing?WESTER: You've been infected by the fungoids. This will clear it. (The concoction pours onto her arm.) JO: Where are we?WESTER: A cave near the city. I found you unconscious in a spacecraft and brought you here. It was fortunate I found you in time. The machine was destroyed shortly after by the Daleks.JO: Daleks! Daleks here?WESTER: You did not know?JO: Who are you? Why did you help me? There's so much I want to ask you but I don't know where to start, where to begin.WESTER: All in good time. You must rest while the potion is taking effect. When you're feeling better, I'll tell you everything I can. (Jo falls asleep.) [Cell] (The Doctor runs the sonic screwdriver around the edge of the cell door.) DOCTOR: No, that's hopeless. If there's one thing the Daleks are very good at making, that is locks.CODAL: Well, what now? If we can't even get the door open?DOCTOR: Well, we'll just have to start our escape when the door's already open.CODAL: But they'll be a Dalek standing outside.DOCTOR: Yes, exactly. So, we're not trying to deal with a door, we're trying to deal with a Dalek.CODAL: How?DOCTOR: How. That's a very good question. How. Well, there must something here that could prove useful.CODAL: There's nothing that I can see.DOCTOR: Come on, come on. We've got to think of something.CODAL: Well, the one thing we have got is time.DOCTOR: On the contrary, my friend, the Daleks don't intend to let us rot down here, you know. [Control room] (A bevy of Daleks stand on a raised walkway as another enters and goes over to one standing amongst equipment.) LEADER: Report.DALEK: Section three requests that after interrogation, prisoners should be transferred to their laboratory.LEADER: State reasons.DALEK: They are required for experiments of light ray emissions on living tissue.LEADER: Agreed. Next.DALEK: Central control report that only two Thals are still at liberty. Their capture is expected shortly. [Jungle] (Taron and Vaber are checking their small explosives dump, which is safely wrapped in plastic.) TARON: Well, at least these haven't been found, that's something.VABER: There's enough explosive here to take care of fifty Daleks, never mind twelve. Come on, Taron, we'll take a chance, rush the main entrance. If we can make it down that first tunnel, the blast from these will cave in the whole section, bury the Daleks.TARON: And if we don't make it down that tunnel?VABER: Oh, come on, Taron! What's the matter with you? When we came on this mission, you knew there'd be risks. Well let's start taking them!TARON: We make our move when we have a chance of succeeding, not before.VABER: Give me the explosives.TARON: No.VABER: Get them out! I mean it, Taron. I'll kill you if I have to.TARON: That's the only way you'll get them. (Vaber cocks his weapon.) VABER: I mean it. (There's a sound of rushing wind. The two men duck as debris hurtles past them, then there is a series of booms.) TARON: What's that? A spaceship coming in too fast? Burning up. [Cell] DOCTOR: A tiny motor with an electric power source. That's it. Yes. Yes, I'll dismantle the circuitry, reverse the polarity and convert to a low power receiver transmitter with a positive feedback.CODAL: That's right. The Dalek's guidance system functions by means of high frequency radio impulses.DOCTOR: Correct, and if we can jam themCODAL: It should give them quite a headache.DOCTOR: It should give them quite a brainstorm. Give me your screwdriver. [Cave] (Jo is awake and her arm is clean.) WESTER: All trace of the infection has gone. Your arm will be sore for a few days, but that's all.JO: Thank you. I'm very grateful to you. Tell me some more about your planet.WESTER: Before the Daleks invaded, they bombarded the planet with bacteria. Only a handful of my people survived. When the Daleks landed, we could offer no resistance. Those that were left were forced to cooperate with the Daleks.JO: But you don't?WESTER: No. There are a few of us, not many, who do what we can to fight back, and that's little enough.JO: Why did the Daleks invade you? What did they want?WESTER: To master our techniques of invisibility, and they seem very close to doing it.JO: Is there no way of stopping them?WESTER: They're too powerful. I had hoped the aliens from the spacecraft might help us, but there are so few of them. Two more were captured today.JO: You've seen them?WESTER: When they were taken to the city. A tall fair haired man, and later, one with silver hair, also tall, wearing strange clothes.JO: The Doctor! Oh! Where is he?WESTER: You know him?JO: Well, yes. And I thoughtWESTER: He's imprisoned in the city.JO: Well then we must find a way of helping him. Get him out!WESTER: There is no way. The Daleks will interrogate him, and then use him in their experiments. He'd be better off dead. [Jungle] (Taron and Vaber make their way through smoke towards the sound of flames.) VABER: Something moving. (It is a blond Thal woman.) TARON: Rebec! Rebec! Rebec, are you all right?REBEC: I think so. Our flight angle was too steep and we came in too fast. We were lucky to get out alive. All the equipment, the explosives, everything gone.TARON: Are you the only survivor?REBEC: No, Maret and Latep, they're following.TARON: But why did you come?REBEC: Communications intercepted another Dalek space signal. We had to warn you.TARON: Warn us? What about?REBEC: Do you know the strength of the Dalek force here?TARON: Well, it's no more than a dozen.REBEC: The signal we intercepted was to Dalek Supreme Command. It stated that the force assembled on Spiridon was now complete. It gave their numbers. Well, somewhere on this planet there are ten thousand Daleks!Episode Three [Jungle] TARON: Are you fit to move? We must find the others quickly. They're bound to send a patrol to investigate the crash.REBEC: With any luck, they might think there were no survivors. (Vaber brings in two more young men, coughing from the smoke.) TARON: Maret, Latep, are you all right?LATEP: Just shaken. We came down with a bang.MARAT: I'm all right.TARON: Good. We must move. It's not fit to stay here.REBEC: Do you have a plan?TARON: Yes. Yes, I think so.VABER: We'd better get a move on. We haven't got much time. [Outside the city entrance] (Jo and Wester hide in bushes, watching large purple-furred creatures pushing containers through the large doors. Two Daleks stand guard.) JO: Is this the only way into the city?WESTER: Yes.JO: Somehow I've got to find a way of getting past those Dalek guards.WESTER: Even if you could, what would you do once you got in there?JO: Well, find the Doctor and try to rescue him.WESTER: Ah. Those are my people, the Spiridons. The Daleks have made them slaves.JO: But I can see them now.WESTER: You see the furs they wear to protect them from the cold.JO: What are they taking into the city?WESTER: Samples of our vegetation. The Daleks are experimenting with plant-destroying bacteria.JO: Now, if I could hide in one of those bundles.WESTER: You can't risk it.JO: Look, if I got into the city, where's the most likely place they'd be holding the Doctor?WESTER: In the lower levels, most certain. Deep, deep down.JO: I'm going to try it. [Cell] CODAL: Doctor?DOCTOR: Hmm?CODAL: If this jamming device of yours works, we'll have a weapon that we can use against all the Daleks. We can give the lot of them brainstorms.DOCTOR: No, I'm afraid not, Codal. You see, the Daleks armour acts as a sort of shield, so we've got to get in very close. In any case, the effect will only be temporary.CODAL: Well, how long will it last then?DOCTOR: Well, if we're lucky, long enough to get away. That is, ifCODAL: If what?DOCTOR: If it works. [Tunnel entrance] (A small entrance is cut into a rock face with liquid on it. Rebec touches it.) REBEC: It's freezing!TARON: Yeah, it's an allotrope of ice.REBEC: A what?TARON: Well, it's a form of ice that never gets hard. Codal is convinced that the core of this whole planet is a mass of it, because every once in a while the pressure builds up and the whole thing bursts to the surface.REBEC: Like a volcano?TARON: Yeah, but instead of white hot lava, this erupts with molten ice. We've seen