Stories Television Doctor Who Season 10 Classic Who S10 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 Frontier in Space 1 image Back to Story Transcript Needs checking Episode One [Spaceship Bridge] (A utilitarian space ship is travelling between star systems. One of its crew reports back to base.) HARDY: This is Earth cargo ship C982 on course and on schedule. We shall be entering hyperspace in fifty seconds.STEWART: Do you know what I'd like?HARDY: What?STEWART: A job on one of those luxury space liners. First Officer on the Mars Venus cruise, that'd suit me.HARDY: You can keep it. Spit and polish, cocktail parties and all those passengers?STEWART: Gold braid uniform, beautiful stewardesses? Yeah, I'd take that any time.HARDY: You'll more likely wind up pushing a battle cruiser.STEWART: There's not going to be an interplanetary war.HARDY: Didn't you see the videocast last night? The President of Earth's government deplores the Draconian attack on two of Earth's cargo vessels.STEWART: Look, they steal a few of our cargoes, we steal a few of theirs. It'll all blow over. Right, we're ready for the jump. (Stewart straps himself in.) HARDY: Preparing to enter hyperspace at twenty two oh nine seventy two, two thousand, five hundred and forty EST. Right.STEWART: Right. (The spaceship hurtles forward. A little while later...) HARDY: Hey look, a ship.STEWART: That thing's not a ship! (No, it's a materialising TARDIS on the main monitor.) HARDY: It's going to hit us!STEWART: Pulling out of hyperspace now at twenty two thirteen seven two seven two four zero!STEWART: Phew! That was a close thing. (The engine noise stops and the TARDIS disappears from the monitor.) HARDY: It vanished. It just vanished.STEWART: You'd better report it.HARDY: Mysterious object sighted during hyperspace transition. Object resembled large box with flashing light on top. Object disappeared before collision. Present whereabouts unknown. [Spaceship cargo hold] (The TARDIS has materialised in an open area with a short flight of steps out to a passageway. Jo comes storming out.) JO: Well, I'm never going in that thing again.DOCTOR: Oh, come on, Jo, be reasonable.JO: Only you could manage to have a traffic accident in space.DOCTOR: Well, we didn't hit it, did we?JO: Didn't we? Where's this then?DOCTOR: Well, by a rather brilliant last minute course correction, I've managed to materialise the TARDIS inside the spaceship. But to avoid hitting it, I've had to make a random jump back into normal space.JO: Terrific, but what do we do now?DOCTOR: Well, if I'm going to get us back to Earth, I'd better find out where we are. I'll just go and check the instruments. (The Doctor goes into the TARDIS. Jo reads the labels on the large hoppers around the hold.) JO: Hmm, they're carrying bulk flour.DOCTOR [OC]: What?JO: They're carrying a cargo of bulk flour. (She walks over to a porthole and sees another spaceship nearby. There is a sudden blinding flash accompanied by a piercing noise. A different spaceship is now there.) JO: Doctor?DOCTOR [OC]: Well, I think I know where we are. (The Doctor comes out of the TARDIS, writing in his notebook.) DOCTOR: And I've got a pretty good idea about when.JO: Come and take a look at this.DOCTOR: Look at what?JO: That.DOCTOR: Well, it's just a space ship, Jo. You know, I reckon we must be somewhere in the twenty sixth century. Well, interstellar travel's pretty routine by now.JO: A moment ago, it seemed to change shape.DOCTOR: Mmm?JO: It was when I heard that noise. Didn't you hear it?DOCTOR: Well, I did hear something, but very faintly. Come on, Jo. Let's go and find the crew. I want to find the exact date for my calculations.JO: Doctor, it's coming straight at us!DOCTOR: What? [Spaceship Bridge] HARDY: You won't believe this.STEWART: Now what?HARDY: Maybe it's a wreck.STEWART: Try and make contact. They may need help.HARDY: This is earth cargo ship C982 in close proximity to you. Do you read me? Do you read me?STEWART: Try again.HARDY: Do you read me? Are you in need of assistance? (Only static.) HARDY: It's a weird looking crate. (The noise comes again, and the flash, and the spaceship changes shape.) HARDY: Draconians!STEWART: This close to Earth?HARDY: They're going to attack us!STEWART: Get the blasters.HARDY: You can't take on a battle cruiser.STEWART: Get the blasters! Emergency, emergency, red alert. This is Earth cargo ship C982 on coordinate eight nine seven two stroke six four eight three. We are under attack by a Draconian battle cruiser, galaxy class, equipped with neutronic missiles. Emergency, emergency! (Hardy runs to an open area in the spaceship and opens the weapons locker.) [Spaceship cargo hold] DOCTOR: Well, that's interesting. They must be going to do a link up.JO: What for?DOCTOR: Well, the two ships are joined together by a sort of tunnel, you see, with two airlocks. Well, then they equalise the pressure allowing the crew to move from one ship to the other without using spacesuits. Well, otherwise they'd have to get all kitted up and do a space walk.JO: Fascinating, but let's get back to the TARDIS.DOCTOR: Look, Jo, don't worry. We'll be on our way soon. Now let's go and take look at the ship's calendar. [Spaceship] (Hardy takes two hand held blaster pistols from the locker. The Doctor walks round the corner.) DOCTOR: Ah, how do you do? I'm sorry about this intrusion.HARDY: Who are you? (The weird noise comes, and to Hardy's eyes the Doctor changes into a scaly humanoid with a high conical head.) DOCTOR: I said, how do you do?HARDY: Dragons! Drop that gun.DOCTOR: Gun? I haven't got a gun. This is simply my hand. (Jo enters.) JO: Doctor. No!DOCTOR: Jo, what's the matter with you?JO: It's a Drashig! (Because that is what the noise makes her see.) DOCTOR: Nonsense, it's simply a man with a gun. Now pull yourself together. [Spaceship Bridge] STEWART: This is Earth cargo ship C982. Situation red alert. Draconian battle cruiser is now about to grapple. They are going to lock on now. Repeat, Draconian battle cruiser about to lock on now. All anti-boarding procedures carried out. Awaiting instructions. Out. (The two ships dock. A Draconian with a forked beard appears on the monitor.) PILOT [on monitor]: This is the commander of the Draconian battle cruiser. We are locked onto your vessel and are about to board. If you offer any resistance, you will be destroyed. Open the hatch of your airlock. (The Doctor and Jo are brought in by Hardy.) HARDY: Move!HARDY: I found these two Dragons in the hold.STEWART: But that's impossible. They're only just locking on.JO: Doctor, what's happening? What's going on?DOCTOR: I'm not sure, Jo. Something rather intriguing.PILOT [on monitor]: If you resist, we can destroy you with our neutronic weapons.STEWART: If you destroy our ship, you won't get the cargo.DOCTOR: Oh, so that's what it's all about.PILOT [on monitor]: Open the hatch to your airlock or we shall enter your ship by force.STEWART: We refuse.HARDY: They can blow us to pieces!STEWART: I've sent a message to Earth asking for help.HARDY: Tell them about the prisoners.STEWART: We have captured two of your soldiers. They will not survive if you enter our ship. Lock them in the hold.HARDY: Move! Get moving!STEWART: Emergency, emergency. Red alert. This is cargo ship C982 on coordinate eight nine seven two stroke six four eight three. Draconian battle cruiser has now locked on. They are about to force entry. Repeat, they are about to force entry. [President's office] (The message makes its way faster than light to Earth. We are shown a pair of skyscrapers with a low long building in front which has one dome and one upturned dish on it. The whole complex is set in a lush green landscape. It is the Congresso Nacional do Brasil, in Brasilia. A Draconian in a green robe stands aloof while a woman in an orange dress talks to him.) PRESIDENT: But all these charges are false, your Highness. We are not attacking Draconian ships. We never have.PRINCE: Our soldiers have seen the Earthmen attack us. Our cargoes have been stolen. We are Draconians. We do not lie.PRESIDENT: The honour of your race is well known, your Highness. That is why I cannot understand your actions.PRINCE: Actions?PRESIDENT: You attack our ships, you steal their cargoes, you ignore our protests and just meet them with these counter charges.PRINCE: Our charges are true but yours are false. We do not attack your ships.PRESIDENT: This is a transcript of a distress call from one of our ships. From Earth's cargo ship number C982 on coordinate eight nine seven two, six four eight three. We are under attack by a Draconian battle cruiser, galaxy class, equipped with neutronic missiles.PRINCE: The treaty between our two empires established a frontier in space. We have never violated that frontier. You have invaded our part of the galaxy many times. (A shadowy figure in the corner turns round.) WILLIAMS: In pursuit of your ships when they have raided ours! We've been very patient. perhaps too patient.PRESIDENT: General Williams! I take it a rescue attempt has been mounted?WILLIAMS: We've established an automatic procedure because of the frequency of these attacks.PRESIDENT: Then I suggest you go and supervise the matter.WILLIAMS: There's no need.PRESIDENT: Please do as I say.WILLIAMS: As you wish, Madam President. (Williams leaves.) PRINCE: Your General is insolent. We know the hatred he has always felt for our people. Long ago he caused war. Now he wishes to do so again.PRESIDENT: He's a soldier, your Highness, and he's angry. The people of Earth are angry.PRINCE: So are the nobles of my father's court!PRESIDENT: I must ask you to take my personal appeal to your father, the Emperor. He must put a stop to these attacks. If Draconia has some grievances against Earth, then this is not the way to deal with them.PRINCE: Many of our noblemen felt it was a mistake to make a treaty with the Earthmen. Perhaps they were right. You attack our ships and when we protest, you trick us with lies and evasions. I give you a final warning. The path you are treading leads only to war. And in that war, Draconia will destroy you! [Spaceship room] HARDY: In there.DOCTOR: LookHARDY: In there. (Hardy bolts the Doctor and Jo into a small metal-lined room.) JO: Doctor, what's happening on this ship? Are they both mad or am I? First I see a Drashig and (The Doctor takes out his sonic screwdriver.) JO: No, you can put that away. Bolts. And why do they keep calling us Dragons?DOCTOR: Well, that's the way they see us, I suppose.JO: Yes, but why Dragons?DOCTOR: It's got to be some non-human life form. Something that they're frightened of. Dragons. Dragons. Yes, of course, Draconians.JO: What?DOCTOR: Well, if this is the period that I think it is, there