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Finally bringing in the Torchwood connections that made me start this set!

Once again the dynamic between Liv and Tania is a brilliant centerpiece to this story, just as they're starting to figure out their relationship, Andy drops in to check up on Tania's Torchwood business, throwing a wrench into their dynamic. Andy is brilliant as always, and his dynamic here with Liv and especially with Tania is great. I also love Eight's interactions with Tania here, especially him making her promise not to hurt Liv, how protective he is of his companions is great.

The main plot here is a little weaker unfortunately, I can see that it's going somewhere, but it doesn't exactly get the biggest hook on you. Stranded is at its best when the plot is mostly driven by the characters, and here while you do get some lovely moments of the characters because of what's going on, especially nice getting a bit more of the other tenants, it doesn't seem to affect the main characters as much to pull you into it.

That all said, the character stuff here continues to be done so well that the 'main' plot honestly barely matters for me at the moment.


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