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Monday, February 2, 1998

Written by

Justin Richards



Time Travel


Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, England, London


Landing in present-day England, all appears serene as the Doctor and Sam emerge from the TARDIS into the idyllic grounds of the Silver family's ancestral home. Only when they enter the house do they suspect things are not what they seem.

How far-reaching is the strange power of a secret society almost 700 years old, and how is it linked to the mysterious Station Nine? And what is the significance of a series of paintings that drove a man to suicide?

From thirteenth-century England to the former Soviet Union, from the United States to the cold wastes of space, the various strands of a complex plan come together and threaten to engulf the world in a nightmare of nuclear destruction...

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How to read Option Lock:


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I'm gonna go ahead and say it: Option Lock is mid. There are definitely worse entries in this series, but this book struggles with many of the same issues.

The most notable one for me is the lack of focus on the Doctor and Sam. There are many moments in this book where I felt like the author wanted to be writing literally anything but a Doctor Who novel, which is a shame, because their stronger moments are what save this book from a lower rating and weeks of frustrated reading for me. While Pickering was an interesting and well-rounded character, and Sargent had his moments, I felt that most of the side characters were fairly one-note - not to mention that there are far too many of them.

Another recurring issue in this series that this novel struggled with is the pacing. This book spends so much time describing the minutea of the American political and defense system, the way every little thing about launching missiles works. It strikes me as a very odd choice to feature and name a president of the United States in a British sci-fi novel. It's possible that I just don't enjoy war stories (which I don't), but the way tense and initially fast-paced moments ground to a halt to explain things really grated on me.

Then there are other, more minor things. Aside from Vampire Science and maybe Genocide, this series has a bad track record with its treatment of women, and this book is no different. It also relies on the secret society controlling the world, a pretty well know anti-Semitic trope, made worse by the imagery of the Khameirians. It just left a veneer of bad taste over the entire book that I couldn't quite ignore.

That's not to say it's all bad; I already mentioned that I liked Pickering, and his and Sam's relationship is really wonderful. There's also more of Sam and the Doctor interacting the way I like, and the Doctor's terrible driving is a highlight. The concept of the Khameirians is interesting, if a little underdeveloped.

Then there's the stuff that's neither here nor there. The writing is pretty solid; some of the descriptions are vivid, but some are a little sparse and left me confused. Other than the military stuff and the first quarter of the book, the pacing actually wasn't too bad. The epilogue is good, though I know it's unlikely to matter.

At the end of the day, I think this book just isn't really for me. I understand why it's generally considered one of the better books in this series.


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One of the stronger entries in the first few Eighth Doctor Adventures, Option Lock is a fun, breezy read. A mix of political thriller, secret society and ancient alien spaceship, I found myself finishing this one quicker than some of the previous entries and the plot and twists unfolding nicely, with satisfying explanations for everything. The Eighth Doctor is characterised well and Sam is fine. The other characters are fun and written well enough. I was initially slightly bored by some of the shift into the political thriller elements but I enjoyed it by the end, the action scenes are well written and it's a nice change of pace for a Who novel. Richards has some lovely prose and I enjoy some of the techniques he uses in this novel, making an engaging read and a solid Who adventure.


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Enjoyable read!

The story overall was interesting. Alien ship feel to Earth ages ago and the consciousness of the aliens, the Khamerians, kind of lodged itself into the minds of 6 people. Due to this influence, these people's descendants over the years sought positions of power around the world. Their goal was to somehow get energy to power the "Philosopher's Stone" (actually a Khamerian artifact) to free their consciousness and revive them. The Doctor and Sam land close to the manor that's at center of all this, unknowingly powering up the stone with TARDIS energy which 1) leaves them stranded there until the TARDIS recharges and 2) speeds up the Khamerian's plan and set their final steps into motion. The plan? Trick Russians into launching a nuclear attack on the US so that the US reveals the existence of Station Nine, an orbital nuclear station. Once the Station is revealed, they arrange for one of their men to become its new commander. Then they trick everyone again into thinking the Chinese are attacking the US, so that they release the nuke codes to their guy on Station Nine so that their guy can bomb the manor in the UK, actually. The explosion would power up the Khamerians and they'd win. And most people in England would die.

It was pretty entertaining seeing the Doctor and Sam put these pieces together. And Sam has a proper subplot going on! I really liked her in this book! She gets to do stuff!!! Her relationship with Pickering (who was a good side character!) was nice to follow, and I was pretty sad with the way it ended. Between this and 'Kursaal', I'm finally getting the vibe of Sam and the Doctor's relationship and believing they are friends. The Doctor is delightful as always and gets to drive a car and a motorbike. Once again I profess my love for the Doctor's very capable but also unhinged driving skills. And once again suck it, psychic paper! He doesn't need you, he can use good old combination of lies, deception, knowledge and charisma to convince these people he and Sam are researchers that are very interested in this old manor. The Doctor does not get seriously injured this time. Good for him! But Sam gets brainwashed :( Doesn't last long, though.

Overall, I enjoyed this book. The whole running away/trying to get to the TARDIS/being captured/escaping again going on in the middle of the book was a bit convoluted, though. I also felt this book was longer than it needed to be. A bit bloated, at points. But fun anyways!


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Option Lock is, I thought, a very interesting book, with a competent complement of characters; certainly, a strong thriller entry into the Doctor Who expanded universe.

