Gallifrey Episode 4
NEELOC: Right! We’re the brightest minds in the Prydonian College. We’re following in the footsteps of the—
TAYLOR: It’s always the Doctor with you.
NEELOC: Not just him. There were other people who broke away from Time Lord society, who went out there and- and did something!
B’ARECH: And in return, they’re vilified by the Gallifreyan establishment.
GALADINA: Some cases not without reason. The Master alone has been responsible–
NEELOC: Yeah, yeah. Okay. So some of them turned out bad. But the point is, they made a difference. And that’ll be us, guys! In a hundred years time, no one will care where we came from then! All that they’ll care about is that between us, the five of us, we’re going to make history!
ROMANA: I mean, I’m trying my best to lead Gallifrey into the future. I’m trying to forge links with the other Temporal Powers instead of conducting ruinous wars against them. Darkel is determined to drag us all back to the old time. How can we go forward when she continually fans the flames of mistrust and paranoia? I’ve seen the future she’ll create, K9, I’ve seen the corridors of the Capitol awash with blood.
— Romana II, Insurgency
ANDRED: Darkel has only tried to prevent this. She said from the start.
LEELA: She has spread lies and hatred. She has turned the students against each other. When I was their age, I would have torn out her hearts for what she has done to them with her self-serving speeches. Now, I say one thing to their faces and another when they cannot hear me. I am becoming a liar like you, and it disgusts me.
ANDRED: Sometimes we lie for what we think are the right reasons.
LEELA: I do not think you know what the truth is anymore. I don’t know who’s side you are on, Andred, but I am certain it is not mine.
K9: You are acting as the Madam President requested, mistress.
LEELA: I know that, and Romana is my friend, but… I cannot help wondering if Andred was right. She has brought many different tribes together in this school, and some have already proved that they cannot be trusted. Their hatred for Gallifrey and- and for each other stretches back many years. I fear it is possible to keep your enemy too close.
K9: Suggestion, mistress. Pull yourself together.
LEELA: Suggestion for you, K9. No more empathy, please.
DARKEL: We learn from the mistakes of the past, Madam President. We have certainly learned a great deal from yours.
— Darkel, Insurgency
ROMANA: I am still the Lord High President of Gallifrey, and it’s about time a few people learned to accept that fact! No more compromises, K9. From now on, things are going to be very different around here.
— Romana II, Insurgency