are two great empires spreading their way through the galaxy of the Milky Way.JO: Empires? You mean like Solos?DOCTOR: Those were the declining years of Earth's planetary empire. This is just the beginning. Now Earth and Draconia are both been expanding, you see. Colonising one planet after another, and they're sitting on a powder keg.JO: Yes, but why do they mistake us for these Dragons?DOCTOR: No, Draconians. No, Dragons is rather an unflattering nickname. Well, you remember that sound you heard?JO: Yes.DOCTOR: And the man that you saw with the gun?JO: Oh, no. No, no, what I saw was a Drashig!DOCTOR: No, you didn't, Jo. That sound made you see what you fear most.JO: How?DOCTOR: Well, it shouldn't be too difficult. Ultrasonics geared to stimulate the fear centres of the brain, something like that.JO: How long does it last? How long before they see that we're just people?DOCTOR: Well, difficult to say. It seems to act like a sort of post-hypnotic command. It'll fade eventually, of course.JO: Why should anybody go to all this trouble to make people see things?DOCTOR: Why indeed.JO: Well, we've got to get out of here somehow. (Jo looks through a grill section of the door.) JO: Doctor! I can see the TARDIS!DOCTOR: Well, that's one consolation, isn't it? [Spaceship Bridge] STEWART: Try Earth Control again.HARDY: Emergency, emergency, red alert. This is Earth cargo ship C982 on coordinate eight nine seven two stroke six four eight three. (Interference comes back over the speaker.) HARDY: Ah, they're jamming us.STEWART: Well, maybe the first message got through. They'll send help.HARDY: Will they? They're probably still passing memos to each other.STEWART: They'll send help.HARDY: I know what they'll do. They'll send an urgent protest to the Draconian Embassy. By that time, we'll be finished. The government should have blown the buggers out of space years ago.STEWART: And have another war?HARDY: What do you think this is?STEWART: Look, the door of our space lock is ninety nine percent durilium. They're not going to get through that in a hurry.PILOT [on monitor]: Earth men, this is your last warning. Surrender your cargo and you will be unharmed. Resist and you will be destroyed.STEWART: Right. Looks like battle stations. We'd better get down to the airlock.HARDY: You're not going to fight them?STEWART: If I have to. Do you have a better idea?HARDY: It's only a load of flour!STEWART: It's my cargo. And if the Draconians want it, it's going to cost them more than just a few threats. [President's office] (The news is on the big wall-sized screen.) NEWSMAN [on screen]: And the Bureau of Population Control announced today that the recently reclaimed Arctic areas are now ready for habitation. As a special inducement for those willing to live in New Glasgow and New Montreal, the first two totally enclosed cities to be opened, the family allowance will be increased to two children per couple. News is just coming through of another Draconian attack on an Earth cargo ship in space. This is the third attack on an Earth cargo ship this month. In a statement issued by the Draconian Embassy on Earth, the Draconian government denies all knowledge of this or any other attacks. (Williams enters.) NEWSMAN [on screen]: As yet there has been no official comment, but Congressman Brook, Leader of the Opposition has said, the people of Earth will no longer tolerate these unprovoked attacks. It is time for the World Government to take a stand and issue a final ultimatum to the Draconian Emperor. (The President turns off the screen.) PRESIDENT: I thought I ordered a complete security blackout.WILLIAMS: The news services have their own monitors. They probably picked up the distress messages.PRESIDENT: And?WILLIAMS: The rescue ships should rendezvous in seventeen and a half minutes from now. It'll be too late, of course. All they'll find will be dead men and a gutted ship. [Spaceship] (Someone is using a thermal lance to cut through the airlock. Someone large, brown, ape-like and not at all Draconian.) HARDY: They'll be through that door any minute! [Spaceship room] DOCTOR: There we go.JO: Doctor, what are you doing?DOCTOR: I'm reversing the polarity of my ultrasonic screwdriver's power source, thereby converting it into an extremely powerful electromagnet.JO: Oh. What good will that do?DOCTOR: You wait and see, Jo. (The Doctor points the screwdriver out of the door grill. There is a scraping sound.) JO: Is it working?DOCTOR: Yes, I think so. [Spaceship] HARDY: I'm going to get the prisoners.STEWART: What for?HARDY: We're using them as hostages, remember?STEWART: You'd better be quick about it. We haven't got much time. [Spaceship room] JO: How's it going?DOCTOR: Nearly there. There you are - that's it. (The Doctor opens the door just as Hardy arrives.) DOCTOR: Oh, how very embarrassing. Good afternoon. (Hardy stops the Doctor shutting the door again.) HARDY: Out.JO: That's just where we were going.HARDY: We're going to meet your friends. [Spaceship] HARDY: Come on! Get up there!STEWART: Come on, they're almost through.HARDY: Get in front! If your friends start shooting, they'll get you first.JO: But they're not our friends!STEWART: You are part of their boarding party.DOCTOR: Well, they haven't boarded yet. They're still breaking through that door. Now, try and be logical, man.HARDY: They're coming through!JO: Ogrons! (The Doctor grabs Stewart's arm and throws him against the newcomers.) DOCTOR: Back to the TARDIS, Jo. Back! (An Ogron shoots Hardy.) [Spaceship cargo hold] (A second shot gets the Doctor in the back. He falls.) JO: Doctor! Doctor! [President's office] (The rolling news coverage now shows an image of C982.) NEWSMAN [OC]: Distress signals have been received from another Earth cargo ship, reporting an attack by a Draconian battle cruiser. Rescue ships are now on their way. (Williams turns it off.) WILLIAMS: There have been anti-Draconian riots in Tokyo and Belgrade, and the Draconian Consulate in Helsinki has been burnt to the ground. In Los Angeles, demonstrators burnt an effigy of you. (The intercom beeps.) PRESIDENT: Yes?SECRETARY [on monitor]: They have just found the cargo ship, Madam President, but it is not responding to signals.WILLIAMS: And the Draconians?SECRETARY [on monitor]: There is no sign of any Draconian ships, sir. They are about to board now.PRESIDENT: Thank you. We shall soon know what really happened.WILLIAMS: If there's anyone alive to tell them. [Spaceship cargo hold] JO [OC]: Doctor?DOCTOR: Jo?JO [OC]: Doctor!DOCTOR: Jo?JO [OC]: Doctor, I'm over here! (The Doctor gets up carefully and goes over to the room.) DOCTOR: All right, Jo, what are you doing in there?JO: Oh, Doctor, thank goodness you're all right! I thought they'd killed you. [Spaceship room] (The Doctor unbolts the door and enters.) JO: Come on, come and sit down.DOCTOR: Must have been some kind of neuronic stun gun. I wonder why they didn't kill me? What exactly happened, Jo?JO: Well, they took the cargo, threw me in here and, Doctor?DOCTOR: Mmm?JO: They also took the TARDIS.DOCTOR: Oh.JO: We're stranded. What are we going to do?DOCTOR: Well, try and get the TARDIS back, of course. Why should the Ogrons attack this ship?JO: To steal the cargo.DOCTOR: No. No, there's more to it than that. That sound that you heard, it's all too sophisticated for the Ogrons.JO: Well, they're gone now.DOCTOR: Yeah, the question is, where?JO: Hey, Doctor, last time we met the Ogrons they were working for the Daleks, right? Well, you don't suppose that thatDOCTOR: No, not necessarily. No, the Ogrons are mercenaries. Other life forms use them to do their dirty work. Come on, Jo, let's go and find the crew. [Spaceship] (Hardy and Stewart are on the floor. The airlock door appears to have been repaired.) DOCTOR: Jo, take a look at that one. Well, they're both stunned, just as I was. That's funny. The Ogrons have repaired the airlock door.JO: Well, that was nice of them.DOCTOR: Well, if they hadn't, we'd have both been done for. All the air would have escaped when the ships unlocked.JO: Why should they go to all that trouble?DOCTOR: Well, maybe they've got kind hearts. There's good in everyone you know, Jo.GARDINER [OC]: Earth Battle Cruiser to Earth cargo ship number C982. We are now approaching you. Do you read me?DOCTOR: Look after them, will you?JO: Right.GARDINER [OC]: Do you read me? Earth Battle Cruiser to Earth cargo ship number C982. We are now approaching you. Do you read me? Over. [Spaceship Bridge] (A young man in a military version of the space suit, with a helmet, is on the monitor. It is Ray Lonnen, if there are any other Sandbagger fans out there.) GARDINER [on monitor]: Earth Battle Cruiser to Earth cargo ship number C982. We are now approaching you. Do you read me? Do you read me? Prepare to be boarded. Repeat, prepare to be boarded. Do you read me? Over.DOCTOR: Hello battle cruiser, battle cruiser. This is the cargo ship. Over.GARDINER [on monitor]: What is your situation?DOCTOR: The ship has been attacked and the cargo stolen. Over.GARDINER [on monitor]: Do you have casualties?DOCTOR: Yes, the crew are stunned, but otherwise they're unharmed. Over.GARDINER [on monitor]: We shall lock on five seconds from now. [Spaceship] (Jo is giving Stewart a drink when the ship echoes to the clank of the docking, and the Doctor enters.) DOCTOR: It's all right, Jo. We're being rescued.STEWART: What happened?DOCTOR: Don't worry, old chap. You'll be all right now. I thinkSTEWART: Draconians! They're boarding! (Gardiner enters with a troop of men.) GARDINER: Stewart? Who are you?DOCTOR: Passengers.GARDINER: I see. Having a fancy dress party? What happened?STEWART: Dragons attacked us.GARDINER: Did they get the cargo?STEWART: I don't know.JO: Yes, they took everything.DOCTOR: Including some rather valuable property of mine.GARDINER: Well, tough luck.DOCTOR: Oh, thank you very much.HARDY: Dragons. They attacked us.GARDINER: Yes, we know. You say you're passengers. Isn't that a little unusual on a cargo ship?DOCTOR: Well, we're here, aren't we?GARDINER: Where did you pick these two up?STEWART: I don't know. I can't seem to remember.GARDINER: Pull yourself together! How did they get on board?STEWART: Stowaways. That's it. They were stowaways. They were sending messages.HARDY: That's right. They were helping the Dragons! They're traitors!Episode Two [Spaceship] JO: But that's absolute nonsense! Look, we didn't want to be on this ship. It was an accident!GARDINER: You said you were passengers.DOCTOR: I was merely trying to avoid a lot of tiresome explanations, old chap.GARDINER: Stewart, I'll leave Kemp on board to take your ship back to Earth.STEWART: What about these two?GARDINER: Lock them in the hold. Put a guard on them.JO: But we