My lower rating then, comes from the fact that at around the midpoint of this book I realised that the main characters so far have had very little agency in the run of events and that the villains seemed to be lenient to them, for the sake of keeping the heroes in the plot. From then on, I was on the look out for the main characters having anything meaningful to do that affects the plot and ended up feeling like this never occurred.

The plot however is still interesting, and it feels clear that the author has a talent for the cold war thriller genre – in a rare turn for a Doctor Who book, I feel like the plot is hampered by the presence of The Doctor and all the sci-fi elements he brings with him. I wish I could read a version of this book that wasn’t a part of the Doctor Who universe.

I probably would give this book a slightly higher rating if I read this again, after all it is a competent exercise in its genre, I was just so dejected while reading by the perceived lack of agency of the main characters that I can’t currently give it a higher rating.


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Eighth Doctor Adventures #8 - "Option Lock" by Justin Richards

The main complaint I see about Kursaal - the previous EDA in the range - is that it had the monumental task of living up to the ever beloved Alien Bodies, which came before it. For me, I managed to mistake the release order for the range and ended up reading Kursaal first, meaning it was Option Lock that had to follow on from the 10/10 read of Alien Bodies. With such a tall task ahead of it, the novel would have to be penned by a pretty damn good author; Justin Richards is just alright. One of the most prolific writers of the Wilderness years, Richards is not exactly known for anything more than good. A very generic writer with very generic but serviceable ideas, a lot of his works end up far, far under the radar, Option Lock included. So, with many more of his novels ahead of me, how is his first outing in the EDAs?

Landing in the grounds of an idyllic country house, the Doctor and Sam find themselves quickly making friends with the owners and their guests. But a centuries old plan is unfolding, whose outcome promises to bring untold nuclear destruction to the world.


First things first, Richards has one obvious strength that absolutely stuns you throughout Option Lock - character. Eight and Sam are so well written here, it honestly surprised me. I can hear McGann speak these lines so incredibly clearly, his cadence and humour is nailed by Richards who gives the EDAs the lead they so desperately needed after seven books of the Doctor being miscellaneously characterised. And Sam, a companion so dull she has grown to be one of my least favourites, is so very good in this book. She finally has a distinct personality and an overwhelming amount of agency throughout the plot and she actually feels like a companion, not just a blank, companion-shaped void the books were required to have. Beyond our two leads, every single member of our sidecast is great too. Pickering is a fantastic one-time aid, as is Sargent before his third act twist and Silver is a suitably melodramatic villain for such a bombastic story. And what a bombastic story it is, the scale and subject matter here feels closer to James Bond than Doctor Who but it really works and honestly feels like a blockbuster; when Richards wants to, he can build tension expertly. This is most evident in the second act, which is by far the best part of the book. With the reveal that most of the residents of Abbots Siolfor are the descendants of an ancient secret society possessed by alien consciousnesses (which is a great concept, by the way), we get to see their first of many plans in motion, as a crazed Russian general launches nuclear missiles at the US. The way Richards structures and writes this entire section is utter brilliance and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. It was so vivid I could genuinely hear the score as I read it.

However, the second act is easily the best part, and acts one and three are not nearly as good. Act One is oddly meandering as we watch Eight and Sam just, living at Abbots Siolfor with Silver, Pickering and Sargent, going on runs and searching the library; this goes on for nearly 80 pages until the story actually gains momentum. And the third act is just a bit of a damp squib - a series of captures and recaptures where none of the characters are acting at all distressed, taking away any gravity from the situation. The Doctor and Sam don’t seem too worried, so the reader isn’t either. And the final scene on Station Nine is just plain bad: Sam is possessed for all of one page and Pickering suddenly becomes invincible, taking about ten gunshots and still not going down. My main problem with this book also arises in these sections, it feels like two different plots that don’t really fit together. On one hand, you have the secret society possessed by aliens called Khamierians (which are somewhat underwhelming as we never learn anything about them except for the fact that they look like gargoyles) and on the other you have a political thriller set in the White House. Whilst both are fine on their own, together they really don’t work and they both feel somewhat underdeveloped because the story doesn’t focus on one. Also, the political stuff gets really dull after a while, when Richards has to clarify the billionth acronym and other governmental jargon he’s introduced. Along with the fact that no character seems upset by the threat of nuclear war, this novel also has to find a ridiculous number of workarounds to make sense of Silver not just killing the Doctor and Sam, which he could easily do because they’re imprisoned for a majority of the book.

Overall, Option Lock was much like its author - good but nothing special. Two plots muddled together make for an underdeveloped book but some fantastic writing in places and the Doctor and Sam being brilliantly characterised make this novel an incredibly fun read. Alright, Finding Sam arc up next, which I’m really looking forward to because good god we need some development for Sam quick.



+ Absolutely nails McGann’s voice, Eight is ridiculously well characterised

+ Sam is, shockingly, one of the best parts of the novel and extremely likeable

+ A lot of the supporting characters feel interesting and well rounded

+ Manages to do tension really well in certain parts of the book

+ Second act was easily the best part of the book - electric and extremely well written

+ Siolfor’s secret society was undeniably a cool idea

+ Really interesting epilogue that raised a lot of questions



- Both the first and third acts fall short of greatness

- The two plot aspects of the book don’t really fit together all too well

- The political language and clarifications got really boring after a while

- The back-bending this book has to do to keep the Doctor and Sam alive is really ridiculous.

- The Khameirians are pretty underdeveloped antagonists


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