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October 2015

Written by

Justin Richards




A spaceship crash-lands on a mysterious planet, the crew frozen in cryogenic suspension, unable to save themselves from the slithering dangers that lurk outside. Can a handsome space captain find the sleeping travellers before it's too late?

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How to read Frozen Beauty:


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This story reminded me of Aliens (1986), with a woman trapped in cryo-stasis, and the Wirrn acting as a parallel to the facehuggers (ovamorphs), which is a great sign.

Sleeping Beauty was always the fairy tale I adored the most, and creating a sci-fi retelling like this is stunning. The threat of Maleficent is dropped, and instead replaced with not only the Wirrn but the "Final Frontier", demonstrating how space-travel can be just as unforgiving as any other monster or beast. This story does a fantastic job at describing the empty vastness of Space, a sort of horror that rarely gets explored in the main show...


And rather than having Sleeping Beauty be a Princess, it's so delightfully meaningful having her instead be a Captain of an interstellar ship, and the awakening final kiss not being sexual/romantic in nature.

Considering the dark origins of Sleeping Beauty (the version as told by Giambattista Basile in 1634), this Whoniverse adaption is a welcome progression, and one I love dearly ♥️


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This story from Time Lord Fairy Tales is partially based on Sleeping Beauty, though the first half put me more in mind of Underworld and the Greek mythology that story draws on and the second half took as much from The Ark in Space as it did from Sleeping Beauty. It's okay as a mishmash of previously told tales, but I'm not sure it's entirely consistent in its handling of the passage of time. But then I couldn't always be sure who was awake on each long voyage, so maybe it's fine in that regard. Still, not much to recommend if you're not a Time Tot.


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Honestly, this doesn't even feel like they tried to make it a fairy tale (at least past the first page), they just decided to take the very basic premise of sleeping beauty, and tell a new story around it.

It's still well written enough and written in that sort of style that it could probably be higher, but like, you can't just write your own story about the wirrn and call it a fairy tale, much less a 'Time Lord' fairy tale. Why are the Time Lords telling this to their young? It's better than 90% of other things things I've put at 5/10, but I don't think I can give it higher because of the framing device.


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