haven't done anything!GARDINER: They say you have! Take them away.DOCTOR: Now, if you'll only listen to meGARDINER: You can talk to Earth Security. They'll listen. It's their business. Put them in the starboard cubicle.KEMP: All right, get moving. [Spaceship cargo hold] KEMP: In there. [Spaceship room] (Kemp pushes the Doctor, who bumps into Jo.) JO: Whoops! No need to push. (They are bolted in again, then there are scraping noises.) DOCTOR: Listen. The ships, they're unlocking. (Jo looks out of the room to see they do have an alert guard.) JO: Still watching the door.DOCTOR: That's what he's there for, isn't it.JO: Right. We'll give it a few minutes, then I'll start groaning and pretending I'm ill. When he comes in, you can use your Venusian karate.DOCTOR: And then what?JO: Then, we'll take his gun, go to the flight deck and make somebody take us back to Earth.DOCTOR: Jo, this ship's already going back to Earth.JO: Oh. Oh, dear. Hmm. Hey, I've got a terrific idea. I saw this film once, you see, and there were these two big gangsters, big fellows they were, with sort of cauliflower earsDOCTOR: Look, JoJO: And one of themDOCTOR: Will you stop pacing up and down like a perishing panda. Now come and sit down. Let me think, will you? That's better.JO: Doctor? Well, now the Ogrons have gone, why don't the crewmen remember what really happened?DOCTOR: Because the true facts have been erased from their minds, that's why.JO: Well, yes, but why do they keep telling lies about us?DOCTOR: They don't know that they're lying, Jo. They're desperately trying to fit us into their version of things.JO: Well, what are we going to do, then?DOCTOR: Well, when we get back to Earth, we've got to reach someone in authority whose mind isn't already closed.JO: Closed to what?DOCTOR: Jo, look, these people believe that the Draconians are attacking their spaceships, right?JO: Right.DOCTOR: And we know that they're wrong, don't we?JO: Well, yes, it was Ogrons.DOCTOR: Well, we also know that the Ogrons couldn't possibly have created that hallucinatory device that makes the Earthmen think they're Draconians.JO: Oh. Oh, well that's simple then. I mean, all we've got to do is find out what's going on, who's behind the Ogrons, where they've taken the TARDIS, go and get it back and then we can all go home. Right?DOCTOR: Right.JO: Oh. I don't know what I've been worrying about [President's office] (Kemp is reporting in on the President's intercom monitor screen.) KEMP [on monitor]: We are now in space port ten. The ship will land in fifteen minutes. The crew are safe. Also aboard, two human stowaways, origins unknown.WILLIAMS: I want a cordon around the landing area the minute that ship touches down. Nobody on, nobody off till I get there.KEMP [on monitor]: Sir.WILLIAMS: I'd better get down there. I want to handle the preliminary interrogations myself.PRESIDENT: Good. General Williams? Whatever you find out, you'll report directly to me.WILLIAMS: Naturally. And now if you'll excuse me? [Spaceship room] JO: What do they think they're doing? We've been landed for simply ages.DOCTOR: Well, twelve minutes to be exact, Jo.JO: Shush. Someone's coming. (Kemp enters.) KEMP: Outside.JO: We want to see somebody in authority.KEMP: You're going to. Outside. [Spaceship cargo hold] WILLIAMS: Now then, what's all this about? [President's office] PRESIDENT: Draconian agents? Are you sure?WILLIAMS: What else can they be? Their story is obvious nonsense.PRESIDENT: But why? Why would the Draconians leave them on board the ship?WILLIAMS: The Draconians are preparing for war.PRESIDENT: You're still only suspecting them. There is no proof.WILLIAMS: Then they need to plant human agents, traitors, on this planet to sabotage our war effort.PRESIDENT: But we are bound to suspect them. They must have realised?WILLIAMS: The Draconians probably thought the crew was dead. We could easily have accepted those two as passengers. Two unfortunate refugees from a Draconian attack, ideally placed for espionage.PRESIDENT: If you are right, the sooner we confront the Draconians with this, the better. Bring the prisoners in. We'll bring them face to face with the Draconian ambassador. [Outside the cell] (Gardiner leads the Doctor and Jo down a dark concrete corridor.) GARDINER: In there. [Cell] GARDINER: When did you last eat?JO: Quite some while ago.GARDINER: Well, I'll see they send you some food.DOCTOR: I'd like to get a message through to your President.GARDINER: Not a chance. I'm going straight back to my ship. Don't want to get mixed up with security. It's not healthy. Look, I'll give you a piece of advice.DOCTOR: Yes?GARDINER: Sooner or later, you're going to tell them everything. They'll use the mind probe. You talk to them now. You'll save yourselves a lot of trouble. (Gardiner leaves. The metal door slides shut.) JO: A mind probe?DOCTOR: Oh, you don't want to worry about those things, Jo. As long as you tell them the truth, they can't do you any harm.JO: They can't?DOCTOR: No, of course not. Well, they're only sort of computers with a few extra knobs on. And you know how stupid computers can be, don't you? Now come and sit down, stop worrying. Come on. Sit down. Did I ever tell you the story about how I was once captured by the Medusoids?JO: What are they?DOCTOR: Medusoids? How can I describe them to you? Well, they're a sort of hairy jellyfish with claws, teeth and a leg.JO: Erk!DOCTOR: Anyway, they put me under one of these mind probes things, you see, and tried to get me to tell them where I was going. So, I said I was on my way to meet a giant rabbit, a pink elephant and a purple horse with yellow spots.JO: What happened?DOCTOR: Well, the poor old machine just couldn't believe it, had a nervous breakdown.JO: And then what happened?DOCTOR: Well, they put me under another one of these mind probe things and the same thing happened.JO: But you weren't telling the truth. I mean, you weren't really going to meet a giant rabbit, a pink elephant and a, what was it?DOCTOR: A purple horse with yellow spots. Yes, I was. You see, they were all delegates for the third Intergalactic Peace Conference.JO: How did you get away from these things?DOCTOR: Well they had to turn me loose eventually.JO: Why?DOCTOR: They ran out of mind probes. [President's office] PRESIDENT: And you are quite sure it was a Draconian battle cruiser.STEWART: Of course, Madam.HARDY: They locked on and boarded us. We saw them. They were Draconians.PRESIDENT: Thank you. That will be all. I hope you will soon recover from your ordeal. (Hardy and Stewart leave. The Draconian Prince and an aide have been listening.) PRESIDENT: Well, your Highness?PRINCE: These men are your servants. They are saying what they have been ordered to say.WILLIAMS: On this occasion, we have more than our servants to confront you with. We have captured two of your human agents.PRINCE: We have no human agents. Subversion and espionage are expressly forbidden by the treaty of peace between our two empires.WILLIAMS: A treaty which you have flagrantly broken.PRINCE: I shall return to my embassy.PRESIDENT: Just a moment please, your Highness. Bring them in. (The Doctor and Jo are brought in at gunpoint.) WILLIAMS: These people stowed away on the cargo ship. They transmitted signals which enabled your battlecruiser to home in on its prey.PRINCE: I know nothing of this.PRESIDENT: Perhaps you do not, but some servant of the Draconian empire employed them.DOCTOR: Madam, I can assure that I've never been employed by anybody. Least of all by the Draconians.PRINCE: Your servants should have been better rehearsed in their lies.WILLIAMS: Or they're showing a misguided loyalty to their Draconian masters.DOCTOR: If we really were working for the Draconians, why did they leave us in your ship?WILLIAMS: To act as spies when you were brought back to Earth.DOCTOR: Allow me to congratulate you, sir. You have the most totally closed mind that I've ever encountered. Madam, I beg of you to listen to me. Some third party is trying to provoke war between Earth and Draconia. You are both being duped.WILLIAMS: Take them away.PRESIDENT: Just a minute, please. Why should a third party wish to do this?DOCTOR: I've no idea, Madam, but believe me, that is what is happening.WILLIAMS: Take them away!DOCTOR: Now please listen to me! If you don't you'll be involved in a war that could cause the death of millions! (The Doctor and Jo are hustles out.) PRINCE: Is this the evidence upon which you accuse me?PRESIDENT: I must ask you to convey a formal protest to your Emperor.PRINCE: I shall inform him of this latest insult to the honour of the Draconian empire. (The Prince and his aide leave.) WILLIAMS: We should have used the mind probe before we saw the Ambassador. If we'd had a full confession.PRESIDENT: Has it occurred to you that they might have been speaking the truth?WILLIAMS: Is it likely? Mysterious alien giants that can change their form? A pocket spaceship that appear inside another?PRESIDENT: I suppose you're right. It is nonsensical.WILLIAMS: Just you leave them to me. I'll get the truth out of them, eventually. [Cell] (The Doctor and Jo are put back in the cell, which it turns out is in the concrete monstrosity of the South Bank Centre, London) JO: Well, we've seen the President.DOCTOR: I've got to get them to listen to me, for their sakes as well as ours.JO: Well, why their sakes?DOCTOR: Well, that was a Draconian with the President, you know. Obviously an Ambassador of some kind.JO: So?DOCTOR: Well, clearly Earth and Draconia are on the brink of war, and they both believe it's the others fault.JO: Well, never mind about that. What about getting us out of here?DOCTOR: Well, I can but try. Yeah, seems a fairly conventional type of electronic lock. Rather old-fashioned really. Here goes. (The Doctor turns on his sonic screwdriver, and an alarm sounds.) DOCTOR: Yes, well, I think we'll sit here for a while after all. [Draconian Ambassador's office] PRINCE: But why? Why should they produce such an elaborate lie?AIDE: The ways of the Earthmen are devious. They're an inscrutable species.PRINCE: Obviously they are preparing the next stage of their plan. First, the attacks on our ships and now this.AIDE: Is it possible, your Highness, that for once the Earthmen spoke the truth? Some plan of the Emperor of which your Highness has not been informed?PRINCE: The Emperor would not possibly contemplate such a plan. We do not break the treaty of peace.AIDE: Shall I prepare your Excellency's report to the Emperor on this meeting?PRINCE: I must have more information.AIDE: It would be useful to question the humans who were found on the ship.PRINCE: They are supposed to be prisoners.AIDE: Prisoners have been known to escape, your Highness.PRINCE: Not without help. And that would be a grave act of hostility. I could not possibly countenance such a plan.AIDE: But should two escaping prisoners seek sanctuary in this Embassy, it would be uncivilised to turn them away.PRINCE: I must not detain you longer. No doubt you have duties demanding your attention?AIDE: Your Highness. [President's office] (The intercom beeps.) PRESIDENT: Yes?SECRETARY [on monitor]: The First Secretary from the Draconian embassy wishes to speak you, Madam President.PRESIDENT: Very well.AIDE [on monitor]: I'm honoured that you consent to speak to me, Madam President.PRESIDENT: What is it that you wish to say?AIDE [on monitor]: It concerns the two Earthmen who were found on board your cargo ship.PRESIDENT: Well?AIDE [on monitor]: His Highness would like to question them. In your presence, of course, Madam President.PRESIDENT: For what purpose?AIDE [on monitor]: His Highness feels that such an interrogation would help to convince you that they are not agents of Draconia.PRESIDENT: I shall have them brought here immediately. I suggest his Highness joins me here. We shall question them together. [Cell] GUARD: On your feet.DOCTOR: Why?GUARD: You heard me. Move.DOCTOR: Not unless you give me some good reason.GUARD: The President wants you. Is that good enough?JO: Perhaps she believed you?DOCTOR: Are you sure it's the President and not another ridiculous interrogation.GUARD: I said move!DOCTOR: Come on, Jo, Perhaps we can convince them after all. [Security building walkway] (Out in the open, someone takes a shot at the group from a high vantage point. One guard falls. The Doctor spots the weapon and pushes Jo aside as the guards return fire.) DOCTOR: Move, Jo! Get up and run! (Draconians come out of concealment to grab the Doctor. Jo runs.) JO: Quickly! The Doctor! (The Earth guards follow her and catch her.) JO: But you don't understand! It's the Draconians. They've got the Doctor! [President's office] WILLIAMS: We must demand the immediate withdrawal of the Draconian embassy.PRESIDENT: Break off diplomatic relations completely?WILLIAMS: What diplomatic relations? The embassy staff have behaved like criminals.PRESIDENT: We don't know that the Ambassador was behind this!WILLIAMS: The attackers were Draconians. They were clearly seen. The Draconian embassy tricked you into moving the prisoners, then mounted an armed attack in order to rescue their agents.PRESIDENT: Is the girl here?WILLIAMS: She's outside now.PRESIDENT: Bring the girl in. I wish to question her.WILLIAMS: And the closing of the Draconian embassy?PRESIDENT: I do not intend to break off diplomatic relations!WILLIAMS: But surely there's no alternative once this news gets out?PRESIDENT: Then it mustn't, General Williams. It is your responsibility to ensure a complete security blackout on this incident.WILLIAMS: Very well, Madam. Under protest. (Jo enters with a guard.) PRESIDENT: You can go. (The guard leaves.) PRESIDENT: Come forward, my dear. You realise that the escape of your colleague has left you in a very serious position?JO: But he didn't escape, he was kidnapped.WILLIAMS: He was rescued by your Draconian paymasters.PRESIDENT: The wisest course you can take now is to make a full confession. Remember your colleague has left you to your fate.JO: Oh, but you've got it all wrong. You see, the Doctor was pleased when you sent for him because he wanted to talk to you, andWILLIAMS: We have eye witness reports on what occurred.PRESIDENT: We need to know how you came to work for the Draconians.WILLIAMS: When were you recruited? How many agents do they have on Earth? What are their plans?PRESIDENT: If you tell us everything, I'll promise you I'll see to it personally that you will be treated leniently.JO: But I don't know what you're talking about. Look, we told you the truth when we first came here. We're not working for the Draconians.WILLIAMS: We're wasting time. I suggest you let me apply depth interrogation techniques without delay.JO: Look, you can use your mind probe or whatever. I'm telling you the truth. [Draconian Ambassador's office] DOCTOR: Well, I must say it's very nice of you gentlemen to invite me here. And where is Miss Grant?AIDE: Your companion is still with your fellow Earthmen.DOCTOR: Don't you realise what you've done? You've now finally convinced them that we're both Draconian agents.PRINCE: There is no need to maintain this pretence. We know that you are both agents of the Earth government.AIDE: You're part of a plot against the Draconian empire.DOCTOR: My dear chap, I've already been through all this with the President of Earth. She thinks I'm working for you.PRINCE: You are working for General Williams.DOCTOR: I'm what?PRINCE: General Williams hates out people. Once before, he caused war between us and the Earthmen. Now he plans to do so again.AIDE: Such a war would be madness since both empires would be destroyed.DOCTOR: Yes, I couldn't agree with you more. That's exactly what I've been trying to say to you. The Earth cargo ship was not attacked by Draconians.AIDE: It was not attacked at all. The whole story is a lie!DOCTOR: I can assure you that it was attacked, but by Ogrons.PRINCE: Ogrons?DOCTOR: Yes. Some third party's employing them trying to make trouble between Earth and Draconia.PRINCE: If you tell us the details of General Williams' plan, we shall be able to expose him to your President. There will still be a chance for peace.DOCTOR: My dear chap, nobody is more devoted to the cause of peace than I am. But I cannot tell you something that I don't know.AIDE: We have mind probing techniques just as efficient as those employed by you Earthmen. If you do not speak now, we shall force you to confess!DOCTOR: Don't you realise you're completely on the wrong tack? There is a plot, yes, but the Earthmen are not behind it any more than you are.AIDE: Take him away! (Two Draconian guards approach from either side. The Doctor grabs them and pushes them forward into the Aide and onto the Prince's desk. In his rush to escape he falls over the chair he was sitting in and a guard aims his weapon.) PRINCE: No! (The Doctor runs outside and the guards follow.) [Draconian Embassy] (The Doctor leads the chase through the terraces of Fitzroy Park, Highgate.) GUARD: Stop him!GUARD 2: Halt! (The Doctor disposes of two more Draconians and runs across the lawn where he is surrounded by Earth guards.) [Cell] DOCTOR: Hello, Jo.JO: Doctor, where've you been?DOCTOR: I've been paying a brief but unwilling visit to the Draconian embassy. And I'm afraid I had to leave in rather a hurry and found myself back here.JO: What happened?DOCTOR: Well, believe it or believe it not, Jo, they think we're working for General Williams and trying to provoke a war.JO: Oh no!DOCTOR: Yes, Earth is blaming Draconia and Draconia is blaming Earth.JO: And both sides are blaming us.DOCTOR: That's about it. What's the matter? (A noise has started up somewhere.) JO: Well, that sound. The one I heard on the cargo ship. I think I can hear it again. (So can all the people in and around the security building. A guard briefly sees an Ogron, but it turns into a Draconian and he gets shot. Weapons fire continues as a pair of Ogrons lope through the stairways, burst into the cell block and shoot the guards outside the cell before blasting open the door.) JO: Ogrons!OGRON: You, come.Episode Three [President's office] (The President is enjoying the perks of high office. She has changed into a blue dress and is having her temples massaged - to cure her headache, presumably - while her secretary goes through her messages.) PRESIDENT: What's next?SECRETARY: The Historical Monuments Preservation Society wants you to address their annual meeting on the tenth of January.PRESIDENT: Hmm. Clashes with a cabinet meeting. Er, express apologies. Congratulate them on their good work.SECRETARY: And there's an enquiry report in on the anti-Draconian riots in Peking last week. The petitioners seek your support for compensation.PRESIDENT: Pass that on to the Treasury with my recommendation. All claims to be sympathetically considered. Anything else?SECRETARY: General Williams requires an interview. He says it's extremely urgent.PRESIDENT: I see. [Security building] (Earth troops are fighting back at the Ogrons. The Doctor and Jo manage to make a run for it.) DOCTOR: Get down. That was close. (A guard comes up behind them.) [President's office] (The wall television is on mute as the President works at her desk, with a tickertape commentary running across the bottom of the screen, saying 'reports are coming in of Anti-Draconian riots in Tokio. No loss of life but property extensively damaged. In several other cities de ) SECRETARY [OC]: General Williams to see you, Madam.PRESIDENT: Will you ask him to come in, please? (She switches the television off as Williams enters.) WILLIAMS: Vanished. The Draconian kidnappers have completely disappeared. No trace of them at all.PRESIDENT: Have some wine?WILLIAMS: Thank you. Well, at least they didn't get away with it. Those two traitors are back in their cell and that's where they'll stay. The time has come for extreme measures.PRESIDENT: I know. You want me to break off diplomatic relations.WILLIAMS: I want more than that. This is a military situation. We should attack now.PRESIDENT: No! I will not be responsible for starting a war!WILLIAMS: There is one thing worse than war, Madam President, and that is defeat. You must think of your own position.PRESIDENT: What about my position?WILLIAMS: If you're not seen to act decisively against the Draconians, you can, and will, be replaced.PRESIDENT: By you, perhaps?WILLIAMS: We used to be friends once. I know what's happened has changed all that, but do you really think I'd betray you?PRESIDENT: No. No, I've never doubted you. I'm sorry.WILLIAMS: There are certain senior officers who feel that a military dictatorship is needed. Your political opponents are clamouring for war. You must act now or they will bring you down.PRESIDENT: I shall break off diplomatic relations. The Draconian Ambassador and his staff will be expelled from this planet. I shall inform the Emperor that his actions will no longer be tolerated. But unless you give me conclusive evidence about their intentions, I shall not strike the first blow.WILLIAMS: The proof you need is in the minds of those two traitors. We shall have to use the mind probe.PRESIDENT: Not on the girl. Perhaps I can make her see reason.WILLIAMS: I doubt that. I prefer to put my faith in the mind probe. [Cell] (The Doctor is lying on the bench with a dish-like device on his forehead. Jo is not there. A woman in purple dress and over the elbow gloves is operating a console.) WILLIAMS: Well, Doctor, shall we try again?DOCTOR: