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Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Written by

James Goss

Directed by

David O'Mahony


31 minutes


Secretary Pym has never left the Eternity Club. This will never do. Bernice Summerfield drags him on an expedition. What could possibly go wrong?

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Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time! 


The Eternity Club decides that Secretary Pym needs to get out more, so Benny takes him on an expedition to a picturesque alien world—complete with blue seas, golden beaches, and ancient temple ruins. Much like Please Retain Your Ticket for the Cloakroom, this is another delightful two-hander, with Pym going from being utterly clueless about sunlight and sand to becoming so overenthusiastic that he nearly destroys an archaeological site with his well-meaning but over-efficient butler bots.

At its heart, this first half is a charming tale about stepping out of one’s comfort zone, with Pym’s gradual enjoyment of the adventure serving as a poignant reminder to embrace life rather than hide away from it.


The tone takes a sharp and sinister turn in the second half when Pym, in his eagerness, decides to rebuild the temple—unknowingly restoring an ancient gateway to another universe. What starts as a pleasant adventure suddenly becomes a creeping nightmare, as an ominous force seeps through the gateway, spreading darkness, confusion, and chaos. The butler bots, once helpful companions, are corrupted and begin preparing for the arrival of an unseen horror. The escalating tension is expertly handled, leading to a thrilling, fast-paced sequence of desperate running and problem-solving.


The most impressive aspect of the story is how it seamlessly ties into the larger narrative arc of Eternity Club. Throughout the series, there has been a recurring theme of forgotten memories, and Benny finally pieces together the puzzle—realising that the enigmatic Oldest One is, in fact, the entity from the gateway, manipulating the club’s members and erasing their pasts.

Just when it seems things can’t get any worse, the story delivers its knockout final twist: the Eternity Club has been taken over by the Master. It’s a masterstroke (pun fully intended), setting the stage for an explosive finale while recontextualising everything that has come before.


Mr Pym Has An Adventure is a brilliantly paced adventure that starts lighthearted and fun before plunging into something far darker. The character work is excellent, the suspense is gripping, and the final revelation is a game-changer. A thrilling and vital chapter in the Eternity Club saga.



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another great episode with an interesting totally unspoiled for me development at the end...


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A super charming small scale story about widening horizons and the return of Le Great Big Epic™ at the same time, and they actually fit together really, really well.

Le Great Big Epic™‘s return here is different though from how it was in the Cloakroom. It’s very much kept away for until halfway through, and it’s also much more actually dramatic as well. It’s almost as if the moment that the alternate universe gateway opens and the entity comes through, it takes a whole other tone with it as well. Pym’s naivety isn’t wholesome and funny anymore but becomes worrying. Bernice’s quips aren’t quippy for the sake of it, but to deflect her stress. It’s a pretty heavy shift, but it works, because the shift comes when the in universe big shift of the creature coming happens. Like I said, they come together, and it’s like one brings the other with it naturally. Then the coming of the creature itself is build up very well throughout the silly fun at the start, so everything just clicks into place once the drama comes. Which is almost cosmic-horror-y in its execution, with its ununderstandable powers and seeing the entire universe as just a prison for ‘The Death’, which I like.

Also I’m not sure if this is what they’re going to go for in the next parts, but (in extension kinda of what I said before about prisons) this story implies at least a little to me that the entire Eternity Club was only just a really elaborate prison for ‘The Death’. Which I think can bring some cool existential stuff with it too. Everyone there has gaps in their memory, they don’t know what the place is and don’t want to find out. They are all simply brainwashed pawns who think they’re a lot. It won’t seem unlikely to me if some force comes next episodes and wipes a bunch of them out in a second. When all of these… kinda friends of Benny she (and we too) has been spending all this time with, turn out to not have been who they thought they were, that they’re all like 312.

Now that I think of it, I can also see a thematic link with Rhubarb, about the little things in life. Where there it’s about looking after those, and how small stuff can create big problems, Pym’s perspective makes us appreciate the tiny aspects. Everything that’s new is extraordinary, and one doesn’t know what they’re missing until they’ve found it or something. But also, it’s why I think this arc clicks so well. All those little forgettable details, from seemingly random technobabble to character motivations, all come together when Bernice realizes what’s going on. The reveal or twist or whatever you want to call it, of course comes out of left field, but it feels earned, like you should’ve figured it all out yourself long ago, because the story’s been telling it to you through the themes it’s handling. I think it’s brilliant. And it helps making it feel like a finale without even being one. (which in turn can excuse its more dramatic tone too)

Also, Big Spoiler: one of the last drops in the bucket that made me get this: The Master. Great. Perfect. Even if it isn’t, it is, actually. Even if I was spoiled, it was still glorious. Loved every single second of that ending. As they say: “Just the best.”


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Echoing the sentiment of the previous reviewer. Made me physically say "Shut up!!!" out loud.

Another adventure in Benny kidnapping someone which I again thought was a weird choice, but Pym at least enjoyed his adventure, mostly, and I found him discovering the world outside the Club Asteroid to be very wholesome.

Now, what would really make me lose my mind is if they have surprise Brax in the next boxset.


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Okay they cooked with this one that ending wow


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