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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Written by

Alan Barnes, Mike Maddox


141 minutes

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Companion Death, Dawn of Time

Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)

Elder Gods Trilogy

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

The Board


The TARDIS travellers arrive in a bizarre landscape seemingly immune to the physical laws governing the rest of the universe. Ace, Hex, Sally and Lysandra battle to rescue the Doctor from the trap he's walked into... soon realising that the odds are stacked against them.

Because the Doctor is playing an old adversary again: Fenric, shatterer of worlds. But the gods and monsters who inhabit this strange realm loaded the dice against them long ago, in the dim and distant past — and defeat's their only option.

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How to listen to Gods and Monsters:


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I had a lot of expectations coming into this Black and White TARDIS Trilogy and safely to say this concluding story failed me in almost every way it could.

I thought this was going to be a serious, dark story showing each and every instance that The Doctor was manipulating both TARDIS crews and The Elder Gods and by extension of the Elder Gods playing them as well as well as Fenric, the comedy in this was completely unneeded and detracted from what it should've been.

Talking about the Elder Gods showdown is too painful to put into words it was just war games with Haemovores! Ah! Where was the chess game! The subtle manipulations and tricks that I was expecting with a Fenric story?

The only highlights for me in this were the Lysandra and Sally scenes in the possible future that was a great double act, Hex going insane at the sight of Weyland's true form, his purpose revealed and him saying goodbye to his friends twice were heartbreaking and Sophie's acting oh my ****ing god that wrecked me.

This as a Hex story was very well done but the rest needed reworking.

Sorry Alan and Mike this just wasn't it for me.


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É selado o fim do arco da Black TARDIS em “Black And White”, Gods And Monsters termina sua trama inclinando novamente o foco principal em mais um mistério que envolve Hex deixando o ouvinte bem curioso para os próximos eventos de suas últimas aventuras com o 7° Doutor. Voltamos a normalidade com apenas uma TARDIS, a velha e azul que já conhecemos pousando nos momentos iniciais do universo onde proporciona o reencontro do Doutor com Fenric novamente se inserindo a conhecida partida de xadrez que vimos no arco da Série Clássica “The Curse Of Fenric”. Confesso que achei o enredo de sua primeira metade bem estranho, até mesmo a forma como sua trama é conduzida, senti que vezes os personagens e as situações estavam correndo demais, uma organização que à primeira vista me pareceu um pouco desarrumada. Mas em compensação sua segunda metade é fenomenal tendo um dos melhores encerramentos de áudio que já me deparei nessa Run do 7° Doutor - Há algumas boas reviravoltas, ideias e elementos muito interessante: o jogo de xadrez em si, o amuleto de martelo que a Ace carrega, a temática da crença e fé sendo explorada novamente, Ace voltando a Perivale, Lysandra e Sally testemunhando seus próprios futuros em uma situação assustadora, temos até mesmo um background da The Forge, tudo em um tom bem melancólico e cinza servindo como uma bela dosagem nostálgica de The Curse Of Fenric.


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I was a little uncertain going into this one as I vaguely knew what was going to happen to Hex, and the other two in the trilogy set a high standard. But delightfully, Gods and Monsters did not let me down.

Often, I find stories about gods and all-powerful beings to be kind of dull because you can reach a point where the stakes are so high they become as boring as if there were none. But with Gods and Monsters, I enjoyed the inevitability of it - possibly helped by knowing, ultimately, that Hex was going to die. I enjoyed how the Doctor's schemes unravelled, and how yet again his companions were trapped in the consequences of his meddling.

However Hex did not die. I mean, he kind of did. But not in the way I was expecting. Not only was his farewell to Ace genuinely upsetting to the point that I had to take a walk so as not to cry in the workshop, but hearing him at the end with the gods has me genuinely excited for his return, and to see where this story goes.


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