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Nick Tredor

Kingdom Cryptiqqa

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Released Monday, February 5, 2024
Written by Atom Mudman Bezecny
Pages 113
Locations Krennos

Enter Into the World of Mystery...

Nick Tredor is lost. Very lost.

Lost in another universe, in fact. One which is teeming with alien life...where a strange species called the Jeune-Vieillards watch over all of time. It’s in this fantastical new cosmos that Nick meets Grorton-Luenga, a hyper-evolved biorobot who is eager to help him get home. But the journey home won’t be as easy as they hope. For the way out of this universe lies in Kingdom Cryptiqqa - the homeland of Mystery itself! And other parties seek the Kingdom, too - like Henry XVI, vicious pirate captain of the HMS Nonsuch!