Stories Comic The Many Lives of Doctor Who Harvest of the Daleks 1 image Back to Story Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 1 review 17 February 2025 · 375 words Review by Owen The longest story yet, wowzers. Six whole pages! That is pretty cray cray for realz. The absolutely HUMONGOUS page count allows for a lot of meandering. It just takes too long guys, every sentence I was feeling my brain getting distracted by simulating subway servers gameplay and family guy clips. It’s just too long! I’m not reading six whole pages, what, I read Doctor Who for fun not for a school assignment! Philips or whatever his name was, is obviously stretching the page count here so he will get paid more, and so Titan can charge more for the amount of pages. Well! Too bad that is for them, because I actually pirated it anyways. Never let the corporations stop your consumerism guys! Because that’s what they want! Anywaysagain, I’m gonna continue watching Doctor Who via youtube shorts. If it somehow wasn’t clear yet, I didn’t actually pirate this comic. I got it from humble bundle. Please let my satire stay on this site lol. Because that’s what this series has boiled down to in the end. They’ve all been mindless short bursts of entertainment packaged in a larger more expensive package. It’s like a 1 hour YouTube compilation of 30 second TikToks. Except with a lot more care and love put into it. Which is of course reflected by the price tag. The extra pages help the side characters of the little kids get a little bits more exposure, and that’s it. The climax to this story is just something that’s just like that because our writer has decided that that’s the answer. I could repeat the same things again. I’ve gotten a bit tired. I don’t know anymore what to say. Let me do my last yap about art and stuff and then it’s time to move on to the framing device. Art is okay and so is the colour. Nothing wrong with it. Perfectly fine. There are good things, and also bad things. Low points and high points. The bad parts I didn’t like, and the good parts I did like, because they were either not that good or not that bad. The end. Owen View profile Like Liked 0