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First aired

Monday, May 3, 2010

Written by

Deborah Parsons

Directed by

Mark DeFriest


30 minutes

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Urlic, Earth, England, London


Inspector Thorne sets a trap for K9. Starkey is whisked away to a far off planet. The desolate world is contained within an alien library card. The Librarian arrives to reclaim the card. The team need June's help to rescue Starkey and teach Thorne a lesson. The Librarian takes a liking to Professor Gryffen and sets about tidying up the mansion.

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3 reviews

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It seems to me that the library isnt' really all that lost?

Some very fun sci-fi concepts in here though, almost reminds me of Braniac and The Phantom Zone from DC comics. Thorne's first real appearance is a suitable one for his level of villainous bureaucracy, the idea of turning this library card into a new kind of prison is an idea that's very believable, and I like his bouncing off the main cast. He's not got the camp of Drake, but he's more than a worthy replacement.

The alien design is fun if a bit weird, the makeup and headpiece look like they're meant to match but it's absolutely not seemless, mostly I was making negative comparisons to Chantho with it. It's also a bit strange that they showed up there but not to the department, and the romance(???) with Gryphen was a bit out of nowhere, but hey, those can be easily forgotten or handwaved away.

They also seem to be just pretending that Thorne was here the whole time, and no acknowledging that this is is real introduction, but I can definitely accept off-screen adventures having happened.

Overall..... I think I'm actually starting to really enjoy watching K9



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5️⃣🔼 = MIDDLING!

Barking through time and space, one adventure at a time!


I’m intrigued by the title: “Ukko” is the God of Thunder (with "ukkonen," the Finnish word for “"thunderstorm," literally meaning “small thunder”) in Finnish mythology (and it also means “old man” or “geezer” these days).

It’s nice to get out of the mansion a little! It’s Department tour day!

Smug Face 2 appears properly here, and he looks a bit like Paul Bettany, which is distracting to me. And he’s up to no good, because of course he is!

Bad Starkey suddenly finds himself on Discount Tatooine (AKA a quarry), which is really just a futuristic library card for an alien race of librarians. It’s actually a pretty fun twist in an alien race.

When will the Department learn not to mess around with alien stuff? They keep making the same mistake in every single episode.

The alien race seen here is actually well-designed and interesting (brings Chantho from Series 3 to mind for some reason). The way she acts and talks feels a bit RTD-era Who to me.

The latter half of the episode goes more into typical K9 shenanigans.


The way they pronounce “ukko” throughout the episode sounds so hilarious to me.


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I’m shocked. This one is good! The guy who plays Thorne is the best actor in the show, genuinely menacing. He raises the game of the general cast. I have previously singled out Deborah Parsons as the best writer on this show, she returns in fine form. Because the cast is in much better form too at this point in the series, finally this script is able to sing to its full potential. The librarian alien in a cheap 1970s alien outfit is so camp and classic-Doctor Who like. I love it!


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AVG. Rating32 members
2.59 / 5

AVG. Rating4 votes
3.25 / 5

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GRYFFEN: He’ll never keep his side of the bargain.

DARIUS: Well, if he’s going to lie to us, you’ll have to lie to him.


K9: You’ll have to do it, professor.

GRYFFEN: I don’t like lying.

K9: It’s for a good cause.

GRYFFEN: I’m aware of that, but I’m a scientist and science is the pursuit of truth. Perhaps there’s another way.

K9: I’m a machine. The truth is just software, isn’t it?

YSSARINGINTINKA: I don’t understand why you’re so careful with the truth when your house is so messy.

GRYFFEN: That doesn’t make any sense.

YSSARINGINTINKA: Tidiness comes before truth.

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Transcript Needs checking

[Outside the Department HQ]

(K9 flies overhead, unseen, and stops near the roof. Below, people are queuing for entry.)

VOICE: Welcome to the Department’s Inaugural Open Day. Visitors are reminded to follow their official escorts at all times. Department restrooms are strictly off-limits without an official Departmental permission slip. Visitors are reminded not to stray…

(Starkey and Darius join the queue. Starkey’s vidcom rings.)

K9: (Over vidcom) Have they ever had a careers day before?
STARKEY: That’s why it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity.
K9: (Over vidcom) I don’t like it.

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