it, tremendous explosions. The ice covers the jungle for miles around.MARAT: Are there many of these outlets?TARON: Yes, dozens of them, but this is the nearest one to the city.REBEC: Yes, but why is it important to us?TARON: Ah, well, when they built the city, they used this ice volcano to provide a cooling system. They drove shafts out to meet the natural fissures.MARAT: So if we could find the junctions we could get right inside the city.TARON: That's the theory anyway. Trouble is, we don't know if the shafts will stay wide enough to crawl through and we'll have no idea which tunnel to follow.REBEC: And if the ice erupts when we're in there? (Vaber enters.) VABER: I've left the rest of the explosives in a safe hiding place.TARON: Good.VABER: I've marked the position, just in case. (Vaber gives Taron the map. He then hands it to Marat.) TARON: Switch on your heating units. It's going to be cold in there. You two get started. (Marat and Rebec crawl into the tunnel.) TARON: Vaber, Latep, remember, positions by the main entrance to the city. If we manage to cause a diversion, you attack.VABER: Right. Er, Taron, about what happened, I'mTARON: Forget it. (Taron crawls into the tunnel.) [Cell] DOCTOR: Oh, well, that's it. That's the best that I can do. There's only one thing we need now.CODAL: What's that?DOCTOR: A Dalek to try it out on. [Jungle] (Two fur covered Spiridons leave a container half full of vegetation and go to collect more.) WESTER: Quickly, now. (Jo runs over and gets into the container, covering herself with vegetation. The Spiridons return and start pushing the container away, and into the city.) [Ice tunnel] (The three Thals crawl along on hands and knees. They stop at a junction and Taron hugs Rebec.) REBEC: Oh, it's so cold. My heating unit's turned to maximum but I'm still freezing.MARAT: How far do you think we've come?TARON: It's hard to tell. We should strike one of the cooling ducts soon. (There is a rumbling, cracking noise.) REBEC: What's that?TARON: I don't know. Just keep moving.MARAT: Taron, could be the start of an eruption, couldn't it?TARON: It's possible.MARAT: Then let's get back while we still have time.TARON: No, if it's coming, we're already too late. We've no chance of getting to the surface in time. Our only chance is to strike one of the shafts and quickly! [Control room] (The Spiridons leave the container. A Dalek enters.) DALEK: Attention! The prisoners are to be taken for interrogation immediately.DALEK 2: I obey. [Cell] CODAL: I can hear the lift. There's one coming.DOCTOR: Come sit here. Now remember what I told you. Get in close so that it can't use its blaster, right?CODAL: Right. (The Dalek opens the door and enters.) DALEK: Prisoners will stand. (The Doctor stops Codal from rising. The Dalek moves further into the cell.) DALEK: Prisoners will stand!DOCTOR: Now! (Codal ducks under its 'arm' and holds them upwards while the Doctor goes round the back.) DALEK: Surrender or you will be exterminated!DOCTOR: Hold on! Hold it! (The Doctor puts the log recorder on the Dalek's lid.) DOCTOR: Mind yourself. Hold on to it! Hold on to it! (The Dalek spins round. ) CODAL: I can't!DOCTOR: Hold it! (They are both thrown off as the Dalek continues spinning, screaming. Then it slams into the wall and goes quiet.) CODAL: That little machine of yours has quite an effect.DOCTOR: Had quite an effect. (It has fallen off the Dalek and broken.) DOCTOR: Not any more, I'm afraid. You know, for a man who abhors violence, I must say I took great satisfaction in doing that. Right, let's get on. We may be out of the cell but we're a long way from being free. [Corridor] DOCTOR: Get your gun. (Codal takes his holster from a handy coat stand nearby.) [Control room] (Jo peeks out of the container, then climbs out and hides around the corner just before a silver Dalek enters. A dial on the wall moves towards red.) DALEK: Sensors detect ice eruption is imminent.DALEK 2: Prepare to close all cooling ducts. Activate when scale registers red alert.DALEK: I obey. [Ice tunnel] (Liquid ice starts to enter the tunnel behind the three Thals. Just past a junction, an ice wall cracks and starts to move towards them.) TARON: Back! (They back up to the junction and take the other tunnel.) [Corridor] (Codal and the Doctor pause and listen, then move forward at a junction. A Dalek has done the same and they see each other.) DOCTOR: Back! Back!DALEK: Alert! Alert! Alert! [Control room] DALEK 2: Level seven reports prisoners at liberty!DALEK: Instigate condition of maximum alert. Normal operations will cease.DALEK 2: I obey.DALEK: All Daleks units will report to lower levels. Maximum security search to commence immediately. Locate and destroy prisoners. Locate and destroy! Locate and destroy! Locate and destroy! [Corridor] (Codal and the Doctor get out of the lift on a well light level. They walk forward then spot a Dalek in a recess.) DOCTOR: Back to the lift!DALEK: Halt! Halt!DOCTOR: Back to the lift! (The Dalek fires as the lift door closes.) [Lift] DOCTOR: Well, it's not going up. They must be operating it by remote control. Well, there's only one thing for it, we'll have to go down. (But there is a Dalek waiting there too.) CODAL: Shut the doors! (The Dalek's weapon fire scorches the back wall.) DOCTOR: That was close.CODAL: If they keep driving us down to the lower levels, we'll never get out.DOCTOR: Presumably that's their intention. Still, we haven't much alternative, have we? Let's try another level.CODAL: Let me go first, Doctor. At least I've got this. (a weapon)DOCTOR: Thank you very much. (There are no Daleks waiting on this level. They walk along a corridor and past a grill which the Doctor glances at.) [Ice tunnel] (The liquid ice is coming into the tunnel quite quickly.) REBEC: Look, the shaft! (Taron leads the way up to a grill, and guess who he sees through it.) [Corridor] TARON: Doctor! Codal!DOCTOR: I know it's not the moment to ask how you got in there, but I'd be fascinated to know how.TARON: Help me free this grill! Hurry! The ice is moving up behind us!DOCTOR: Push it up! Use your knife. Right, now lever it down, lever it down. Right, now push! That's it! [Control room] (The dial is well into the red. Jo sneaks out behind the back of the Dalek.) DALEK: Eruption nearing danger peak. All cooling ducts now being closed down. All cooling ducts now being closed down. [Corridor] (Marat is up to his waist in liquid ice as shutters start to close in the corridor wall.) DOCTOR: Doors are closing!TARON: Hold them! Hold them!CODAL: I can't hold it.DOCTOR: You must! Pull! (Suddenly the shutter motor stops and they fly open again.) DOCTOR: Come on. Put your leg here. (Rebec climbs down then Taron and finally Marat.) CODAL: Look! (The shadow of a Dalek appears on the corridor wall.) DOCTOR: Out of here! Quick! Out! Come on, get him out of here! (The Daleks arrive at the open grill just as the liquid ice reaches it and pours out onto them.) [Control room] (The Dalek leaves and Jo comes out of hiding again to test some of the buttons on the control panels. She switches on the intercom.) DALEK [OC]: And prisoners have been driven to level zero. All units will proceed to this level immediately.DALEK 2 [OC]: All ascent areas sealed off. Prisoners now confined to level zero. [Corridor] DOCTOR: Come on.MARAT: You go on, I'll be all right.DOCTOR: Come on, hurry up. The door's going to close. Come on through. Come on, Marat! Marat, come on! Marat! (The door is half closed.) MARAT: No, you get inside!DOCTOR: Come on, Marat!MARAT: Get in!DOCTOR: Marat! (The door closes behind Marat as the Daleks arrive. He fires and gets exterminated.) [Cooling chamber] REBEC: Marat! Marat!TARON: There's nothing we can do. Nothing. (The Doctor adjusts his sonic screwdriver and goes to a control box by the door.) DOCTOR: Right, now cover your eyes. (Buzz, and bang goes the box.) [Corridor] (The door is locked shut. The Daleks have found the map on Marat.) DALEK 2: This was hidden on the prisoner's body.DALEK: This shows where the Thals have concealed their explosives. Take a patrol immediately. Locate explosives and destroy.DALEK 