Stories Audio Drama Gallifrey Gallifrey Episode 4 Insurgency 1 image Overview Characters How to Listen Reviews 7 Statistics Quotes 6 Overview Released July 2005 Written by Steve Lyons Runtime 74 minutes Time Travel Unclear Location (Potential Spoilers!) Time Lord Academy, Gallifrey Synopsis They are the brightest minds of their generation; the architects of tomorrow. And now, they have the chance to attend the finest, most exclusive school known to the temporal powers. After millennia of secrecy, the Gallifreyan Academy has opened its doors to off-worlders... But the experiment is failing. As interracial violence erupts in the corridors of learning, somebody is using the students as pawns in a political power game - and, while Tutor Leela struggles to unravel the motives of her ex-husband, Andred, President Romana may be falling under an ancient spell. It's a dangerous time to be a stranger on Gallifrey. It seems that not all Time Lords want to share their secrets... Listen Listened Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Romana II Leela K9 Mark I K9 Mark II Narvin Andred Valyestriantriluma (Valyes) Galadina First Appearance Darkel Show All Characters (9) How to listen to Insurgency: Big Finish Audio Gallifrey: Insurgency Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 7 reviews 16 February 2025 · 172 words Review by RandomJoke Spoilers This review contains spoilers! (I honestly liked this one a bit more over the last one, which was great, no doubts, but there is something about this one). I really enjoyed the Slice of Life Angel we kinda take with those Academy Figures, that was an absolute delight and really a delightful surprise for me. Surprise surprise Louise as Leela is great again here?? Who would have thought? I did enjoy hearing Romana having a Breakdown, and that ending makes me quite curious about the next Story! And again like once pointed out this Series gives Lalla as Romana even more to do, which is always something I welcome with open arms. Overall, this one is yet another very good Entry in the Gallifrey Series (I fear I am starting to be converted into a Fan-Fan of it with the amount of me saying good Things about a Range/Series of Who this consistently.) I do love how much we experiment here with this Series, can I just say that? It’s pretty neat, I think! RandomJoke View profile Like Liked 0 3 February 2025 · 82 words Review by Jae Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! What is there to say? Romana has a mental breakdown of gigantic proportions and it is not done, the students are wonderful and everything happening to them is terrible, Leela is amazing, her identity as an outsider is played amazingly with the students, I am going insane about the tragedy of Leela and Andred, the politics are getting even more breathtakingly tense. In short, what the hell how do these keep being so good!! This ties with Spirit for my favourite yet Jae View profile Like Liked 1 18 January 2025 · 128 words Review by dema1020 Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! I very much like the slice of life aspect of this. It was very cool hearing about life at the Time Lord academy and there's some really good build-up for Darkel here. 8/10 - great overall but a little disjointed in the narration and pacing. It's good but some scenes sat with me better than others. The whole thing with Pandora and Imperiatrix feels fine but on the heels of Neverland and Zagreus, it does feel like we are treading very similar ground with the usual dark reflection of the Doctor now being transposed onto Romana instead. That side of things feels less fun and original, which is harder to really be excited about. I can't say I'm as excited for the finale as I think I should be. dema1020 View profile Like Liked 2 28 December 2024 · 11 words Review by mistwhisper117 Enjoyed Romana’s storyline. I could have done without the rest. mistwhisper117 View profile Like Liked 0 8 December 2024 · 254 words Review by JayPea Spoilers 7 This review contains spoilers! A great view into the lives of regular people on Gallifrey. A lot of the previous stories had been talking about civil unrest and the conflict that Romana opening up the academy had caused, but it's one thing hearing about it, another seeing it from the front lines. The core cast we get here are immensely relatable, you can so easily see this friendship group existing at school, so easily put yourself in their shoes, and so easily understand when everything starts to fall apart. Leela is also just a brilliant teacher, you can see why Brax thought she'd be a good fit, but you can also understand her motivations when she wants to leave at the end of the story. The moments she has with Andred are also great for character, she's starting to understand, but she can't forgive everything that's happened. Her talking about Trauma and how on her planet it would just be seen as a sign of weakness, even if backtracking on it and saying how her thoughts have changed, shows a sharpness and harshness to her that we don't really get to see often. Romana as well is great here, her interactions with the future Pandora are interesting, and that final moment of her deciding that she's the president and she's going to put her foot down are great. Not here much, but what we get is great. And god, Darkel continues to be such a lovable yet hatable villian, I can't wait for this to keep going. JayPea View profile Like Liked 7 Show All Reviews (7) Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating115 members 3.91 / 5 GoodReads AVG. Rating144 votes 3.99 / 5 Member Statistics Listened 232 Favourited 12 Reviewed 7 Saved 1 Skipped 0 Owned 9 Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite NEELOC: Right! We’re the brightest minds in the Prydonian College. We’re following in the footsteps of the— NEELOC, TAYLOR, GALADINA and B’ARECH: The Doctor. TAYLOR: It’s always the Doctor with you. NEELOC: Not just him. There were other people who broke away from Time Lord society, who went out there and- and did something! B’ARECH: And in return, they’re vilified by the Gallifreyan establishment. GALADINA: Some cases not without reason. The Master alone has been responsible– NEELOC: Yeah, yeah. Okay. So some of them turned out bad. But the point is, they made a difference. And that’ll be us, guys! In a hundred years time, no one will care where we came from then! All that they’ll care about is that between us, the five of us, we’re going to make history! — Insurgency Show All Quotes (6) Open in new window