You can suit yourself. But I warn you, you're wasting your time.WILLIAMS: Are you a member of the Draconian secret service?DOCTOR: No.TECHNICIAN: No change in the rhythm, sir. He must be telling the truth.WILLIAMS: How did you get on the cargo ship?DOCTOR: I came here in my own ship, the TARDIS.WILLIAMS: TARDIS?DOCTOR: Yes, my own spaceship. (The monitor shows the TARDIS whirling through space.) WILLIAMS: Why did you help the Draconians attack the cargo ship?DOCTOR: I didn't. In any case, it wasn't the Draconians, it was the Ogrons. (The screen shows the fight with the Ogrons.) WILLIAMS: Your machine can't be working properly, or else he's controlling it.TECHNICIAN: I've checked all the circuits, sir. Those are his thoughts.WILLIAMS: We know that this man is a Draconian agent. He must be lying.TECHNICIAN: Perhaps he's already been brainwashed, sir. But as far as he's concerned, what he's telling us is the truth.WILLIAMS: Then we must break through his conditioning. Unless you tell me the truth, the real truth, I shall be forced to use increased power.DOCTOR: I wouldn't do that, old man. I know these machines. They aren't awfully reliable, you know.WILLIAMS: You'd do better to worry about the effect on your mind.DOCTOR: There's just no telling some people, is there, my dear.WILLIAMS: Step up the power. Increase to twelve. Now! Are you an agent of the Draconians?DOCTOR: No.WILLIAMS: When do they plan to attack us?DOCTOR: They don't.WILLIAMS: How did you board the cargo ship?DOCTOR: In the TARDIS.WILLIAMS: Who first recruited you to serve the Draconians?DOCTOR: No one.WILLIAMS: Who are the other Draconian agents on Earth?DOCTOR: I don't know.WILLIAMS: The truth, man. I want the truth!DOCTOR: I'm telling you the truth.WILLIAMS: I will get the truth! (And the mind probe machine explodes. Later, the Doctor is still on the bench but the mind probe equipment is gone and Jo is back, now wearing a black judo suit.) JO: Doctor? Are you sure you're all right?DOCTOR: Mmm hmm. Apart from a bit of a headache. I like the new outfit. Who are you fighting tonight? What happened to you, anyway?JO: Oh, they kept going on at me to confess.DOCTOR: Yes, awkward, isn't it? Well, they've made up their minds, you see. They'll only believe us if we tell them what they want to hear. It's a pity really that the Ogrons didn't succeed in kidnapping us. Perhaps we should have been more helpful.JO: Why?DOCTOR: Well, if they had succeeded, presumably they'd have taken us to where the TARDIS is. I'm sorry, Jo. I'm afraid another kidnapping attempt is our only ray of hope.JO: So, we just sit around here waiting for those jolly old Ogrons to turn up again.DOCTOR: That's about it, yes. (A guard enters.) GUARD: The President wants to see you. Get moving. Not you. (Jo) You.JO: This may be your chance. Good luck.DOCTOR: See you later.JO: Bye. [President's office] PRESIDENT: I'm giving you a final chance to tell me the truth.DOCTOR: Madam President. I've been telling you the truth for some considerable time, but you just won't believe me.PRESIDENT: I can't think why you chose to work for the Draconians, but whatever it is, I'll double any offer that they have made to you.DOCTOR: Well, that's very generous of you, Madam, but you'd only be buying information that doesn't exist.PRESIDENT: You leave me no alternative. Under the powers invested in me by the Special Security Act, I'm sending you to the Lunar Penal Colony.DOCTOR: What, without a trial? Without even a chance to state my case? So, you're just tucking me quietly away, are you? What about my companion?PRESIDENT: She will remain here. I have hopes that away from your influence, I might be able to make her see the error of her ways.DOCTOR: But you will see that she comes to no harm?PRESIDENT: We are not barbarians. If you want to help her, why don't you tell me where she comes from? I'd like to inform her family.DOCTOR: I'd like to, Madam. I really would, but there's nothing that I can say that you'd believe. May I say goodbye to her?WILLIAMS: No! You'll be leaving immediately for the penal colony. We're putting you where your Draconian friends will be unable to reach you. [Penal colony association area] (The large windows look out over the cratered surface of the moon. A perfect prison - no where to run to. The Doctor and three other prisoners, two men and a woman, are brought in. They are wearing mid-blue judo suits.) WARDER: Over there. Get in line and face the front! Face the front!PATEL: What did they get you for?DOCTOR: Oh, it's a long story. I don't think you'd believe me even if I told you.PATEL: You are a political, aren't you?DOCTOR: Not particularly, no.PATEL: Oh, come off it. Only politicals get sent to the moon, none of your common criminals.DOCTOR: Have you got many political prisoners here?PATEL: Thousands. Well, I mean, criticise the government and you're for it, aren't you? You a member of the Peace Party?DOCTOR: Well, you might put it like that, yes. Yes, I tried to stop a war.PATEL: Me, too. I tried to sabotage a military base.DOCTOR: Did you? How long is your sentence?PATEL: Sentence? Where have you been? There are no sentences. Once they send you to the moon, it's forever.CROSS: No talking!WARDER: Get in line! (An elderly bearded man enters and sits at a table.) CROSS: What have you got in there?PATEL: Nothing.CROSS: Show me.PATEL: Chocolate. My allowance from the remand prison.CROSS: No chocolate allowed here.DOCTOR: Now that's stealing, you know.CROSS: That's what I'm in for. Got a trouble maker, have we?DOCTOR: That's what I'm in for.CROSS: I'll remember you.DOCTOR: Good, I'm glad to hear it.WARDER: Attention! (Cross talks to a man in a light blue prison 'judo suit'.) CROSS: New arrivals, sir.GOVERNOR: I am the Governor of this penal colony. There's one rule here. You do as you're told. If you behave yourselves, you'll be reasonably treated, but you have no rights and there is no means of escape. You'll do well to remember that you're here for the rest of your lives. Why is that man not in uniform?CROSS: Don't know, sir. That's how they sent him. Special security prisoner.GOVERNOR: See he's kitted out immediately.CROSS: Sir.PATEL: We won't be staying here forever, you know! The Peace Party will win one day.GOVERNOR: Very well, Cross, I'll leave them to you. (The Governor leaves.) CROSS: Sir. That's probably the last time you'll see the Governor. But you'll see me every day. Now I run a nice quiet tidy section here. Any trouble, it's a black mark on my records, so there's, er, never any trouble. Got it?PATEL: Look, don't you realise that you're one of us? We're all prisoners here! Victims of the system!CROSS: Shut up, you! (to the old man) You, kit out that man. (to the guard.) Come with me. (Cross and the guard leave.) DOCTOR: I thought you said there were no common criminals here?DALE: Cross is a trusty. They are all hardcore criminals specially imported from other prisons.PATEL: Professor Dale?DALE: You were on our youth committee, were you not?PATEL: That's right, sir. We met last year, just before your arrest.DALE: Well, you'll find yourself in very good company here, my boy. I sometimes think there are more members of the Peace Party up here than back on Earth.DOCTOR: Don't any of you try to escape?DALE: Escape? Occasionally. Why do you ask?DOCTOR: It seems a perfectly natural question.DALE: Do you know this man?PATEL: Er, no, sir. I met him on the shuttle.DALE: I'd better get you a uniform. Come this way. (The Doctor makes a V for Victory sign and Patel returns it.) [President's office] (The Doctor's official mug shots are on the wall screen.) PRESIDENT: There's no doubt about it. These are the same people. (The list of charges appears. he did on the 51st Smalk defraud the Sirius Union Bank the sum of 1023Sc. he did evade payment of planetary income tax in the sum of 3,948.6 Sc. he did on the above date commit assault and battery upon the person of ) WILLIAMS: No doubt. But that doesn't mean we should hand them over to anyone. (It's Jo's turn.) PRESIDENT: I'm surprised. Especially about the girl. (that the person known as Jo Grant be apprehended forthwith and brought to appear at the High Court of Bassett, being required to answer the following charges. She is accused of being the Doctor's accomplice.) PRESIDENT: All these crimes!WILLIAMS: Just the sort of people the Draconians would employ.PRESIDENT: Nevertheless the dominion government of Sirius 4 does have a claim to them.WILLIAMS: And so do we. They have vital information.PRESIDENT: They must be very important to them. I think I'd better see their representative. Send in the Commissioner from Sirius 4, please.WILLIAMS: Surely you're not going to hand them over?PRESIDENT: Well, we'll have to see, won't we. Relationships with the colony of planets are always difficult. And if there is a war, we'll need all the allies we can get, won't we?SECRETARY: The commissioner, Madam. (A man in black enters.) MASTER: Madam President. This is indeed a great honour. [Penal colony association area] (Patel is playing a variation of 3D chess.) PATEL: Check and mate. (There are a lot of prisoners here now. Dale and the Doctor enter.) DALE: Yes, there's an excellent library. There are books, videofilms, handicrafts and discussion groups. All sorts of ways of passing the time.DOCTOR: Including planning to escape?DALE: That's not one of the things we discuss.DOCTOR: Oh, why? Doesn't anybody ever try?DALE: Occasionally. There was an attempt last month.PATEL: Yes, what did happen?DALE: What always happens. They are dead. No one escapes from here.DOCTOR: No. No, quite so. But there's got to be a first time for everything, hasn't there? Come on, Professor, come and tell me all you know about the layout here. [President's office] MASTER: Truly, Madam President, I sympathise with your position, but my government has sought these criminals throughout the galaxy.WILLIAMS: There are now prisoners of the government of Earth. That's good enough.MASTER: With the greatest respect, General Williams, I must disagree. They are citizens of Sirius 4.WILLIAMS: Part of Earth's empire.MASTER: Yes, but it has been granted dominion status.PRESIDENT: He has a point, General Williams. Once a colony has been raised to dominion status it enjoys certain autonomous rights, including the right to try and punish its own citizens.MASTER: Exactly. But I feel assured that once these two have come to trial, my government will be only too happy to send them back to you for further interrogation. But meanwhile, my orders are clear. I must take them back with me to Sirius 4.WILLIAMS: I will not hand over vital prisoners to some tin-pot colony!PRESIDENT: As the Commissioner has pointed out, General Williams, Sirius 4 is no longer