Stories Comic Doctor Who Comic (2020) Origins 1 image Back to Story Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 6 reviews 5 March 2025 · 210 words Review by RandomJoke 4 A bit disappointing, honestly. As the first Solo Fugitive Story, this simply just doesn't deliver much. I don't feel like I have a better Idea of her as a Character, sure she does get some nice Bits here and there, but really just feels a bit like a "Nothing"-Force here. She doesn't really do much, and really it does, kinda is on the verge of being a more 'Standard-Affair' as a Doctor Who Story. Nothing wrong with that, but I insist that I think any kind of Pre-Hartnell Incarnations should at least try to shake Things up more. Yes, you can have your more Standard-kind of Stories with any of those, but I think you should aspire to delve into some newer Territory, if possible. This one just feels like Titan tipping their Toes into this unexplored Era, a bit 'cowardly'. Judging the Story on its own Terms, I do say it's fine, there are some great Character Bits and some nice new Characters we get to see, but really it doesn't give me all that much, sadly. The Big Standout here is probably the Art and the Colors, all of which are chosen so well and give this Story just the Edge to not fall down as average. RandomJoke View profile Like Liked 4 15 February 2025 · 41 words Review by Jamie Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! I really like this and the conflict with the proto-companion. Some good concepts explored nicely, and an era of the Fugitive Doctor we've not seen much of. I do hope we get some stories from BF set whilst she's in Division! Jamie View profile Like Liked 1 11 February 2025 · 176 words Review by InterstellarCas Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! I enjoyed Origins more than I expected to. Not that I don’t like the Fugitive Doctor, I just hadn’t really interacted with any of the EU stuff for her. But I found the comic to be a good self-contained story that gives just enough context at the end to almost seamlessly lead into Fugitive of the Judoon. The bit at the beginning with the Weeping Angel was great and I think, overall, her character is portrayed pretty well. She hits all the right traits without overly being written as a person she isn’t yet, having a strong moral compass but not yet as rigid as her future iterations. I thought the non-human Time Lords were fascinating and I’d love to see more of them. My nitpicks are small, where I think it would have been better if she was more actively driving the Time Lord corruption element of the plot. It felt like Taslo had more effect on events as a side character than Fugitive did. Regardless, it was a fun read. InterstellarCas View profile Like Liked 2 21 January 2025 · 172 words Review by DontBlink Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! FUGITIVE DOCTOR COMIC: STORY 1 I’d like to start this review by saying that I really like the idea of the Fugitive Doctor, and think it was well executed on screen. Therefore, I was excited, and mildly nervous, about a Fugitive Doctor comic, set during her time working for Division! Thankfully, Origins lives up to my expectations, with a fun, engaging adventure. We get to learn a bit more about Division, the mysterious Time Lord organisation that sends the Doctor on her missions. The Doctor also gets a companion here, Taslo, who starts off a little bit unlikeable, but as the story goes on, I ended up really enjoying the Doctor and Taslo’s dynamic, which made Taslo’s betrayal even more shocking. The ending is perhaps the most intriguing section of Origins, with Gat (from Fugitive of the Judoon) having a conversation with Tecteun, as the Doctor goes on the run, and becomes a Fugitive... Overall, this is a cracking good read, with beautiful artwork, excellent characterisation, and a great adventure. DontBlink View profile Like Liked 2 1 November 2024 · 184 words Review by 15thDoctor Spoilers 5 This review contains spoilers! Easily the best thing about this story is having some sign time with the Fugitive Doctor without having her overshadowed. I loved the intro, and seeing her flex her muscles, getting an insight into the Doctor’s early years. But as her first mission with Division unravels and you see the wretched Time Lord plot (which she foils in a rather predictable way) it all becomes a little less special, a little more generic. The planets she visits are under-explored, so you don’t feel a weight of importance in their safety. Taslo is not interesting enough a character for the reader to feel anything when she lets The Doctor down. We never really get to know her. I’m also opposed to using the TARDIS to transport planet-loads of people to safety en masse. Wouldn’t they just do this every week if it was an option?? Ultimately it winds up being a wasted opportunity to satisfyingly expand on this missing little bit of The Doctor’s life. I have big hopes for the Fugitive Doctor’s audio adventures to right this wrong! 15thDoctor View profile Like Liked 5 30 October 2024 · 205 words Review by thedefinitearticle63 Spoilers 5 This review contains spoilers! Really great little mini-series. I like how the Fugitive Doctor is characterised, she feels exactly like how I'd imagine an early version of the Doctor to act. The story was really interesting and I didn't expect the twist that the colonists were Time Lords. I did however expect the twist with Taslo. 4 issues just isn't long enough to really make you get to know the character, so the betrayal didn't hit hard at all. I liked the idea of a Weeping Angel companion, I wish we'd seen more of them. I also really enjoy how this story portrays Time Lord corruption, basically everyone but the Doctor has their own hidden agenda in this. The artwork is really nice, it gets the likeness of Jo Martin down quite well and I love the strange Time Lord colonist designs. The worlds they visit are also very vibrant and interesting in a way only this medium can achieve. I love how this manages to feel like no other era, there really aren't any Doctor Who stories that feel similar. All this makes me really excited for the Fugitive Doctor audios coming out soon, if they nail the vibe of this then I'll be more than happy with them. thedefinitearticle63 View profile Like Liked 5