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Time War 4 • Episode 2

Palindrome – Part 2

4.34/ 5 53 votes

Reviews and links from the Community

Review of Palindrome – Part 2 by Seagullslost

In the first part of this set Palindeome part 1, we met an alternative Davros, married to a Tharl, and had created a porthole in which Daleks came through, also the Doctor & Bliss. But time was going backwards: now its going forward.

It is quite interesting, we are aware of things that happened and now we're finding out how those things came to be. The Dalek time stratagist is merging realities and over writing the native Davros. It is really engrossing, its the other half (or side) of the story we experienced in the first part, the fact that the good Davros is being taken over by the evil version we know, and you do feel for him and his wife.

Its another Doctorlite episode, I think its nearly half way though before making an appearence, but I don't mind as its such a good audio.

I haven't been that enthused by a lot of the time war adventures we've had but this does the trick for me, bending realities, changing events and having such a massive impact.

Well recommended.

Review last edited on 5-08-24

Review of Palindrome – Part 2 by Alex5679

Part 2 of Palindrome continues where Part 1 left off. This time, coming out of the mysterious portal Davros has been working on, it isn't Bliss or The Doctor but The Time Strategist. The story follows Davros and The Time Strategist as they continue a deadly plan that will result in death and destruction. One thing I love about this story is its tragedy—one of the rare occasions where The Doctor doesn't win. The Daleks, Davros, and The Strategists are at their most ruthless here, and it is glorious. Terry Molloy gives a fantastic performance as Davros. Davros is such a tragic character in this; he didn't ask for this, and I pity him here. Big Finish Davros stories are always quite tragic. Really great story 9/10

Review last edited on 29-05-24

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