2: I obey.DALEK: Report.DALEK 3: Door mechanism fails to respond.DALEK: Bring cutting equipment. [Cooling chamber] CODAL: Well, they won't open that in a hurry.DOCTOR: Never underestimate the Daleks, Codal. They won't let a little matter of a metal door delay them for long.REBEC: Doctor?DOCTOR: Yes?REBEC: Looks as if all Marat's courage was for nothing. There's no other door.DOCTOR: Oh. I don't know whether I've locked the Daleks out or ourselves in.TARON: Have a look at this. (Large orange slats across the wall.) TARON: What do you make of it?DOCTOR: Well, if it wasn't for the fact that it doesn't make sense, I'd say it was a gigantic refrigeration unit.TARON: Yes, it's big enough to freeze an ocean.DOCTOR: Yes.REBEC: But why? All their cooling needs are taken care of by the ice tunnels. (The Daleks are working on the door. The Doctor stands under a large shaft in the middle of the ceiling.) DOCTOR: What's this?TARON: Well, it's a ventilator shaft. Carries out the hot gases from the unit.DOCTOR: Right, that's it then.TARON: What do you mean? Nobody could climb that.DOCTOR: You're probably right. Nevertheless it does lead up to the surface, doesn't it?CODAL: Shush! Something's happening outside. (A Dalek with a cutting arm has arrived.) TARON: They're cutting through. Doctor? Doctor, they're cutting through the door.DOCTOR: Well, it's pretty obvious they'd do something of the sort.TARON: Well, what are we going to do?DOCTOR: Nothing. When faced with the inevitable, don't waste precious time by resisting it. Now, what would you say the tensile strength of this material is? [Control room] (Jo hides behind the control desk as the Dalek with the map reports to another one.) DALEK: We located the position where the Thals have hidden their explosives. We are to proceed to the area and destroy them. [Cooling chamber] (Everyone is tying a rope to each corner of a large sheet of plastic.) TARON: I wish you'd tell us what the point is of all this, Doctor.CODAL: Well, we're certainly not going to float out of here.DOCTOR: Huh. That's precisely what we are going to do. Come with me, Taron. I want to show you something.TARON: Hurry up, Doctor, it's pretty hot in here.DOCTOR: Yes, exactly, but if we can turn the refrigeration unit up to maximum, the updraft will be hotter and even more powerful. Now look at this. (The Doctor lets go of a piece of paper. It floats upwards.) TARON: So? Hot air rises.DOCTOR: Exactly. And if we can trap enough of it, we might be able to rise with it.TARON: Fantastic. Will it work?DOCTOR: I've no idea. We haven't got much choice.TARON: Let's get on with it. (Meanwhile, the cutting Dalek is has moved on from the vertical to the horizontal, and Jo has followed the Dalek patrol out of the city.) CODAL: Pull your end out.REBEC: Right. (They hold up the plastic as the Doctor turns up the heat. The cutting Dalek is on the second vertical of the doorway.) REBEC: It's beginning to fill. It's rising! Hurry up, Doctor!CODAL: Come on, Doctor!REBEC: Come on!CODAL: Get your rope, Doctor! (The Doctor opens a small inspection hatch in the wall.) [Corridor] (The Dalek finishes cutting.) DALEK: Attack force prepare. Fire power maximum. The prisoners are to be exterminated. [Cooling chamber] (The Doctor is looking down on a huge cavern filled with thousands of Daleks.) TARON: Doctor!CODAL: Come on, Doctor, come on! It's going up!TARON: Come on, Doctor.CODAL: Grab that. (The Doctor puts his foot in the loop on his rope and they all drop to the floor.) DOCTOR: Oh no.CODAL: There's not enough lift to take all our weight. (The Daleks hammer at the cut out in the door.) TARON: Rise, will you? Rise!DOCTOR: Give it time, Taron, give it time.REBEC: It's not going to work! Doctor, it's not going to work!Episode Four [Cooling chamber] DOCTOR: It's lifting! It's beginning to lift! Hang on tight! Hang on!TARON: It's going. (The Daleks finally burst in as their feet disappear up the shaft.) DALEK: Escape from this section is impossible. The prisoners are hiding. Locate and destroy. They are to be exterminated! [Cooling shaft] TARON: How far have we come?DOCTOR: It's hard to tell. Let's hope we're high enough to be out of range. [Cooling chamber] DALEK 2: Prisoners located! Prisoners located! (The Dalek fires upwards.) [Cooling shaft] DOCTOR: Yes, we are out of range. That's a relief. You all right, Rebec?REBEC: I can't stand heights. I daren't look down.TARON: Just keep your eyes closed and hang on tight. You'll be all right.CODAL: Any idea how far to the surface?DOCTOR: Miles, I should think. Don't forget we started at the lowest level of the city. Should be a long, slow haul. [Cooling chamber] DALEK: A patrol will ascend to surface level and proceed immediately to the point where the shaft emerges. Patrol will require to travel at maximum speed to reach the point before prisoners escape. An anti-gravitational disc is to be brought here at once.DALEK: I obey. [Jungle cliff face] (Jo hides amongst the bamboo as the Daleks stop.) DALEK: Explosives located. Assist. (The Dalek with the map moves towards Jo's position, then turns back as the other two remove a rock from in front of the explosives.) DALEK: The explosives are equipped with detonating mechanisms.DALEK 2: We will detonate them here. Activate mechanism.DALEK: All mechanisms primed. The bombs will self-detonate.DALEK 2: We will return to the city. (Pebbles and soil fall down on the Daleks. They leave. Jo goes to the explosives and adjusts the timers. Some more pebbles fall, then a large rock knocks her out.) [Cooling shaft] DOCTOR: You know, after this, I think I must take up hot air ballooning. It really is most exhilarating.REBEC: I'd prefer a rocket to take me off this planet.DOCTOR: Ah, cheer up, my dear. Just you hang on tight. We're perfectly safe. (Except that one corner is tearing above the rope attachment.) [Cooling chamber] DALEK: Anti-gravitational disc in position. Energy level building to lift-off capacity.DALEK 3: Prepare for ascent. (A Dalek trundles up a ramp and onto the disc.) DALEK 2: Lift off. (And up it goes.) [Jungle] DALEK: We are nearing the top of the shaft. Central command reports prisoners still in shaft. (At the cliff face, Jo wakens just as the timer on the third bomb moves into the red. She grabs the other two bombs and runs. The Dalek patrol arrives. KaBOOM!) [Cooling shaft] TARON: Doctor, there's something coming up after us.DOCTOR: Well, its rate of ascent doesn't seem much faster than ours. We should reach the surface before it can catch up with us.REBEC: Doctor, look! (Rebec has spotted the tear.) DOCTOR: The whole thing's going! Get on the side! Hang on! (The Doctor leaps for one of the inspection ladders running up the side of the shaft just at that point.) [Jungle - top of shaft] (The three Thals climb out.) REBEC: Taron, quickly! (The Doctor is hanging on to the bottom rung.) CODAL: The Dalek's only just below him! (Taron unfastens his rope from the plastic and lowers it to the Doctor. It is a few inches short.) REBEC: He can't reach it!CODAL: I'll try mine. (Codal lowers his loop first, and it is long enough.) DOCTOR: Right!TARON: Get on the step.CODAL: Got it.TARON: Give me your hand! Come on, Doctor, that's it! (Taron and Codal pull the Doctor out, then Codal and Rebec push large rocks down the shaft. The Dalek plummets to the bottom, and hits with a BOOM! Smoke rises from the shaft.) REBEC: We've done it!CODAL: Well done, Rebec. We've made it!TARON: Thanks to the Doctor.DOCTOR: Yes, well, I think we ought to postpone the celebrations until we're in a slightly safer area. Come on.TARON: Yes. [Control room] (The Dalek Leader is addressing his troops.) LEADER: Whilst the aliens are at liberty, a full state of emergency will be maintained. Normal operations will be suspended. Spiridon slave workers will cooperate with Dalek patrols in saturation level search. The aliens must be located and destroyed! [Jungle] (Jo hears a noise and hides the bombs in the grass. Taron and the Doctor appear.) JO: Doctor!DOCTOR: Jo! (They hug.) JO: Oh, Doctor, I thought, I thought you were dead! I thought, oh, I don't know what I thought. I'm