Stories Book Virgin New Adventures Love and War 1 image Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite Tags: Speech BERNICE: So, do you have a girlfriend? DOCTOR: No. BERNICE: Boyfriend? DOCTOR: No BERNICE: Model Railway Set? DOCTOR: Somewhere. The TARDIS is full of surprises. BERNICE: But you’re not the sort of person that keeps a big table, with tiny trees and signal boxes and things? DOCTOR: No. BERNICE: Ah, then you must be interested in law and order. DOCTOR: No. I like chaos. Big explosions. Rebellions. That sort of thing. Why do you ask? BERNICE: Because I want to know why you go around in a police box! DOCTOR: You know what one is? BERNICE: It’s from my favourite era. DOCTOR: I could’ve changed it ages ago. But I like the shape. And the motto. Call here for help. That’s what I do. I let the little children sleep safely at night, because I’ve searched through all the shadows and chased the baddies away. I’m what monsters have nightmares about! But everybody’s a monster sometimes. We all do things we regret. And sometimes we have to lose things very precious to us. — Love and War Link to Quote Favourite BENNY: You're very interesting. ACE: Cheers. BENNY: Mainly because of the badges on your jacket. Those are really odd, because they're all from one of the eras I specialize in, early space age. They must have cost you a fortune. ACE: Nah. I'm a time traveller from the nineteen-eighties. BENNY: That is less possible than something very impossible indeed. That is really crukking impossible. — Love and War Link to Quote Favourite BERNICE: What's the best Isley Brothers song? DOCTOR: "This Old Heart of Mine". BERNICE: Correct. DOCTOR: Surprising question. BERNICE: Ah, well, surprise is my middle name. Bernice Surprise Summerfield. My poor Mum wanted to hammer that point home, I think. — Love and War Link to Quote Favourite MÁIRE: Will you keep Jan safe and warm, and hide with him from all pursuit? ACE: I guess so . . . yeah. MÁIRE: And will you, Jan, do the same? JAN: Aye, I will and all. MÁIRE: Well, you're now betrothed in the sight of the Goddess. You soft fools! ACE: Does this mean we're engaged? That was always something I said I'd never do. JAN: We are. What else did you say you'd never do? ACE: Done most of it. — Love and War Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: You think you've fallen in love. One day you'll wake up and he'll be gone. ACE: Shut up! What the hell do you know about love? You don't do it, do you? DOCTOR: Not lately. ACE: What are you getting so worked up about? I didn't have it off with a bloody Dalek! DOCTOR: Would it have made a difference? — Love and War Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: There are things in this universe that even the Daleks fear. Terrible things that use what we are, make it into something evil. Things that play the most devious games. You can fight a Dalek, exterminate it. There are few ways to fight what's inside your neighbour, or inside you... — Seventh Doctor, Love and War