a colony. It is a dominion. Your request is granted.MASTER: Madam President. I am most grateful.WILLIAMS: Heaven help you if you let them escape!MASTER: You may rest assured, General Williams, they will be perfectly safe with me. [Penal colony association area] (Beakers of liquid are being handed out.) WARDER: Right, keep it moving!DOCTOR: Is this all we get?DALE: It contains all the elements to support life.DOCTOR: Mmm, and absolutely nothing to make it enjoyable, eh?DALE: You get used to it after a month or two. Anyway, it's all we ever get.WARDER: Keep moving!CROSS: You heard him. Move!DOCTOR: Not exactly friendly, are they.DALE: One gets used to it.PATEL: What time do we get to bed?DALE: Anytime. There's no day or night here.DOCTOR: No. Tell me, Professor, when do you plan to escape?DALE: No one escapes from here.DOCTOR: But you're going to try?DALE: For all I know, you could be a spy for the Governor.DOCTOR: If I were, I'd hardly be drawing attention to myself quite so quickly, now would I?DALE: No, a valid point of logic. I wonder if I can trust you?DOCTOR: You've little or no alternative, Professor. We're all in this sector together. Whatever you do, I shall know about it.PATEL: Yes, but we don't know you. Why did they send you here?DOCTOR: Oh, I was sent here at the express wish of a certain General Williams.DALE: We have no proof of that. We have no reason to tell you anything.DOCTOR: I'll tell you something. There is a conspiracy to start a war between Earth and Draconia.DALE: There are warmongers on both sides. We are aware of that.DOCTOR: But there's also a third party, Professor, who is plotting to set the two empires at each others throats. [Outside the cell] MASTER: No, I'll see her alone. [Cell] MASTER: Penny for them, Miss Grant?JO: You. What are you doing here?MASTER: To coin a phrase. I've come to take you away from all this.JO: What are you talking about?MASTER: Well, surely you don't want to spend the rest of your life in here, do you?JO: Well, I'm not going anywhere with you, that's for sure.MASTER: Oh, but you are, you know. Believe it or not, I am a fully accredited Commissioner from the planet Sirius 4, and you and the Doctor are two dangerous criminals being handed over into my custody.JO: So it was you! You ordered those Ogrons to attack the ships and pretend they were Draconians!MASTER: But of course. Those lumbering idiots could never have thought up such a brilliant scheme by themselves.JO: Why did you want to start a war?MASTER: Now, come on, Miss Grant, be reasonable. You want to see the Doctor again, don't you?JO: Where is he?MASTER: He's in another prison, on the moon. We're going to collect him.JO: How do I know you're telling the truth?MASTER: You don't. And the only way you'll find out is by coming with me. Well?JO: How did you know we were here in the first place?MASTER: Well, after they'd attacked the cargo ships, the Ogrons returned to their planet, taking their loot with them. Now imagine my surprise, and my delight, when I found that they'd brought me the Doctor's TARDIS.JO: And why are you taking us with you?MASTER: Oh, need you ask? How could I leave two dear friends in such dire straights?JO: Oh, you don't seriously think that I'm going to believe that you want to help usMASTER: Believe what you like, Miss Grant. I have my reasons. Now, are you coming, or do you really wish to vegetate in this hole for the rest of your natural?JO: Very well. I'll come.MASTER: Excellent! The prisoner and I are ready to leave now, guard.JO: Anywhere is better than here. [Penal colony association area] DOCTOR: Well, there you are. There you have it. That's how I came to be here.PATEL: It's fantastic! I mean, our people seeing Draconians, Draconians seeing Earthmen. I can't believe it.DALE: Well, I can.DOCTOR: Good grief. Do you know, sir, you're the first person who's believed me?DALE: It would explain a great deal. After the stupidity of the Draconian war, the bitterness eventually died down and we had many years of peace. There were trade treaties, cultural exchanges and then for no reason at all, these sudden acts of hostility. (A warder and Cross enter.) WARDER: Dale! Over here!DALE: Yes, what is it?WARDER: Spot check. You ought to know.DALE: If you'll excuse me. One of our little prison rituals. (Cross searches Dale, whilst muttering under his breath.) CROSS: (sotto) This is it. There's a VIP landing in his spaceship in ten minutes time, bay seven. You can pinch it. I've set up two space suits for you.DALE: (sotto) I can't believe it.CROSS: (sotto) Well, I keep my promises, now you keep yours. When you get back to Earth, don't forget who your friends are.DALE: (sotto_ When the Peace Party takes over, you'll be given a free pardon. You have my word.CROSS: Right, you're clean. Report to airlock three for maintenance work. You and one other. You can choose him yourselves, okay?DOCTOR: What is it? What's up?DALE: Oh, just a search. All part of the routine. (Cross and the warder leave.) DOCTOR: Come on, Professor. Come on. You were giving off conspiracy in waves over there. You can trust me, you know.DALE: The escape plan. It's now. We have to walk from the airlock, across the moon's surface. We are going to steal a spaceship. They have left two spacesuits for us.DOCTOR: Who are you taking with you?DALE: Well, I had planned to take another member of the Peace Party committee, but I'm afraid he'll have to give up his place. Doctor, I want you to come with me.DOCTOR: Well that's very generous of you, butDALE: We must get you back to Earth so that you can tell your story.DOCTOR: Well, it was telling my story on Earth that got me sent here in the first place.DALE: We have contacts everywhere. Journalists, broadcasters, even friends in the government. We'll make them believe you.DOCTOR: Thank you, Professor. You don't know what it means to me to have found allies at last.DALE: Well, we'd better be going, Doctor. This spaceship will be landing any moment. [Outside the Lunar airlock] DALE: Good! He's left it open. [Lunar airlock] (The Doctor shuts the door behind them as Dale goes over to the oxygen units.) DALE: Excellent! Excellent! Come on, Doctor, we haven't got long.DOCTOR: Take this one? (They start to climb into space suits.) DALE: We can't use the main entrance to the space port. It's too well guarded. All we have to do is to walk across the moon's surface. About ten minutes and we're there.DOCTOR: Tell me, Professor, why is Cross helping you?DALE: A kind of bribery, I'm afraid. I promised to get him a free pardon once we get into power.DOCTOR: That's extraordinary. I would have thought he would have wanted something far more positive than promises. [Outside the Lunar airlock] DALE [OC]: Oh, he's not a bad fellow when you get to know him. [Lunar airlock] DALE: I appealed to his better self. Now do hurry, Doctor. (Outside, Cross looks through a panel in the door then goes to a large dial on the wall and turns it. Dale and the Doctor are fully suited up.) DOCTOR: What's that? I thought I heard something.DALE: Yes. Now, Doctor, clip my cylinder on the back of my suit and then I'll fix up yours.DOCTOR: All right. (The Doctor picks up an oxygen pack.) DOCTOR: Well, this one's empty.DALE: It can't be.DOCTOR: Well, it certainly is. Take a look for yourself. There, look at the gauge. Yes, and so is this one. They're both empty, Professor. (Cross turns the dial outside again and the liquid in a tube rises rapidly as the pressure drops.) DOCTOR: The door. It's locked!DALE: Listen.DOCTOR: They're depressurising. Don't you understand, man? They're pumping out the air!Episode Four [Lunar airlock] DALE: We're going to suffocate! (The Doctor hits the door with one of the empty cylinders.) DALE: That's no good. They'll never hear us.DOCTOR: They certainly won't if we don't try.DALE: Help! Help! Help!DOCTOR: Professor, don't shout. You'll just waste oxygen. (Dale collapses.) DOCTOR: Come on, Professor, come on. Come on, up you get. (Outside, a hand in a black glove turns the pressure dial back.) DOCTOR: Listen. Listen, it worked! (The inner airlock door opens.) MASTER: I do hope that you're all right, Doctor.DOCTOR: You. Yes, I might have guessed.MASTER: I'd hate you to come to any harm, you know/ [Governor's office] DOCTOR: It was a deliberate attempt at cold-blooded murder, Governor. And I demand an enquiry.GOVERNOR: You were trying to escape. You've only yourselves to blame for the consequences.DOCTOR: I also believe there was a conspiracy to destroy this man because he's politically dangerous to you.GOVERNOR: How dare you!DALE: Cross said he would help us to escape, and he left spacesuits for us in the airlock.DOCTOR: With no oxygen in the cylinders.GOVERNOR: Is there any truth in this?CROSS: No, sir. They stole the suits. Must have messed it up and taken ones with empty cylinders.DOCTOR: And I take it we that also locked ourselves in the airlock from the outside and switched off the air supply?MASTER: He does have a point there, you know, Governor? Had it not been for my timeCROSS: Maybe another prisoner did it? You know, one who had it in for them?GOVERNOR: You are both guilty of attempting to escape. You'll both be placed in solitary confinement for the next year.MASTER: Er, just a moment, Governor. Do what you will with the old man but that one comes with me.GOVERNOR: Out of the question, I'm afraid. He's committed an internal offence and is subject to prison discipline. Take them away. (Dale and the Doctor are led out by warders.) CROSS: Sorry about this, sir. I'll see it doesn't happen again.GOVERNOR: Yes, it had better not. All right, you can go.CROSS: Sir. (Cross leaves.) MASTER: You know, I do wish that you'd reconsider, Governor. Obtaining custody of that prisoner is very important to me. And I do have a warrant.GOVERNOR: It's out of the question, I'm afraid. You see, he's under punishment. When he's completed his solitary confinement, I'll reconsider.MASTER: I see. You know, I have a theory about this incident.GOVERNOR: It's no concern of yours.MASTER: I think that those two prisoners were telling the truth. I think that your trusty, Cross, was helping them.GOVERNOR: Why should he do that?MASTER: On your instructions.GOVERNOR: That is an outrageous suggestMASTER: Oh come, Governor. You rid yourself of a politically dangerous prisoner, and foster the legend that escape is impossible in one go. I must congratulate you.GOVERNOR: You're being very impermanent.MASTER: Suppose I were to support the Doctor's demand for an official enquiry? Some very awkward questions could be asked.GOVERNOR: I have nothing to fear.MASTER: Haven't you? Oh, come, Governor. Hand the Doctor over to me and I promise you he'll be no further trouble to you.GOVERNOR: Well, I've