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What a terrible Way to end a Series for five Years. This is quite literal the Level of “What if Season 22’s Ending was the last Thing we have seen for Years”, this is just a bit bafflingly.

As for the Story… Very Mixed on it, honestly. There are Bits I love, and there are just some great Moments with our Leads. I LOVE the Moment where Leela briefly gets her Eyesight back. But yeah, there is just something which stops me from fully enjoying this Story, and I am not quite sure how to properly articulate it. I think it fails being a satisfying Follow-Up to what the previous Entry did set up. Really, I think it’s okay at best.


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I just can’t get over this ending. This is how you end this series? For five years? This is insane. This whole chapter is quite frankly absurd and I love it. Zombies? Gallifrey falling to ruins? Pigrats? This one has it all. I adore Romana in this story (I mean, I always do, but especially), I think it’s really interesting how much better she fits in this outsider position. She has much less left to lose so she’s honestly doing much better mentally. I think she could really thrive in a powerful but ultimately not binding advisor capacity. And I adore the beginning. Leela. God, Leela made me cry in this one. She is so utterly alone and lost and the way she talks with Andred is so heartbreaking. At this point I just prepare myself to cry when that music comes on. And her talk with Romana too. Louise Jameson is amazing. It’s extremely interesting to see Narvin working under a different president, because you can really see the way he respects Romana but not Matthias. That’s not his president and you can tell. And Brax!! The ending with all the triple-crossing going on was very clever and slightly confusing but I love to have him back. Still, that ending. Who came up with that. Incredible.

I’d also like to hold a moment of silence for Leela’s knife. Meanest thing anyone has ever done.


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A finale to a season that's given us civil war, political intrigue and machinations, twists and turns of all sorts and it's.... fine.

Admittedly, this acts more as a Coda to season three than a final chapter, but even then it ends up just kind of existing. There's some great moments in here, don't get me wrong, Romana's visit to her ancestral home conjures images of Lies, not only a nice character moment, but a great bookend to this two season 'era' of the spinoff. The scene with Leela mourning Andred as well I think it quite effective, hearing her thoughts not only on Andred's death, but on what' become of Gallifrey and how he'd respond to it.

There's also some fun character stuff for Narvin here, seeing him playing catch up to a president who won't tell him anything, who he clearly doesn't see as the right choice for the position and who doesn't seem to care for him much at all.

But then the rest of it... pigrats and free time and zombies and and and.

There's a fine story in there, but it very much feels like we're seeing the plot play out, rather than experiencing it. I hate especially that because of it, I'm having to religate two of my favourite parts of this series (Brax and K9) to a mere 'and' in terms of the plot.

I like the plot, but our core cast are sidelined for most of it, and things just sort of happen to them, rather than them doing things. Also unlike previous stories where that's been the case, it doesn't feel like they're trying here, you don't get the desperate scrambles to catch up and try just about anything that you did in Mindbomb. Here they feel resigned to their roles as pawns.

Even then, you could do something interesting with that, give more focus to our characters and how they feel about everything going on, those moments we do get to just sit with a character and their thoughts are what keeps this story for being any lower for me. But there's not enough of it, the plot's got to plot.. and and and.


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Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time! 

“Panacea: A Twisting, Bittersweet End to the Season”

The Series 3 finale of Gallifrey brings the civil war’s fallout to a head, delivering a politically and emotionally charged story that reflects the shattered state of the Time Lords. With Romana exiled, Matthias in power, and a deadly resurgence of the dogma virus threatening the Time Lords’ very existence, Panacea ties together threads from previous series while setting the stage for an uncertain future.

Romana, Resilient in Exile

Romana’s journey from Lord President to renegade continues to be one of Gallifrey's greatest strengths. She’s resourceful and determined, even as she’s dismissed and undermined by former allies. Her camaraderie with Leela and K9 offers some of the story’s best moments, from K9’s volume-control gag to Romana and Leela’s shared determination to solve the virus crisis.

Romana’s interactions with Elbon, the morally dubious surgeon experimenting on the dogma zombies, showcase her righteous anger and moral clarity. She’s still every inch a leader, even when stripped of her title.

Complex Villains and Allies

The return of Hugo Myatt’s Arkadian is a highlight. His charmingly manipulative performance anchors much of the political intrigue, particularly in his tense confrontation with Leela. Offering to restore her sight in exchange for loyalty, he epitomises the slimy opportunism that thrives in Gallifrey’s chaos.

Elbon, as a secondary antagonist, is suitably reprehensible, while Matthias proves himself unfit for leadership with his selfishness and reliance on Arkadian’s schemes. Narvin, ever the cautious pragmatist, shines as he attempts to steer Gallifrey toward stability, all while remaining suspicious of Arkadian’s machinations.

But the biggest twist is the revelation of Braxiatel’s role as the mastermind behind the Free Time movement. This jaw-dropping reveal reframes much of the series’ events and positions Brax as a morally grey figure—working to save Gallifrey’s legacy while abandoning its people to their fate.

Twists, Turns, and Tension

The narrative is packed with twists, from the resurgence of the dogma virus to the shocking betrayal by K9, revealed to be working for Arkadian and Brax. The slow-burning political intrigue of the council meetings contrasts with moments of high tension, such as Leela’s confrontation with Arkadian and the climactic unveiling of Brax’s plan.

While the story delves deeply into Gallifreyan politics and strategy, it never loses sight of the personal stakes. The emotional weight of K9 and Leela leaving Romana adds a bittersweet tone, while Romana and Narvin’s reluctant alliance with Matthias hints at uneasy compromises to come.

A Bittersweet Cliffhanger

The unresolved ending, with Gallifrey’s fate hanging in the balance, is both frustrating and thrilling. Brax’s ark, the cure that strips Time Lords of their regenerations, and the looming spectre of Gallifrey’s fall set the stage for a fascinating continuation.


Panacea wraps up Gallifrey’s third series with a story that’s equal parts introspective and action-packed. Its political intrigue, character development, and shocking twists make it a standout entry, even as its cliffhanger leaves much unresolved.

Random Observations:

  • Somehow I think that the expression “going the way of the dodo” wouldn't mean a whole lot for non-Earth beings.
  • Arkadian has a communication device with the Nokia ringtone, which makes the Finn in me very happy. What doesn't make me happy is the fact that Arkadian claims it to be an original composition.


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