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This one just didn't click with me. The in-media-res start really threw me off, and I never really caught up with the plot.


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Honestly, it could've been a good script if it had better explained and introduced practically everything in the story. I didn't read the synopsis before listening, but had to towards the beginning because I had no idea what was happening. It jumped around too much, and just dropped us in the middle of the adventure. I thought I had the tracks mixed up!

Once we get off the ship, it's easier to understand. And an okay story, nothing great really. Good cliffhanger for next time though! That's about it.


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Honestly I'm not really sure what happened. Probably my least favorite of the EDA's so far. Feeling a bit disappointing with this series so far, after hearing a bunch of good things about it, so I hope it improves. If it wasn't for the cliffhanger I'd say skip it.


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I had to check three times that I didn’t have the chapters on shuffle as I can’t make head nor tail of this story jumping randomly between a garden party and an attack on a spaceship.

someone with more patience than me may find the pay off worth it.


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I was curious how the two strands of the story were going to intertwine, it’s a pleasure when they first collide, especially given that you join the story mid-way and feel like you’re playing catch up for the first half. Once it all resolves though it feels a little looser and lightweight in its final form than the build up suggested. We just have the two part finale left for the series now - I hope it ends with a bang.


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