so pleased to see you.DOCTOR: Jo, you were on that Thal spaceship. I saw it destroyed.JO: No, I wasn't.DOCTOR: But you were.JO: No, I wasn't. Look, Doctor, what's been happening? Where've you been?DOCTOR: Well, it's a long story and there were a few moments that were a trifle worryingCODAL: A trifle worrying?DOCTOR: You know Codal and Taron, don't you?JO: Yes.DOCTOR: I don't think you've met Rebec.JO: Hello.REBEC: Hello.JO: Look, Doctor, the last I'd heard about you, you'd been captured by the Daleks, rightDOCTOR: Yeah, butJO: And I was told that they were going to take youDOCTOR: Yes, I know thatJO: Because they're doing all these experimentsDOCTOR: All right, all right, JoJO: And then I thought you were going to be in them and I didn't know what I was going to doDOCTOR: Jo! Jo! Jo! Please? Look, will you excuse us for a moment? My friend has rather a lot to tell me about.TARON: Yes, of course.JO: Doctor, wait till you hear what happened to me. It was terrible, and then I got rescued by this bowl.REBEC: You might say you're glad to see me.TARON: I might. Why did you come?REBEC: I was part of the back up crew. I was trained and ready. I had no choice.TARON: That's not true. There were dozens of other people trained to the same state of readiness as you. You could have backed out.REBEC: Why should I? I wanted to come on the first landing, and you made sure I was kept out of your crew. So when the chance came, I took it.CODAL: Look, I think one of us ought to keep watch. I'll take the first stretch.TARON: You shouldn't have come.REBEC: Now I'm here, we're together again. And there's nothing you can do about it.TARON: But don't you realise what you've done? Can't you see the position you've put me in? I mean, not counting Jo and the Doctor, there's only five of us left now. Five of us out of two missions. And somehow we've got to achieve what we set out to do. We must destroy the Daleks!REBEC: And how does my being here change that?TARON: Because. Because I love you. I can't convert you into a cypher. But from now on, every judgment I make will be clouded. I'll even hesitate to take the right risks because I'll be worrying about you.REBEC: I'm sorry. I didn't think of it like that. I didn't understand.TARON: Well, you might understand this. Your being here might be the very reason the Daleks win. [Control room] DALEK: Our patrols report no contact with the aliens. Temperatures falling rapidly.LEADER: The search will continue.DALEK: I obey.LEADER: Supreme Command has decreed that we prepare a bacteriological culture that will destroy all living tissue. Daleks and Spiridon slave workers will be given immunity to the disease.DALEK: If the aliens are not taken, the bacteria is to be released. Without immunity, no living thing can survive the disease. All will be exterminated! [Jungle] DOCTOR: But, Jo, why on earth didn't you stay in the TARDIS? We'd have been safe there.JO: Well, Doctor, you didn't look very safe. Well, I thought you were dying and I went out to try and find some help for you.DOCTOR: On a planet full of Daleks? Well, surely I warned you?JO: Well, Doctor, you didn't tell me anything. You just rushed into the TARDIS, you rattled off some sort of a message and, well, then you flaked out.DOCTOR: Did I?JO: Uh huh.DOCTOR: Oh, I'm sorry, Jo. I'm afraid I wasn't myself.JO: Doctor? What did you say to the Time Lords in your message?DOCTOR: Well, I told them about the Dalek spaceship leaving the Ogron planet and told them to send the TARDIS after it.JO: But what are the Daleks doing on this planet?DOCTOR: They've got an army based here, Jo, the mightiest army of Daleks there's ever been.JO: But when we were on the Ogron planet, we put a stop to their plan to sort of cause a war?DOCTOR: Well, evidently that was only part of their plan, to make their conquest easier perhaps. With an army this size, we now know they intend to invade the galaxy anyway unless we can stop them.JO: Just us?DOCTOR: And our Thal friends. Oh dear. Perhaps a female shoulder to cry on might come in handy.JO: Right.DOCTOR: Give it a try, will you?JO: Yes. (Jo goes and talks to Rebec while the Doctor goes over to Taron.) DOCTOR: The load getting a little heavy?TARON: I don't think I'm equipped to handle all this any more.DOCTOR: Oh, why? Just because you've found out that you're not made of stone?TARON: This job doesn't allow for human weakness.DOCTOR: Then they should have sent a machine, shouldn't they.TARON: I thought they had. I was wrong.DOCTOR: Good, because the business of command is not for a machine, is it? The moment that we forget that we're dealing with people, then we're no better off than the machines that we came here to destroy. When we start acting and thinking like the Daleks, Taron, the battle is lost.TARON: Someone coming!CODAL: Look who I found.TARON: What happened to you?VABER: What happened to you? We saw the ice eruption and assumed you hadn't made it.LATEP: We went to the entrance of the city anyway.VABER: I wanted to take the chance, make a rush, but we found our bomb was faulty.LATEP: So we had to go back to get the other bombs, to find some Daleks had been there before us and blown themselves up.JO: Well, I managed to get two of the bombs before that. I've hidden them.DOCTOR: Well done, Jo. If those two are all right, we at least have a chance.TARON: We must move on. It'll be dark soon.CODAL: And cold. You haven't experienced a full Spiridon night, Doctor. You don't know what cold is until you have.DOCTOR: Then we must find shelter.VABER: Right, but not here. There are Daleks and Spiridon slave workers making a terrific sweep across the jungle not that far behind us.TARON: Well, prepare to move. We'll go to the plain of stones.JO: Plain of stones?CODAL: It's an area of huge boulders. They absorb the heat of the sun and then discharge it at night.DOCTOR: You know, this planet never ceases to amaze me. First we find a gigantic refrigerator and now night storage heaters. It really sounds quite luxurious.CODAL: Not exactly, Doctor. All the animal life from the jungle goes there as well.DOCTOR: Oh, that's nice. Right, let's get going. Jo, where did you hide the bombs?JO: I'll get them.LATEP: Let me help you.JO: They're here.LATEP: We haven't met properly. I am Latep.JO: I'm Jo. How do you do? Uh oh. You don't know about a handshake. Well, you see, it's an old Earth custom. We clasp hands like that and it shows that we're good friends and that we're pleased to meet one another. Come on. [Jungle] (Night is falling. Daleks and fur covered Spiridons walk past.) DOCTOR: (sotto) What are those animals?CODAL: (sotto) They're not animals, Doctor. Spiridons. They wear those furs against the cold.DOCTOR: (sotto) That's good. At least we can see them now. Did you notice anything peculiar about the Daleks, Jo?JO: Not particularly. Why?DOCTOR: Only that their movements seem to be slower.LATEP: Well, fast enough to kill us on sight, Doctor.CODAL: Almost as though their mechanical reflexes weren't functioning properly.DOCTOR: Yes, but the reason. The reason is the important thing.CODAL: They're out of range now. I think we can chance a move.JO: Come on, let's do it. I'm freezing! [Plain of Stones] (Large fangs of rock stick up through the ground. The group sit with their backs to them. Something with large wings flaps and shrieks above.) REBEC: What was that?TARON: I don't know. We've heard them before. Never seen them. Latep, take first guard. Doctor?DOCTOR: Yes, yes, of course.TARON: Do you mind?DOCTOR: Come on, Jo. Come and keep me company.JO: All right. (Jo and the Doctor leave.) VABER: I hate this running and hiding. We need to attack, and soon.TARON: I'll decide when and how.VABER: You've been putting off this attack since we got here. What do you want, a guarantee of safety?TARON: No, I just want the best possible guarantee of success. Any attempt that fails is worth nothing. (Vaber leaves.) TARON: Codal, that giant refrigeration unit. What did you make of it?CODAL: It was neutron poweredTARON: YeahCODAL: Could run for a thousand years. I'm convinced that somehow it's vital to the Dalek's survival.TARON: Why do they