Stories Television The Sarah Jane Adventures Series 1 The Sarah Jane Adventures S1 Episode: 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 Invasion of the Bane 1 image Overview Characters How to Watch Reviews 6 Statistics Related Stories Quotes 1 Transcript + Script Overview First aired Monday, January 1, 2007 Production Code 1.X Written by Gareth Roberts, Russell T Davies Directed by Colin Teague Runtime 59 minutes Story Type Special Time Travel Present Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) Child Genius, Robots Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!) The Bane Location (Potential Spoilers!) Earth, England, London UK Viewers 2.92 million Synopsis Investigative journalist Sarah Jane Smith teams up with her new, thirteen-year-old neighbour, Maria Jackson, to face the scheming Mrs Wormwood, the head of a company producing a popular and addictive soft drink called "Bubble Shock!" Watch Watched Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Sarah Jane Smith Elisabeth Sladen Luke Smith Tommy Knight First Appearance Maria Jackson Yasmin Paige First Appearance Kelsey Hooper First Appearance Mr Smith Alexander Armstrong First Appearance Mrs Wormwood First Appearance Alan Jackson Joseph Millson First Appearance Chrissie Jackson Juliet Cowan First Appearance Bane Mother First Appearance The Bane First Appearance K9 Mark IV John Leeson Show All Characters (11) How to watch Invasion of the Bane: Watch on iPlayer DVD The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Complete First Series DVD The Sarah Jane Adventures – Invasion of the Bane Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 6 reviews 4 March 2025 · 695 words Review by MrColdStream 5 Investigating through time and space, one case at a time! “INVASION OF THE BANE: A STRONG START FOR SARAH JANE'S NEW ERA” With Torchwood catering to an adult audience, The Sarah Jane Adventures is Doctor Who’s answer for younger viewers. Spinning out of the events of School Reunion, this series brings back Elisabeth Sladen as the beloved investigative journalist Sarah Jane Smith, now living on Bannerman Road and dedicating her life to uncovering alien mysteries. While she still has K9 by her side, the show introduces a new team of young companions, with Sarah Jane taking on a mentor role rather than being the sidekick she once was. The series kicks off with the hour-long special Invasion of the Bane, a well-paced introduction that balances world-building, character development, and an engaging alien invasion plot. The episode takes its time establishing Sarah Jane’s world, her new neighbours, and the eerie Bubble Shock factory, where something sinister lurks beneath the surface. The tension builds gradually, allowing for a solid introduction to the show’s central elements—including Maria, the inquisitive girl who stumbles upon Sarah Jane’s secret life, and the mysterious boy known as the Archetype, later named Luke Smith. A STRONG CAST AND WELL-DEFINED CHARACTERS Elisabeth Sladen proves she is more than capable of leading her own show, portraying an older, wiser Sarah Jane who has lost none of her charm, determination, or investigative spirit. This version of Sarah Jane is fiercely independent but also deeply compassionate, and her evolution from a lonely figure into a mentor is handled beautifully. The child actors are surprisingly strong, making their characters feel natural and relatable. Yasmin Page stands out as Maria, whose journey from an uncertain newcomer to a brave and determined ally is well-developed. Tommy Knight, as Luke, brings an interesting dynamic to the group—his sharp intellect and lack of basic human experiences make him both amusing and compelling. Samantha Bond is a delightfully campy villain as Mrs Wormwood, balancing menace with theatrical flair, while Jamie Davis as Davey feels slightly off-key compared to the rest of the cast. The story also cleverly explains K9’s absence. In-universe, Sarah Jane has him stationed elsewhere, maintaining a black hole, while behind the scenes, his creator Bob Baker was attempting to launch a K9 spin-off (which eventually resulted in the ill-fated Australian K9 series). A WELL-CONSTRUCTED STORY WITH STRONG VISUALS Invasion of the Bane benefits from a well-paced structure, using its extended runtime effectively to set up the series while delivering a compelling standalone adventure. The Bane—a monstrous, tentacled alien species—are a great concept, and the main creature is effectively designed, feeling both threatening and visually striking. The scene where the Bane attacks the children in Sarah Jane’s home is a standout moment, blending action and suspense brilliantly. What’s particularly refreshing is that, despite being a children’s show, The Sarah Jane Adventures never feels cheap. The production values are solid, with visual effects on par with contemporary Doctor Who, fitting music, and dynamic cinematography that enhances the tension. The domestic approach—rooting the story in Maria’s family struggles and her discovery of Sarah Jane as a mysterious next-door neighbour—grounds the series in a relatable way, reminiscent of Doctor Who’s RTD era. A STRONG START WITH A MEMORABLE FINALE The episode builds towards an exciting climax, with Sarah Jane and Maria facing off against Mrs Wormwood and her plan to use Bubble Shock to convert humanity into Bane. The final confrontation, culminating in a dramatic explosion, provides a satisfying conclusion and sets the tone for the series to follow. Overall, Invasion of the Bane is a confident and engaging debut, successfully establishing The Sarah Jane Adventures as a worthy Doctor Who spin-off. It respects its younger audience without talking down to them, delivering a fun, action-packed, and meaningful story. 