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Main Range • Episode 129

Plague of the Daleks

3.12/ 5 42 votes

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Review of Plague of the Daleks by thedefinitearticle63

This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: The Eternal Summer

And the Stockbridge trilogy goes out with a whimper, not a bang. There are some really interesting ideas in this one but the fact remains it's just another basic Dalek story. It's the same plot I've seen recycled throughout all the 5 and Nyssa Dalek stories. The Daleks are trying to time travel into the past to make themselves the supreme beings. It's actually uncanny how this follows the same exact plot points as The Mutant Phase and/or Renaissance of the Daleks.

I've really liked the idea of visiting one place in the past, present and future. Unfortunately as is the case with Doctor Who in general the story set in the future is the weakest. Overall, this is an unremarkable story and it's shocking how I've managed to even write this much about it.

Next Story: The Demons of Red Lodge

Review last edited on 7-07-24

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