need such low temperatures?CODAL: I can't answer that, but I am sure that refrigeration unit is the key to our attack.VABER: Are you saying is we destroy the refrigeration plant, we destroy the Daleks?CODAL: Yes. Yes, I think it would wipe them out.VABER: Then that's it. That's the way we do it. We go in through the shaft you came out of. Or better still, we lower the bombs down.TARON: The Daleks wouldn't have left the top of that shaft unguarded.VABER: We think about that when we get there. If we leave now, we can be there before light.TARON: We'll attack, but this has to be planned. Until it is, we'll wait.VABER: Wait! Wait! That's all we've heard from you. Why don't you face it, Taron? Admit what we all know. Be honest. You're afraid. Miro would have taken action by now. He was a real commander, and he wouldn't have had her hanging around our necks! (Taron and Vaber fight. Codal tries to pull them apart as Vaber draws his weapon.) CODAL: Latep! (Taron disarms Vaber.) TARON: I am still in command here, and like it or not, you will obey orders. And believe me, Vaber, if you don't, I shan't hesitate to kill you. Now let's all get some rest. Latep, go back to your post. [Laboratory] (The Laboratory is just off the Control room.) DALEK: The bacteria are multiplying.DALEK 2: We have calculated that after the release of the culture into the atmosphere, it will totally contaminate the planet within the space of one Spiridon day.DALEK: All plant life will wither and die.DALEK 2: All unimmunised animal life will die within one hour of inhaling the contaminated air.LEADER: Approved. Continue with preparations.DALEK: The most virulent form of the bacteria will be ready for release in half a Spiridon day. [Control room] LEADER: Report.DALEK 3: Spiridon slaves report aliens believed to be hiding at the Plain of Stones.LEADER: Order all search units into that area.DALEK 3: I obey. [Plain of Stones] TARON: (sotto) Latep! Doctor! Codal. Codal! Where's Vaber?CODAL: He was sitting over there.TARON: Doctor, the bombs have gone.DOCTOR: What?CODAL: He left this.TARON: (reads) I'll do what I have to do alone.DOCTOR: He doesn't stand a chance.TARON: That's the last of the explosives.CODAL: We've got to stop him.TARON: I intend to. Codal, will you come with me? Doctor, would you stay here?DOCTOR: If that's what you want.TARON: Thanks.CODAL: He'll be heading for the ventilator shaft.TARON: Yeah. We'll be back as soon as we can. Latep, stay here. Come on.REBEC: Be careful, Taron. (Taron and Codal leave.) DOCTOR: Have you still got your guns with you?REBEC: Yes.DOCTOR: That's good. Keep them handy, will you? Look around you. (Multicoloured pairs of lights are watching. Meanwhile, Vaber crashes through the bamboo carrying the bombs, and walks right into a group of Spiridons.) SPIRIDON: Take him to the Daleks.Episode Five [Jungle] (Vaber and the bombs are taken away by the Spiridons. Taron and Codal watch.) TARON: They've got Vaber.CODAL: And the bombs!TARON: We must get them. [Plain of Stones] REBEC: What sort of creatures are they?DOCTOR: I've no idea, but whatever they are, they're moving in closer.REBEC: I'll try a shot at them. (Rebec fires. There is a yowl then the eyes disappear.) LATEP: They've gone. It scared them off.DOCTOR: Yes, but they don't stay scared for long, do they? (The eyes come back on. Rebec fires again.) LATEP: Let them get in closer.REBEC: That's the last of my charges.LATEP: And I've only two left. [Jungle] (Taron and Codal jump the last Spiridon in the procession and beat it over the head with a large wooden stick. They pull off the fur.) TARON: Help me into this.CODAL: All right.TARON: Let's see if we can get in there. Now listen, I'll try to get close to one of the others. Be ready to move in when I jump him.CODAL: Right.TARON: Right.CODAL: Good luck. (Covered in purple fur, Taron joins the end of the procession.) [Plain of Stones] (Latep fires his weapon.) LATEP: That's it. (The Doctor picks up a piece of wood.) DOCTOR: Well, if they come in ones and twos, we might manage to beat them off.LATEP: And if they rush us? (The Doctor lights his piece of wood in the camp fire.) DOCTOR: I'm going to try something. (He moves away and brandishes the flame at the eye, shouting Ha! Ha! They disappear.) DOCTOR: Don't just stand round there, get yourselves torches. They're frightened of flame.LATEP: But, Doctor, there won't be enough wood for the fire.DOCTOR: We'll just have to hope that supply lasts till morning. We've got to keep that fire going at all costs! [Jungle] (The last of the procession of Spiridons passes Codal.) CODAL: Taron. If you can work your way through to Vaber, and get close to him, then I'll (Codal pauses then opens the fur. It's wearer is invisible, and knocks Codal down. It is just about to hit him with a large rock when Taron thumps it over the head with a piece of wood.) TARON: Come on. You nearly got yourself killed!CODAL: I thought it was you.TARON: Get into this. (Codal puts on the fur.) TARON: Now, stay close to me. We've got to near the one carrying the bombs. When I jump him, grab the bombs and make off quickly. Make as much noise as you can. They'll follow you. I'll try and free Vaber.CODAL: Oh, I'll try and head back for the Doctor. If all goes well, I'll meet you there.TARON: All right. [Plain of Stones] (Dawn is breaking as the fire is dying.) JO: Penny for them?DOCTOR: Oh, I was just thinking about Vaber. What on Earth possessed him to go rushing off like that?REBEC: Once we'd worked out the plan, he wanted to attack straight away.DOCTOR: Plan, what plan?REBEC: To blow up the refrigeration unit.DOCTOR: What? But that's the worse thing he could possibly do.REBEC: But Codal said if we destroyed the refrigeration unit, we'd be destroying the Daleks.DOCTOR: On the contrary, you'd be bringing their army to life.LATEP: How, Doctor?JO: Oh, I get it. The Daleks you saw in the arsenal were in sort of suspended animation.DOCTOR: No ageing process, no degeneration. An army of Daleks in cold storage until they're needed.REBEC: So that's why they built the refrigeration unit.JO: And you mean they need a constant controllable low temperature because the volcano's too unstable.DOCTOR: Yes, that's about it. And the moment that temperature rises, the Dalek army's going to be on the move. Now we've got to find the others and warn them.WESTER: Jo!DOCTOR: A Spiridon!JO: Doctor, no! That's Wester. He's the Spiridon that helped me.DOCTOR: You sure?JO: Yes.DOCTOR: Well, please accept my thanks, Mister Wester. I owe you a very great deal.WESTER: Jo, I have news from inside the city.JO: What is it?WESTER: The Daleks have prepared a bacteria bomb. It will destroy every living thing on this planet.DOCTOR: Except, presumably, the Daleks?WESTER: Yes, they have a way of immunising themselves. They are preparing them to release the bomb now.JO: Well, what shall we do?WESTER: I shall go back into the city. Perhaps I can find some way of delaying them.DOCTOR: Well, thank you for warning us. We'll do all that we can to help you.WESTER: Goodbye, Jo.JO: Goodbye, Wester.WESTER: I must go now.JO: Wester! Take care.REBEC: What shall we do about Taron and Codal?DOCTOR: Well, we'll wait till it's full light. If they're not back by then, we move out without them.REBEC: Very well.JO: Doctor, what shall we do?DOCTOR: Well, first of all we've got to stop the Daleks releasing their bacteria. Second, we've got to make sure their army stays inactive, and third, we've got to generally put an end to their chances of invasion of other planets.JO: Well, how're we going to do all that?DOCTOR: (sotto) I haven't the faintest idea. [Jungle] (The Spiridons bring Vaber into a clearing where there are two Daleks.) DALEK: Halt! What is this?SPIRIDON: We have captured one of the aliens.DALEK: We will question him. Where are the others hiding? Answer!VABER: If you want them. If you want them, you find them!DALEK: Answer or we will exterminate you!VABER: I haven't seen them.DALEK: The others are near the Plain of Stones. You will lead us to them.VABER: No!DALEK: You will lead us to them!VABER: No. No, don't fire. I'll take you there. Whatever