Gallifrey Episode 5
ROMANA: We will bring about justice, not vengeance. I need your support leela, now more than ever. You and the K9s are my only friends here
— Romana II, Imperiatrix
K9: Suggestion. Use metal component as barter to obtain access to collected evidence from academy bombing.
LEELA: I do not think Narvin will barter this information.
K9: Then we will not give him our findings.
LEELA: K9, you are thinking like a Time Lord now.
K9: Compliments are unnecessary, mistress.
LEELA: Believe me when I say being close to you gives me no pleasure. I will not be in your way, but do not mock me. I am not Gallifreyan but that does not mean I am lower.
— Leela, Imperiatrix
NARVIN: The Coordinator of the CIA does not ally himself with anyone. While the Madame President Romana is officially in office, I am, however, loyal to her.
— Narvin, Imperiatrix
NARVIN: I'm being set up! Again! It's obvious. Why would I help you if I was the terrorist? I'm being set up, I tell you. Surely even you can see that. You can't let her stab me, K9, it's not legal!
— Narvin, Imperiatrix
LEELA: Andred. My husband. I have wronged you in my thoughts. I have made you my enemy when you needed me by your side. I am sorry. Do not worry. I grow closer to your killer and my blade will strike deep and avenge you. And then, then I may join you. For there is nothing for me here. And we will be happy once more.
— Leela, Imperiatrix
ROMANA: People are dead and you fight one another like animals. Is this what you want these terrorists to do to us? Violence upon violence, cutting and maiming, destruction and devastation until there's nothing left at all? There's nothing we can do for K9 or the others now. We can only pick up the pieces.
— Romana II, Imperiatrix
ROMANA: Yes, this is exactly what they have waited for. This is all my fault, Leela. I thought I could change things, but this society is too old, too ingrained in the way things are. The President's the one with the least power here. It's just a fancy title. I'm losing, Leela.
— Romana II, Imperiatrix
LEELA: Vengeance is the warrior's code. We are, both of us, warriors in our ways. But whereas you use the word in battle, I use the knife. Which of us is better served?
— Leela, Imperiatrix
PANDORA: That's better. It was getting uncomfortable in that small mind of yours. I was always in you, Romana. We have the Imperiatrix Imprimatur from when I bonded with Pandora. She is all that is left of that line, just a ghost, but brimming with all that ambition and power. And she gave that to me.
— Pandora, Imperiatrix