I’m am so impressed with Scott Gray’s run of DWM 13 comics. These four stories are some of the most cohesive and compelling Dr Who I have ever seen, and I will be revisiting it many times I believe. This finale story, Mistress of Chaos brings it all together. I do believe Yaz gets a little sidelined in this adventure, but it’s such a big one with so many moving parts. If THIS was on TV, I know it would be beloved and 13 would be remembered as one of the greats, because her Doctor in particular really shines. We see her very darkest hour and how she can flip on a dime to become the Oncoming Storm. The villain reflects this brilliantly, and is now one of my all time favorite Who baddies. I don’t know, I could gush all day long. I had so much fun with this story, and I could not recommend it enough to anyone who can get their hands on it.

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