you say.DALEK: We will start immediately.VABER: It's back this way. (Vaber pushes the Spiridons away and dashes into the foliage. The Dalek fires, killing him and a Spiridon. Codal and Taron grab the bombs and run.) DALEK: Pursue! Pursue! [Laboratory] LEADER: Report.DALEK: The antidote is prepared and ready to be administered.LEADER: Demonstrate. (An lamp comes down from the ceiling and flashes red light over them.) DALEK: Synthesised anti-bacterial elements are released in immediate vicinity of subject. The elements provide immunity on contact. We are now protected against the bacteria.LEADER: Approved. I will order all Dalek units and Spiridon slave workers assembled here for treatment shortly. Is the bacteria ready for release?DALEK: All is prepared. (The perspex tank is full of green gunk.) LEADER: The final phase of the operation is to commence immediately.DALEK: Removal of the container top is all that is required to allow bacteria to enter the atmosphere. [Control room] LEADER: Transmit a general call to all units. They are to report here immediately for protective treatment prior to release of bacteria.DALEK 2: I obey. [Plain of Stones] (The Doctor is putting out the remains of the camp fire.) LATEP: Shush! (Taron and Codal run in with the furs and bombs.) DOCTOR: Where on earth did you get those?TARON: We persuaded a couple of Spiridons to part with them.DOCTOR: Well done. Have you got the bombs?CODAL: Yes.LATEP: Where's Vaber?CODAL: He's dead.TARON: I'll tell you about that later. We've got to move away from here. There's a Dalek patrol right behind us.DOCTOR: Now, wait. We can't go on running forever. It's time for a change of tactics.TARON: We can't risk a straightforward confrontation.DOCTOR: No, I agree, so let's stop for a moment and use our intelligence, shall we?TARON: All right. What have you got in mind?DOCTOR: Well, to take any effective and permanent action, we've got to get inside that city.REBEC: How do we do that?DOCTOR: Well, I do have a plan, but you'll have to trust me.TARON: What do you want us to do?DOCTOR: Well, first of all, we've got to make sure that a Dalek patrol finds us. Somebody must go out, show themselves and then lead them back here.LATEP: I'll go.DOCTOR: Thank you, Latep. Now try and lead them around for a bit before you bring them back here. We'll need a little time to get ourselves ready.LATEP: All right.JO: Wait, Latep, I'm coming with you.DOCTOR: Jo!JO: Doctor, I'm tired of being hunted too.DOCTOR: Yes, all right. (Jo and Latep leave.) DOCTOR: Taron?CODAL: We'll keep watch. [Ice pool] (The Doctor and Taron go down a rocky slope.) DOCTOR: I noticed this this morning. Have you seen them before?TARON: Yes, they're all over the place. Molten ice pools. A sort of natural spring.DOCTOR: Yes, and hyper-cold. Yes, it's an odd phenomena, the water on this planet. It sustains sub-zero temperatures and yet remains semi-liquid.TARON: I'm sorry, I don't see the significance of all this. We've known about these ice pools for some time.DOCTOR: The Daleks are vulnerable to extremely low temperatures and they hardly function at all at sub-zero levels.TARON: Yes. Yes, I see. Come on, let's look around. Find a way of making it work.DOCTOR: Yes, it's a good feeling, isn't it? When the hunted become the hunters. [Control room] (A group of fur-covered Spiridons enter the city.) LEADER: Spiridon slave workers will proceed to level four to await treatment. Move! (The Spiridons leave.) LEADER: Report.DALEK: Dalek patrol three is proceeding towards the city with remainder of Spiridon slave workers.LEADER: Only patrol seven remains unaccounted for. Report.DALEK 2: Contact with patrol seven established. They have made contact with aliens and are in pursuit. They request permission to continue.LEADER: Permission granted. Advise that no prisoners are to be taken. They are to be exterminated. [Jungle] (Jo and Latep stop running for a rest, holding hands.) LATEP: You all right?JO: Bit winded. Never run so far in all my life!LATEP: I think we've given them enough running around now. It's time we started back for the others.JO: Right.LATEP: There we are. Are you ready?JO: Yes.DALEK: Pursue! Pursue! Pursue! Surrender! [Plain of Stones] DOCTOR: Right, you all set?CODAL: Yes, we're ready.DOCTOR: Good.REBEC: Doctor, it's Jo and Latep. (They run in, still holding hands.) JO: The Daleks are right behind us.TARON: Scatter!DOCTOR: Come on, Jo! (They all go in different directions, then the two Daleks trundle in. The Doctor and Jo watch from behind a large stone.) DOCTOR: (sotto) All right, I'll try and draw them off that way. (The Doctor runs past the Daleks.) DALEK: Give protective fire. [Ice pool] (The Doctor squelches through the mud and clay, then hides.) DOCTOR: Taron! Taron, get ready! (The Dalek appears. The Doctor runs off and it fires, moving forward. Taron comes down behind it and grabs its casing.) DOCTOR: Get out of its line of fire! (The Doctor also grabs the Dalek.) DOCTOR: Pull it!DALEK: Assist! Assist! [Plain of Stones] (The other Dalek sees Jo looking around the rock.) DALEK 2: Halt! (Jo hides right behind the Dalek.) DALEK 2: Surrender! Surrender or you will be exterminated! Surrender! (Jo is finally knocked down.) DALEK 2: Surrender or you will be exterminated! (Codal throws a fur over its lid.) DALEK: I cannot see! Emergency! Alert! Vision impaired! (Latep thumps at the Dalek's weapon arm with a rock.) [Ice pool] (Meanwhile, the Doctor and Taron are still trying to manhandle the Dalek into the pool. It knocks Taron down with its eyestalk and trains its weapon on him. The Doctor heaves it around and down the final slippery slope.) DALEK: Assist! Assist! Assist! Assist! Assist! (The others appear, pushing the second Dalek to an icy fate too.) CODAL: Hold on!DALEK 2: Assist! Assist! (Both Daleks have their lower casing in the water, and have gone very quiet.) JO: We did it!DOCTOR: Well done. Well done, everybody! Now, come on, Taron. We've got work to do.TARON: Latep, switch on your thermal liner. (Taron and Latep wade in to the Daleks.) DOCTOR: Keep out of their angle of fire. They may still be dangerous. Right, now lift up the top section. Are they dead?TARON: Yes. The shock of the sudden cold must have killed them straight away. (Taron and Latep pull the organic Daleks out of their casings and throw them into the pool.) DOCTOR: Right, get that one up onto the bank. [Control room] (A Spiridon is lurking, just out of sight.) LEADER: Report.DALEK 2: We have lost contact with patrol seven. Last reported position was they were entering the Plain of Stones in pursuit of the aliens.LEADER: No further information?DALEK 2: Weak signal from the automatic distress transmitter, then silence.LEADER: We will wait no longer. (The Leader goes into the laboratory. A Dalek spots the Spiridon.) DALEK 3: Stop! What are you doing here?WESTER: My name is Wester. I have a vital message for the section leader. I've made contact with the aliens, lured them into a trap.DALEK 3: The section leader is occupied.WESTER: He ordered an immediate report.DALEK 3: You will enter the laboratory and report when the section leader is free. [Laboratory] LEADER: We will commence to administer the protective treatments immediately.DALEK: I have located minor mechanical fault in the equipment. It will be rectified quickly.LEADER: Work at all speed. I shall assist you. (The Leader jolts the tank of bacteria.) DALEK: Caution! Caution! [Outside the city entrance] DOCTOR: You all right, Rebec? (A plaintive voice comes from inside the Dalek casing.) REBEC: Yes, I think so.DOCTOR: Latep, you're sure you know the way to the ventilator shaft?LATEP: Taron marked it on the chart, Doctor.JO: Can we come with you, Doctor?DOCTOR: I'm sorry, Jo. No, it must be a two-pronged attack to double our chances of success. Have you got the bomb? Whichever group gets there first must detonate that bomb in one of the tunnels near the cooling unit. Block off the Daleks completely. Now, whatever you do, don't damage the refrigeration unit. It's absolutely vital that that continues to function.JO: We understand. (Taron and Codal enter.) TARON: