Stories Audio Book BBC Audio Originals BBC Audio Originals On Ghost Beach 1 image Back to Story Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 3 reviews 19 December 2024 · 26 words Review by Rock_Angel For the first 15 audio I’ve done it’s alright Susan twist does a good job narrating I can’t wait to hear the next one Rock_Angel View profile Like Liked 0 2 December 2024 · 75 words Review by hallieday Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! The Fifteenth Doctor #10 'On Ghost Beach' (2024) from BBC Audio Originals. Susan Twist's narration and voices are spectacular - and the story element of Ruby and The Doctor battling memories forcing themselves into their heads is really cool (although a little repetitive here). Some great stakes, and an interesting climax and villain. Adds quite a big possibility to The Doctor in quite a frightening way. Somewhat overlong of a story, but a very pleasant time spent. hallieday View profile Like Liked 1 11 November 2024 · 234 words Review by MrColdStream Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! 📝8/10 → ENJOYABLE! Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time! FIRST IMPRESSIONS: “ON GHOST BEACH” Niel Bushnell brings us the very first BBC Audio Original with Fifteen and Ruby, and he gets the vibe of the era right—with the jukebox and the Doctor being sassy and funny and dancing around, as well as being good friends with Ruby. He even inserts a Susan Twist appearance and a mavity mention to fit the story within Season 1/15/40. This is a spooky adventure that initially takes the Doctor and Ruby to Earth in the 1950s before moving them on to an alien planet where they are hunted by ghastly apparitions and memories that aren’t their own and meet Reg, a man whose memories slowly seep into Ruby and the Doctor. There's some good character stuff between the Doctor and Ruby. It feels in line with the era. There's also a lot of back and forth with their memories coming and going, but it's used well during the tense climax. The supporting characters of Reg and Charlotte remain a bit underutilised, and the alien Kassif, responsible for everything, could have been given more flesh on the bones, even if Ruby's encounter with them makes for a sufficiently exciting climax. Bushnell brings the story to a satisfying close with a proper sendoff. Susan Twist is a great narrator and gives both Ruby and Fifteen recognisable voices. MrColdStream View profile Like Liked 2