no wish to be uncooperative. What would you do with him?MASTER: Oh, take him back to Sirius 4 and see that he stands trial. You wouldn't believe the list of crimes he's committed. [Solitary confinement] (The Governor and the Master enter.) GOVERNOR: I'm releasing you into the custody of this Commissioner. He will fly you back to Sirius 4 to stand trial.DOCTOR: And may I ask what I'm supposed to have done there?MASTER: Defrauding the Sirius 4 Dominion Bank, evasion of planetary income tax. Assault and battery committed upon the person of a Sirius 4 police official. Taking a spaceship without authority and piloting the said spaceship without payment of tax and insurance. Landing the said spaceship on an unauthorised area of Sirius 3. Need I go on?DOCTOR: I seem to be quite the master criminal, don't I? You don't mean to say that you really believe all this nonsense, do you, Governor? Whatever credentials that he's shown you are forged.MASTER: Oh come, Doctor, you know the game's up. Why not admit defeat? You know, this man always works with an accomplice. A girl. I've got her under lock and key in my ship. Well, Doctor, are you coming quietly? [Police spaceship brig] (In a hold is a barred cage with two beds. Jo is there. The Doctor is brought in, wearing his usual clothes.) DOCTOR: Hello, Jo.JO: Doctor!DOCTOR: How are you? All right?JO: WellMASTER: Right, they'll be plenty of time for the exchange of social pleasantries. Put him inside. (A guard opens the cage, the Doctor enters and is locked in.) MASTER: Thank you, gentlemen. You can leave them to me now. (The guards leave.) MASTER: Well, Doctor, this is an interesting reversal. I remember your once visiting me when I was in prison.DOCTOR: You know, I'd very much like to know why?MASTER: Why you've been locked up?DOCTOR: No. Why I'm still alive.MASTER: Oh, your health is very precious to me, for the moment. You see, my employers are most interested in you.JO: The Ogrons?MASTER: Miss Grant, please. I employ them.DOCTOR: Yes, well whatever it is you're up to, you needn't expect any help from me.MASTER: I don't need any help. Your simple presence will be quite enough. Oh, by the way, I need hardly warn you there is no point in trying to escape. This is an interplanetary police spaceship, specially built for carrying prisoners, as you can see.DOCTOR: Stolen, of course?MASTER: Of course. Oh, and another thing. There's a closed circuit television camera trained on you from up there, so you will be under continuous observation. I think that's all. Well now, if you'll excuse me, I have some rather complicated astro-navigational calculations to work out.DOCTOR: Er, may I ask where we're going?MASTER: Certainly. To the home of our friends, the Ogrons. A barren and uninteresting planet on the remote fringes of the galaxy.JO: Why are you taking us there?MASTER: That, Miss Grant, you will discover when you arrive. (The Master leaves.) DOCTOR: Right, now listen to me. We haven't got much time before he gets back to the flight deck. Now, the first thing we've got to do is to escape. Now they took my sonic screwdriver from me in the prison, but they didn't get a hold of this. (The Doctor takes a piece of wire from his boot.) DOCTOR: A steel file.JO: Right, let's go.DOCTOR: No, not yet. Let's wait until he gets back to the flight deck, then he'll set the controls. Now, this is an automatic spaceship. Once we're underway, the computers take over, right?JO: Okay, so what's the plan?DOCTOR: Now this is what we're going to do. [Police spaceship bridge] (It has the same layout as the cargo ship. The Master changes a numerical display from 46487 to 68110 and straps himself in, then makes a ship-wide broadcast.) MASTER: Right, you'd better hold in there, you two. We're about to lift off. (And does so at 04 40. At 04 49 the Master turns on the sound from the CCTV and eavesdrops on the Doctor and Jo, as promised.) DOCTOR [on monitor]: So I told the High Council of the Time Lords. I said they had absolutely no right to put me on trial in the first place. Well, if I chose to go wandering around the universe in my own time [Police spaceship brig] DOCTOR: That was my business.JO: What about stealing the TARDIS?DOCTOR: I didn't steal it. I just borrowed it. I fully intended to return it, I assure you. Anyway, she wasn't exactly the latest model, poor old thing.JO: You can say that again.DOCTOR: I'll tell you, I made a complete fool of that prosecuting council, though. I ridiculed his every argument. Yes, and I told him that I had the complete answer to every one his charges against me. (And behind his back, the Doctor is using his steel wire on a hinge of the cage door.) JO: And then what happened?DOCTOR: Then what happened. Well, they found me guilty, changed my appearance and exiled me to Earth.JO: And that's where you met me. [Police spaceship bridge] DOCTOR [on monitor]: That's right. That's where I met you. And that alone made the exile worth while, Miss Grant.JO [on monitor]: Thank you.DOCTOR [on monitor]: Not that there's anything wrong with Earth. Well, it's quite a nice little planet in its own way, but after all, I am a Time Lord, Jo, and I think I deserve my freedom.JO [on monitor]: Right.MASTER: In reminiscent mood, are you, Doctor? Poor Miss Grant - you have my deepest sympathy. (The Master settles down to read the War of the Worlds by HG Wells.) [Police spaceship brig] DOCTOR: As I soon realised, the trouble with Lethbridge Stewart is that he's got a military mind.JO: Well, he is a Brigadier, after all. I mean, what do you expect?DOCTOR: No, that's the trouble though. He's hidebound, you see. He always does everything by the rules. I keep telling him. I said, there are times, you know, when you've simply got to cut right through the red tape.JO: And you managed to do that, have you?DOCTOR: Yes, I've managed to cut right through it. (Right through the hinge.) DOCTOR: And I'm not going to let authority stand between me and my freedom. (Jo takes the hint and stands directly in front of the CCTV.) JO: Lethbridge-Stewart, how I. Hey! As far as he's concerned [Police spaceship bridge] (It is 05 09.) JO [on monitor]: I've been absent without leave all this time. I'm always telling you that you've no idea where you're going in [Police spaceship brig] JO: That TARDIS of yours. I mean, you're supposed to be getting me back to Earth, right? And we keep landing up in one terrible situation after the other. (The cell door opens.) JO: I mean, when I get back, I'll probably be court-martialled, and then I'll be put in a cell again. That's if we do get back, and the way things are going, it doesn't look like it. But if we do get back, I'm telling you one thing, right here and now. (The Doctor has crawled out of camera range and starts to undress.) JO: I'm never going back in that TARDIS with you again. But if we do get back, I really do think you ought to be a bit more reasonable with the Master. (Jo is now talking to a bunch of pillows under a blanket while the Doctor get into a spacesuit.) JO: I mean, he keeps offering you a share in the galaxy, or whatever's going on, and you keep refusing him and playing dirty tricks on him. But, you see, the trouble is with you is, well, you're so stiff-necked. I mean, you've got to realise that this time [Police spaceship bridge] (The Master has his back to the monitor and is still reading.) JO [on monitor]: The Master has won. You might as well make the best out of a terrible situation. I mean, look at it now. Here we are (The Master turns the volume down to barely audible.) JO [on monitor]: This ship. Goodness knows where he's taking us to. I mean, just a few of those Ogrons is bad enough. Can you imagine, I mean, imagine a whole planet of them? [Police spaceship brig] JO: Still, I suppose I suppose it's all my own fault really. I mean, if I hadn't asked my uncle to pull those strings and get me that job, I'd never have landed up in this mess in the first place. (The Doctor is suited up and holding helmet and oxygen pack.) JO: You know, some people think that it's very romantic working in intelligence. Oh, but my goodness, I could tell you it's not. (Jo stands up to block the camera's view of the brig again, and the Doctor crawls round to the airlock.) JO: I mean, they that I run around all day with terrific-looking James Bond types going to suave dinner parties. (The Doctor opens the airlock and steps inside, waving goodbye.) JO: Oh, but I don't, you know. I mean, either I'm with the Brigadier and I'm doing the filing at HQ, which is very, very difficult, or else I'm running around making tea and being general dogsbody. I mean, the times come really when I'm (The outer airlock door opens and the Doctor climbs out onto the spaceship's hull.) [Police spaceship bridge] (The Master continues reading while Jo whitters on faintly in the background. Then a light flashes on the navigation panel and the Master has to pay attention.) MASTER: You'd better hold on again, you two in there. Doctor, Miss Grant, I'm going to make rather a sharp course correction. [Police spaceship brig] MASTER [OC]: It'll only last a moment. (The engines fire and Doctor loses his grip on the external ladder, floating off into space a short distance. It is 05 35 according to the bridge clock. The Doctor disconnects his air hose and turns up the pressure to use it as a jet to push himself back to the ship's hull.) [Police spaceship bridge] (05 37.) MASTER: Is everything all right, Miss Grant? [Police spaceship brig] JO: Yes. Yes, I'm fine.MASTER [OC]: You appear a little distressed.JO: No. I'm, I'm just a bit shaken, that's all.MASTER [OC]: Yes, I can [Police spaceship bridge] MASTER: Quite understand. And how about you, Doctor? No ill effects, I hope? (silence) Doctor, are you all right?JO [OC]: Please don't wake him. He's, he's fast asleep.MASTER: Is he? How very relaxed of him. (The Master gets a hand weapon from a cupboard and leaves. The Doctor has reconnected his air hose and is climbing up the spaceship to an access hatch, which he opens easily, and climbs inside.) [Police spaceship brig] JO: (trying not to cry) You really ought to be more careful, Doctor. I mean, I know there's a lot of, a lot of evil in the universe, but you can't help to put it all right by yourself. I mean, one of these days your luck will run out and you'll get yourself killed.MASTER: Thank you, Miss Grant, we'll let you know. Where's the Doctor? [Police spaceship bridge] (The Doctor is opening a hatch in the ceiling and checking that the room is empty.) MASTER [OC]: I say, he has been busy, hasn't he? Where is he, Miss Grant?JO [OC]: He's gone.MASTER [OC] I see. He found a spacesuit and he's gone into the airlock. Is that it? [Police spaceship brig] (The Master