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Honestly, a pretty impressive comic given I didn't have a lot of expectations of it at first.  In this short comic adventure, the TARDIS is picked up by some scrap hunters.  Among their junk is a supposedly defunct Cyberman, who immediately revives and attacks the crew.  The Doctor must stop the Cybermen from reviving their destroyed fleet.  It is all a very standard story, but it is enhanced by some beautiful art by Mike McMahon and Adolfo Buylla.  I don't know if I've ever seen the original version of the Cybermen drawn so well.  They are intimidating, clunky, and seriously cool looking in this comic.  That alone makes the comic worth checking out, even if the story is underwhelming.  The characters are a bit off too, as it seems to me Doctor Who Magazine loved having wacky, kid-friendly characters in these early comics and it really doesn't work that well for me.


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