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Main Range • Episode 123c

Izzy’s Story

2.98/ 5 89 votes

Reviews and links from the Community

Review of Izzy’s Story by dema1020

I certainly agree with critical consensus on this site that this is the weakest among The Company of Friends, but I'd go a little farther to say it is so by a wide mile.

I get that this is supposed to be light-hearted, goofy Doctor Who fun, but the key word in that is fun. I did not have fun. I found the jokes and silliness kind of lame and a little too over-the-top for my tastes, and some of the jokes about girls in comics or the nature of the evil comic book company all felt really old hat to me. I did like Izzy though, and the way she just wanted to learn about the last issue in a comic series is an adorable hook for a Doctor Who adventure.

Her and Eight are great here, but I found the voices of a lot of the other characters pretty grating at times if not awful in their delivery. Just chewing the scenery in the worst way possible. I did not enjoy this one.

Review last edited on 5-09-24

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