📝VERDICT: 8/10 A well-crafted introduction to The Sarah Jane Adventures, Invasion of the Bane is never childish but always engaging. With a strong cast, solid production values, and a mix of action, humour, and heart, it sets up the series beautifully while delivering an entertaining adventure in its own right. MrColdStream View profile Like Liked 5 27 January 2025 · 81 words Review by weebiloobil 3 There's some lovely ideas in this episode. It feels a lot like a Third Doctor/UNIT story (where was UNIT during all of this?), and the foundations for what would become a great show are definitely there. It's just a shame the tone is very uneven, and there is lots of overacting. Also the direction with all the weird camera movements gave me a bit of a headache, and thank goodness one particular character didn't make it to the main series. weebiloobil View profile Like Liked 3 26 November 2024 · 38 words Review by whitestar1993 3 A great start to the series! I didn't mind the bit of kid cheesiness to it,but actually thought it was very mature story telling. I also loved her reflections on the Doctor,and all the easter eggs. whitestar1993 View profile Like Liked 3 26 May 2024 · 189 words Review by dema1020 4 Invasion of the Bane is a pleasant enough watch and a decent start to the series. Sarah, Maria, and her dad are all pretty great, and the story works well enough for what they are going for with this clearly younger oriented series. It is something revisiting this show after we've lost Elisabeth Sladen, and there's definitely a bittersweet sense of nostalgia to the show now. Tommy Knight is a little awkward in the show in these early episodes, and the Kelsey character reeks of being a pilot artifact that thankfully doesn't last outside of this story. Child acting can be a no-win situation for the actor, production, and the audience, and this is a good example of that. I don't think it speaks much about Kelsey's actor, Porsha Lawrence-Mavour, more so the larger system and people behind the scenes that created the situation. Still, it's a fun enough and serviceable start to a rather memorable Doctor Who spin-off that seems to have gotten a lot of affection from the fan community these days. I think it is deserved, evident even in lesser episodes like Invasion of the Bane. dema1020 View profile Like Liked 4 4 May 2024 · 451 words Review by sandymybeloved 3 Pilots often feel a little off from what a show will become and this is no exception. While a good little episode taken on its own, it doesn’t quite feel like an episode of The Sarah-Jane adventures, not so much for any faults in and of itself, just for not quite meshing in the context of the rest of the show. While all of the new characters are pitch perfect from the get go, or in the case of Luke as close as it is reasonable to get just after being born, outside of the scenes with Mrs Wormwood, Sarah-Jane feels a little off to me in a way I can’t quite put my finger on. A little too hard edged in perhaps not quite the right ways, and I suppose that's what the episode is going for, to see her softened by Maria and Luke, and later Clyde, but it doesn’t quite stick the landing. To an extent it feels as though they haven’t yet figured Sarah out as the main protagonist, as the leader of this small band of alien fighting kids, any coldness towards them or attempts to keep them out of the danger feel to me as though they are out of annoyance more than any desire to keep them out of harm's way. The plot of this story is also pretty thin, which isn’t really an issue as this is the first episode, the plot is not as important as introducing us to the characters, but it does leave you with the impression that this is a Doctor Who plot with a Sarah-Jane Adventures coat of paint, making it pretty unrepresentative of what the show will be like moving forward. I think the primary reason for this is the sense of scale, while other Sarah-Jane Adventures episodes have aliens with plans to take over or destroy the world, the initial steps of those plans usually feels very local to Bannerman Road, or sometimes even hyperfocused on Sarah and the kids, and I don’t get that sense here. Bubbleshock is already a large company getting endorsements on Blue Peter, and while I would never question the capabilities of Sarah-Jane and friends, alien invasions of this nature and scope are not really within their typical wheelhouse. As someone who grew up on this show I do like the episode overall, and certainly it introduces all of its characters in a version of themselves that is either already perfect or will be with some minor tweaks which is the most important thing, but it is a story what just does not quite feel like it belongs to the Sarah-Jane Adventures as a whole. sandymybeloved View profile Like Liked 3 Show All Reviews (6) Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating299 members 3.45 / 5 Member Statistics Watched 701 Favourited 23 Reviewed 6 Saved 2 Skipped 1 Related Stories The Revenge of Wormwood The Star-Crossed Diversion Rating: 3.79 Story Skipped Audio Drama Reviews(3) More Actions View Sets Close Related Sets Set of Stories: Rani Takes on the World Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved The Sarah Jane Adventures S2 • Episode 11-12 Enemy of the Bane Rating: 3.51 Story Skipped Television Reviews(3) More Actions View Sets Close Related Sets Set of Stories: The Sarah Jane Adventures Set of Stories: The Sarah Jane Adventures Series 2 Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved Other adaptations of this story: We define an adaptation as a recreation of a similar story but on a different medium or with different characters. Sarah Jane Adventures Invasion of the Bane Rating: 3.81 Story Skipped Book More Actions View Sets Close Related Sets Set of Stories: The Sarah Jane Adventures (Books & Audio) Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite SARAH JANE: I saw amazing things, out there in space. But there's strangeness to be found wherever you turn. Life on Earth can be an adventure, too. You just need to know where to look. — Sarah Jane Smith, Invasion of the Bane Transcript + Script Needs checking SARAH JANE [OC]: I saw amazing things, out there in space. But there's strangeness to be found wherever you turn. Life on Earth can be an adventure, too. You just need to know where to look. [Jackson home] TV ad: Bubble Shock! (The place is gradually being filled with boxes carried in by a man. A young girl is kneeling on the floor.) ALAN: Ah, she's got the telly working, that's the first priority. Plenty to shift. Plenty more boxes. Do us a favour, find the kettle. I'm parched.CHRISSIE [OC]: Maria!MARIA: Coming! Show Full Transcript Open in new window View Script (PDF)