Here you are, Doctor.DOCTOR: More gentle persuasion?TARON: You could put it like that.DOCTOR: Right, put it on. (Taron drapes a purple fur over the Doctor's shoulders.) DOCTOR: Well, Jo, do I pass?JO: You'll do, in a pinch. Good luck, Doctor.DOCTOR: And to you.LATEP: Good luck.DOCTOR: All right, Rebec?REBEC: All right.DOCTOR: Okay. (Taron, Codal and the Doctor cover their heads with the furs.) DOCTOR: Right, off we go. (They move off with Dalek Rebec to the doorway, but are met by a Dalek coming out of the city.) DALEK: All units were ordered to return to base. You are late. Report to central control immediately.JO: (sotto) They're in!LATEP: (sotto) We'd better get going.JO: (sotto) Right.LATEP: (sotto) Come on. [Control room] TARON: What are they doing?DOCTOR: Presumably they're preparing the bacteria.TARON: But there's a Spiridon in there.DOCTOR: That's Wester! [Laboratory] DALEK: Fault rectified. Equipment now fully operational.LEADER: We are both already immune. We will start to administer the protective treatment to all units at once. (Wester pushes the lid off the tank.) DALEK: You must not open container! (The bacteria mist fills the room and alarms sound. Wester collapses.) DALEK: Bacteria is released. Do not open door! Repeat, do not open door! [Control room] DOCTOR: (sotto) If they open that hermetically sealed door even a fraction of an inch, the bacteria will escape and destroy everything including themselves. [Laboratory] (As Wester dies he becomes visible as a pasty faced humanoid with a very wide nose and forehead ridges.) LEADER: We cannot leave here. No one can enter. We can never leave here. Never, never, never! [Control room] DOCTOR: (sotto) Let's try and get to the lower levels.TARON: All right, Rebec.DALEK 2: Wait! Spiridon slave workers are to report to level four immediately. Move! (The Dalek spots Codal's boot.) DALEK 2: Wait! You are not Spiridons! Emergency! Emergency! Emergency!Episode Six [Control room] (An alarm sounds.) DALEK 2: Do not move! Alarm!DOCTOR: The cloak! Come on, over it! (The Doctor throws his fur over the Dalek.) DALEK 2: Alarm! I cannot see! Vision impaired!DOCTOR: Get going! (The group push Rebec round the corner.) DOCTOR: Get it out! Come on!DALEK 2 [OC]: Pursue! Pursue! [Corridor] DOCTOR: This way! (They turn a corner with two Daleks in pursuit.) [Control room] DALEK: Alert! Alert! Alert! Aliens at liberty in city. Instigate condition of maximum security. Alert! Alert! alert! [Corridor] (Taron is behind, pushing Rebec.) DOCTOR: Come on! Come on! They're right behind you!TARON: Codal! Come back and give us a hand.DOCTOR: This way! This way! In you go.DALEK: Pursue! Pursue! Alarm! Pursue! [Control room] DALEK 2: Report.DALEK 3: Aliens have descended to level eight.DALEK 2: Seal off all levels above them. They must be driven down to the deepest levels.DALEK 3: I obey. [Corridor] (The two Daleks spot their quarry at another T junction.) DOCTOR: Out, quick! (The Doctor and Codal run. The Daleks fire and hit the casing, which smokes. Further on, the Doctor, Taron, Codal and Rebec reach the lifts.) DOCTOR: Well, Rebec, it seems you stopped being a Dalek just in time.DOCTOR: Come on, in you get. Come on, Taron, quick. [Lift] TARON: How deep are we going?DOCTOR: Down to the arsenal.CODAL: And what then? One bomb against an army of Daleks?DOCTOR: He's right, you know. One bomb won't destroy them all. The most we can hope for is to stop that army getting into action. (The lift stops.) DOCTOR: (sotto) Okay, come on. [Corridor] DOCTOR: Look, see what you can find in the cooling chamber act as a barricade. Block off that corridor as best you can.CODAL: Right.DOCTOR: I know we can't stop them but it might hold them up for a bit.TARON: Yeah.CODAL: Right. (Taron and Codal enter the cooling chamber. The Doctor opens the next door along and look down into the cavern.) DOCTOR: There you are, Rebec. The greatest Dalek invasion force ever assembled.REBEC: And with the Spiridon's power to become invisible, nothing can stop them.DOCTOR: That's about it. Right, let's go and help the others with the barricade. [Control room] DALEK 2: Report.DALEK 3: Message from command spacecraft. The Dalek Supreme will touch down in Spiridon shortly. He will assume total command of all operations on this planet.DALEK 2: Understood.DALEK 3: Dalek command has identified the leading alien. The one who is not a Thal.DALEK 2: Who is he?DALEK 3: He is the one known as the Doctor, the greatest enemy of the Daleks.DALEK 2: He has much knowledge that would be of value to us. He must be captured alive for interrogation by the Dalek Supreme. [Jungle] (Jo and Latep are knocked down by the exhaust gasses from a spaceship which is descending and lands nearby. A ramp lowers from the main hatch and a shiny gold and black Dalek with bigger, cylindrical lights on its dome leads the way.) JO: (sotto) I've never seen a Dalek like that before.LATEP: He's something very special. One of the supreme council. They certainly know how to build spacecraft.JO: Latep, could you fly that thing?LATEP: With the help of the others, yes.JO: Well then, it can take you back to Skaro.LATEP: I'd thought of that.JO: But don't you see what that means? Look, you thought that even if this mission was a successful one, that you'd be marooned here for the rest of your lives. With that, you've got a chance of getting home.LATEP: But the Daleks haven't been defeated yet. Not by a long way.JO: I know. I know all that. But it gives you a chance. It gives you all something to hope for. I wish the others were here and then we could tell them about it.LATEP: I'm glad they're not.JO: But why? If they knew there was a way to escape.LATEP: Just knowing might mean the difference between success and failure. We all thought that whatever happened, there was no way out. It was a suicide mission. That's affected everything we've done. We've faced dangers and taken risks because there was nothing to lose, Jo.JO: Would you go on taking them?LATEP: I don't know. You see, I've found a reason to be more careful, a reason for wanting to stay alive.JO: Come on, Latep. We've still got a long way to go. [Corridor] (The barricade is as good as it will get.) DOCTOR: That should hold them for a while. Rebec, stay near. At the slightest sound of the Daleks breaking through, give us plenty of warning. Come on, you two. [Cooling chamber] DOCTOR: Any sign of Jo and Latep?TARON: No, not yet.CODAL: What are you after, Doctor?DOCTOR: Blast! I was hoping there'd be a way of locking these controls into the on position. As soon as this refrigeration unit is switched off, those Daleks will be on the move.CODAL: The main switches are probably in the control room. We don't want to go back there.DOCTOR: No. Then we'll have to use my other plan. Come on. Let's us know as soon as you see Jo and Latep.TARON: Yeah. [Corridor] REBEC: Doctor! They're trying to get through!DOCTOR: Well, it should hold them for a little while yet. Now, don't worry. Come on. [Control room] SUPREME: Report.DALEK 2: Aliens still at liberty.SUPREME: All Dalek units are to be assigned to their capture immediately. Take charge of all controls. Report on invisibility experiments.DALEK 2: Daleks can now achieve total invisibility for periods in excess of two work cycles.SUPREME: Satisfactory. The Supreme Council has ordered our army to be activated immediately. The invasion of all solar planets is to begin today. Switch on arsenal heating. Close down refrigeration unit. [Corridor] TARON: Doctor! [Arsenal] DOCTOR: Yes?TARON: The refrigeration unit's been shut down. The temperature's starting to rise.DOCTOR: Thank you, Taron. Come on, we haven't much time. [Control room] SUPREME: Order space transporters to assemble and await landing orders.DALEK 3: I obey.SUPREME: The action of the aliens has caused considerable disruption of operations on this planet.DALEK 2: This was a matter beyond my control!SUPREME: Your orders were to exterminate them!DALEK 2: It has not been possible! We have been unable to use the bacteria bomb!SUPREME: The responsibility was yours! You have failed! The Supreme Council does not accept