Stories Television Doctor Who Season 5 Classic Who S5 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fury from the Deep 1 image Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: What's the matter, Victoria? PRICE: She can't scream, sir. DOCTOR: Oh no! Oh Victoria, that's ridiculous. VICTORIA: Jamie, you can't scream just like that! DOCTOR: Everything depends upon you screaming. (Victoria screams.) DOCTOR: There you are. I knew you could. — Fury from the Deep Link to Quote Favourite Tags: Sad (They can see Victoria on the scanner.) JAMIE: We can't just leave her. DOCTOR: We are not leaving her, Jamie. It was her decision to stay. She'll be quite all right with the Harrises. Now don't worry so much, Jamie. JAMIE: I'm not, I'm just. Och, come on, let's go. DOCTOR: Well, where would you like to go? JAMIE: I couldn't care less. DOCTOR: I was fond of her too, you know, Jamie. — Fury from the Deep Link to Quote Favourite VICTORIA: Doctor, why is it that we always land up in trouble? DOCTOR: Well, Victoria, it's the spice of life, my dear. — Fury from the Deep