failure! (The Supreme Dalek kills it.) [Jungle - top of shaft] (Latep is securing a rope to a large rock.) LATEP: This should hold. Are you ready? Don't worry, we'll make it. (Nit-picking, but wasn't it suggested that the shaft could be miles long? Where'd they get enough rope?) JO: It's not so much the climb down that worries me. It's what we'll find when we get there.LATEP: I'll go first. [Corridor] (The Daleks keep pushing at the barricade.) REBEC: (to Taron) It won't stand much more. [Arsenal] (The Doctor and Codal are on an outer metal catwalk, searching the cavern walls.) CODAL: Doctor!DOCTOR: Hello?CODAL: Take a look at this! (This is a crevice in the rock.) DOCTOR: Well, it looks promising. How deep is it?CODAL: I can get my arm right inside.DOCTOR: Well, that's it then, although it does need a bit of clearing.CODAL: It's getting warmer down here.DOCTOR: Yes, the temperature has risen quite considerably.CODAL: Doctor. (Below them, in the main body of the cavern, Daleks are starting to move.) DOCTOR: In a minute, they'll all be fully active. Come on. Here. [Corridor] TARON: A couple more tries and the whole lot's coming down. Let's get out of here. [Arsenal] TARON: There's no power left to operate the door. Come on!DOCTOR: That should be wide enough.TARON: Doctor, there's no sign of Jo and Latep, and they're nearly through the barricade.DOCTOR: Thank you, Taron. Look, I've got an idea that these catwalks lead to some sort of loading area on the surface. Check it out, will you?TARON: Right. Come on. (Taron and Rebec leave.) DOCTOR: Right, get the bomb. (But a waking Dalek catches it with its sink plunger and knocks it down into the cavern.) CODAL: The bomb! Get down!DOCTOR: Where is it? (It is in the middle of a bunch of dozy Daleks. The Doctor climbs down from the catwalk, steps on Daleks and manages to retrieve it.) DOCTOR: Is it damaged?CODAL: The timing mechanism isn't functioning properly.DOCTOR: Can you fix it?CODAL: I think so. It'll take a minute or two.DOCTOR: Get on with it.TARON: Doctor? Doctor, you're right. There is a power ramp. It goes up to ground level. I think we can climb it.DOCTOR: Good, good.REBEC: What are you planning to do, Doctor?DOCTOR: Well, this whole area is simply honeycombed with ice tunnels. Now, a bomb put in the right place could so weaken those walls that the pressure of the ice would burst through the walls and flood this entire chamber.TARON: Bury the lot of them.DOCTOR: That's the theory.REBEC: But it won't destroy them, just put them back into their deep frozen state of suspended animation.DOCTOR: Yes, but it would centuries to melt them out. [Cooling chamber] (Latep reaches the bottom of the knotted rope and looks out to see the barricade starting to give way. Then Jo appears.) LATEP: You all right?JO: Yes, I think so. (They look out of the doorway.) JO: We've got to stop them. (Latep activates his bomb and slides it across the corridor floor to the barricade. A Dalek fires and misses him, then they all start to come through. Jo and Latep cover their heads as the bomb goes BOOM!) [Corridor] (The corridor is a blackened mess with bits of Dalek strewn about.) JO: Come on, let's see if we can find the Doctor. (More Daleks approach the far side of the breached barricade.) [Arsenal] REBEC: They're here!LATEP: They're still coming, Doctor.JO: We did what we could though.DOCTOR: Well done, Jo.CODAL: Right, that's it.DOCTOR: Taron, you and the others get started. We'll set the bomb.TARON: Yes. Come on, you two. (Jo and Latep leave with Rebec and Taron.) DOCTOR: Set it to detonate in thirty seconds.CODAL: Right. Detonator running now. (The Doctor pushes the bomb into the crevice.) CODAL: They're coming! (Daleks enter the Arsenal.) CODAL: Hurry up, Doctor! Hurry up!DOCTOR: Off you go. (Codal leaves, then the Doctor follows. He joins the rest at the bottom of the ramp.) DOCTOR: Twenty seven, twenty eight (KaBOOM! A Dalek and the catwalk are taken out.) DOCTOR: It failed! Come on, let's get out of here. (A rumbling sound starts up.) DOCTOR: The ice volcano! (Liquid ice bursts through the cavern wall where the bomb weakened it, and floods down into the main body of the cavern.) DOCTOR: Out, everybody, out! (The Doctor watches as the Dalek army is quickly engulfed.) [Control room] (The Dalek Supreme's aides report to him.) DALEK: Arsenal and all lower levels inundated. Molten ice rising through all sections.DALEK 2: No response from any Dalek unit. Total loss of contact.SUPREME: Seal off all sections.DALEK: Not possible. Controls not responding. Total power source failure.DALEK 2: Sensors registering ice now advancing through upper levels!SUPREME: Advise Supreme Command that our attack force is totally immobilised, and that we are the only survivors. (Liquid ice is pouring down the windows.) SUPREME: Set self destruct on all instruments. We are abandoning! We are abandoning! We are abandoning! We are abandoning! We are abandoning! [Outside the Dalek spaceship] LATEP: There it is!REBEC: We can get home. Back to Skaro!TARON: It's a bonus I never expected.LATEP: Jo, I must speak with you.CODAL: Doctor? I need to look over the controls of that ship.DOCTOR: Yes, of course.CODAL: So I. (pause) You've done a lot for me, Doctor. Thank you. (Codal salutes the Doctor by placing his left hand across his body to his right shoulder. The Doctor returns the gesture.) CODAL: Thank you. (Codal leaves.) TARON: Doctor, we'd never have succeeded without all your help. I wish there was some way of thanking you.DOCTOR: As a matter of fact, there is.REBEC: Yes, Doctor?DOCTOR: Throughout history, you Thals have always been known as one of the most peace loving peoples in the galaxy.TARON: I hope we always will be.DOCTOR: Yes, well that's what I mean. When you get back to Skaro, you'll all be national heroes. Everybody will want to hear about your adventures.TARON: Of course.DOCTOR: So be careful how you tell that story, will you? Don't glamorise it. Don't make war sound like an exciting and thrilling game.TARON: I understand.DOCTOR: Tell them about the members of your mission that will not be returning, like Maro and Vaber and Marat. Tell them about the fear, otherwise your people might relish the idea of war. We don't want that.REBEC: You can depend on us.DOCTOR: Thank you, my dear. Well, you'd better get aboard, I think.TARON: What about them?DOCTOR: I'm not sure about them. Goodbye, Rebec.REBEC: Goodbye, Doctor.DOCTOR: Taron?TARON: Goodbye, Doctor.DOCTOR: Good luck. (Taron follows Rebec.) LATEP: Doctor, I've asked Jo to come back to Skaro with me. Would you have any objections?DOCTOR: If that what she wants, no.LATEP: Well, Jo? Is it?JO: No, I'm sorry, Latep. Look, I'm very fond of you, but you see, I've got my own world and my own life to go back to. (Jo kisses Latep on the cheek and leaves.) LATEP: Thank you, Doctor.DOCTOR: Thank you, Latep. (Latep enters the spaceship with a final wave, the hatch closes and it takes off.) DOCTOR: Right, shall we go and find the TARDIS?JO: Look! (The Dalek Supreme is arriving to find his ship has been stolen.) DOCTOR: Come on, run!SUPREME: Aliens! Pursue! Pursue! Pursue! Pursue! [Jungle - Ruins] (The squirt plants start up again.) JO: Wait! If those spores hit usDOCTOR: They're coming! Now cover your face and hands as best you can! Come on! (Jo stumbles.) DOCTOR: Jo, come on! Come on! (They make it into the TARDIS just before the Supreme opens fire. The TARDIS dematerialises.) SUPREME: Have Supreme Command send rescue craft.DALEK: I obey.SUPREME: Preparations will begin at once to free our army from the ice. We have been delayed, not defeated. The Daleks are never defeated! [TARDIS] (The Doctor flicks through various images on the scanner.) DOCTOR: Jo, look. That's Skaro.JO: Yes.DOCTOR: Any regrets?JO: No, not really.DOCTOR: But Jo, that's only one little world. There's so many hundreds of others to see.JO: There's only one little world I want to see right now. (She changes the scanner image.) JO: That one.DOCTOR: That one? But, Jo, that's Earth.JO: That's right, Doctor. Home.DOCTOR: Home it is, Miss Grant. Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.