is in the cage with Jo.) MASTER: Why? What's his plan?JO: He wanted to get to the flight deck. He was outside the ship when you made your course correction!MASTER: Was he now. How very unfortunate. By now he's probably thousands of miles away, swimming around in space by himself. But just in case he isn't, you come with me, Miss Grant. Come on. (The Master pulls Jo out of the cage and over to the airlock.) MASTER: Right, in you go, Miss Grant. (The Master locks Jo in the airlock.) MASTER: Can you hear me, Doctor? [Police spaceship bridge] MASTER [on monitor]: Are you on the flight deck? If so, listen to this. Miss Grant is in the airlock. (The Doctor is not there to hear.) [Police spaceship brig] MASTER: Unless you surrender yourself to me immediately, I shall open the outer door and hurl her into space. (The Doctor has taken off the spacesuit and entered the brig area. He twists something long into a whip and cracks it down on the Master's hand, making him drop his weapon.) MASTER: What an ingenious fellow you are, Doctor. (Another very large spaceship is approaching them.) DOCTOR: Oh, no you don't! (The Doctor stops the Master retrieving his weapon, then they both run over to the airlock door. The Doctor uses his whip to drive the Master away from the controls.) JO [OC]: Let me out! Please let me out! [Police spaceship airlock] JO: Doctor! Please let me out, somebody! [Police spaceship brig] (The Master manages to get the Doctor to fall, and puts his hand on the airlock controls.) MASTER: Now hold it, Doctor, hold it! Get that blaster over to me or I press this button and that'll be the end of Miss Grant. (The Doctor fetches the blaster.) MASTER: Thank you, Doctor. (The spaceship jolts.) DOCTOR: Hello. We appear to have company. (A Draconian enters the airlock from the other ship.) DOCTOR: Would these be your Ogron friends?MASTER: Why, no, no.DOCTOR: Well, I should try and be a bit more hospitable, old chap. Come on, put that gun away. They've probably got us outnumbered. (The inner airlock door opens and the Draconian enters, followed by Jo.) MASTER: Welcome on board my ship. To what do I owe the honour?CAPTAIN: Why have you violated the Draconian frontier?MASTER: Yes, I'm most apologetic about that, but it was really beyond my control. You see, my prisoners were trying to escape and my ship was thrown off course.CAPTAIN: Prisoners?MASTER: Yes, I am the Commissioner of Earth's Interplanetary Police. I'm taking these two people back to planet Sirius 4 for trial. Here is my warrant of authority.DOCTOR: Now don't believe this man. He's lying.CAPTAIN: I'm not concerned in disputes between Earthmen. Owing to the many insults and outrages committed against the empire of Draconia, a state of emergency exists and all diplomatic relations have been severed. You have violated Draconian space. The penalty is death.MASTER: I insist on speaking to higher authority!CAPTAIN: You are in Draconian space. I am the authority here.DOCTOR: Captain, you cannot condemn us without a trial. Now I have vital information for your Emperor. At least give me the chance to speak to him.CAPTAIN: We shall take them to Draconia. Put them in the cage.MASTER: But you can't do that! I'm a Commissioner of Interplanetary Police. This is my spaceship! I tell you, you can't do that! (The two spaceships separate. Jo, the Doctor and the Master are in the cage with two Draconians standing guard.) DOCTOR: Well, personally I'm quite happy to be going to Draconia, Jo. Perhaps we can convince the Emperor what our friend here has been trying to do.MASTER: You really think he'd believe you?DOCTOR: Well, this won't be my first visit to Draconia, you know? Many years ago, I spent quite some time there. I was able to help them through a period of very great difficulty.MASTER: Huh! Displaying your usual sickening lovability, I suppose.JO: So there's a good chance that they'll believe you, huh?DOCTOR: Well, it's a long time ago. Things may have changed. But I do understand the Draconian mentality, Jo. It all depends how you approach them.JO: So, if they do believe the Doctor, you've had it.MASTER: Perhaps, Miss Grant, perhaps. But one never knows when help may be at hand. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think that this is going to be rather a long journey, so, er, goodnight. (The Master lies on a bunk with his back to everyone, and starts up a small signalling device.) DOCTOR: We'll wake you with a cup of tea in the morning.MASTER: Thank you. (The Master's signal is detected by an Ogron spaceship.) Episode Five [Police spaceship brig] (The Draconian Captain is piloting the Master's stolen spaceship as the course correction light flashes. The ship jolts.) DOCTOR: Well, that's it then. Come on, we've landed.JO: Oh, hadn't we better wake our cellmate?DOCTOR: He's awake already. He's just trying to show us how unconcerned he is.MASTER: How well you know me, Doctor! Now come on, smarten yourselves up. We want to look our best for a royal audience, you know.JO: He's very confident.MASTER: Well, Miss Grant, as an Earth poet once said, 'My strength is as the strength of ten because my heart is pure'. Come on, you fellows, let me out! Your Emperor is waiting to see me. [Throne room] (The Emperor sits on his throne. The Draconians do like the colour green, it is everywhere.) PRINCE: So, father, once more Earthmen have invaded our space.EMPEROR: You will address the Emperor in a proper manner!PRINCE: Your pardon. May I have permission to address the Emperor? (The Prince kisses his father's hand.) PRINCE: My life at your command.EMPEROR: One day, my son, you will inherit this throne. Then you will realise the importance of due formality. Now, what do you wish to say?PRINCE: Surely now you will declare war upon the Earthmen? Let me lead your battlefleets to crush theirEMPEROR: They too have battlefleets, my son. Such a war could well bring down both empires.PRINCE: Not if we strike first, then we shall be the victors!EMPEROR: In such a war, there are no victors.PRINCE: The nobles of the court are demanding action. They fear for the honour of Draconia.EMPEROR: I am the Emperor. The honour of Draconia is vested in me.PRINCE: The throne depends upon the great families for support. Emperors have been deposed before now.EMPEROR: An Emperor who does not rule deposes himself.PRINCE: Then what will you do, father?EMPEROR: I shall question these Earthmen myself. I have already sent for them.PRINCE: Why waste time listening to their lies? (The Captain enters, leading the Master, the Doctor and Jo.) CAPTAIN: Majesty, I bring you the prisoners.DOCTOR: May I have permission to address the Emperor?EMPEROR: Wait!PRINCE: This is an insult! (The Doctor bows over the Emperor's hand.) DOCTOR: My life at your command, sire.PRINCE: How dare you address the Emperor in a manner reserved for a noble of Draconia?DOCTOR: Ah, but I am a noble of Draconia. The honour was conferred on me by the fifteenth Emperor.PRINCE: The fifteenth Emperor reigned five hundred years ago.MASTER: Your Majesty, do not be taken in by this ridiculous story.EMPEROR: Be silent! There is a legend among our people of a man who assisted the fifteenth Emperor at a time of great trouble when we were almost overwhelmed by a great plague from outer space. But you could not be that man. No Earthman lives so long.DOCTOR: Your Majesty, this man that you speak of, was he not known as the Doctor? And did he not come to this planet in a spaceship called the TARDIS?EMPEROR: He did.DOCTOR: Well, I am that man, sire. And I come from a race of people that live far longer than any Earthman.EMPEROR: Even if I accept your claim, you have broken our law. Why did you violate Draconian space?MASTER: Your Majesty, this man was, and still is, my prisoner.DOCTOR: It is true, your Majesty. I did come here as a prisoner, but I came willingly, in order to warn you that this man is plotting a war between Earth and Draconia.PRINCE: All Earthmen are determined upon war.DOCTOR: Ah, but the Master is not an Earthman. I'm sorry to have to admit it, but he's a renegade of my own race, and he's using creatures called Ogrons to attack your spaceships and those of the Earthmen.EMPEROR: The Earthmen who attacked our spaceships, they have been seen many times.DOCTOR: I'm sorry, but there you are in error, sir. Your people have seen Ogrons, but they appear to them as Earthmen because of a hypnotic device.JO: It's true, your Majesty. When Ogrons attacked the Earth ships, the Earthmen saw them as Draconians.PRINCE: Silence! Females are not permitted to speak in the presence of the Emperor.MASTER: Your Majesty, do not be deceived by the pathetic ravings of two criminals trying to evade justice.EMPEROR: If what you say is true, it would explain much. We lived at peace with the Earthmen for many years, then suddenly they began to raid our spaceships. When we protested, they said that we were attacking them.PRINCE: In order to cover up their own attacks, This is simply a plot of the Earthmen to lull us into false security. (A Messenger enters.) EMPEROR: Speak!MESSENGER: Your Majesty, a spaceship from Earth seeks permission to land in the palace spaceport. They say they're on a special mission from the President of Earth.PRINCE: This is a trick! You must not allow them to land!EMPEROR: We are not yet at war with Earth. I shall hear what their President has to say. I give my permission.MESSENGER: Your Majesty. (The Messenger leaves.) DOCTOR: A wise decision, your Majesty. For only by Earth and Draconia working together can we hope to arrive at the truth.MASTER: I too welcome your wisdom, your Majesty. Nobody could be more devoted to the cause of peace than I. As a commissioner of Earth's Interplanetary Police, I have devoted my life to the cause of law and order. And law and order can only exist in a time of peace.DOCTOR: You feeling all right, old chap?MASTER: Only during a period of social stability, can society adequately deal with criminals such as this man and this unfortunate girl.JO: Doctor, listen! That sound!PRINCE: Silence, female!JO: Quiet! It's the same noise that I heard on the cargo ship. Doctor, it's the Ogrons!DOCTOR: Your Majesty, I beg of you to be cautious. Something is seriously wrong here. This ship that has just landed. I beg you, place it under guard immediately.MASTER: Your majesty, please, I (Ogrons burst into the throne room, firing as they come.) DRACONIAN: Earthmen!MASTER: Seize them, fool! (The Doctor knocks out an Ogron and the Master joins the other Ogrons.) MASTER: Bah! You idiots! Back to the ship, all of you! (The Master and his Ogrons leave.) PRINCE: Now will you believe in the treachery of the Earthmen?DOCTOR: Your Majesty, look down here and tell me. What do you see? (The noise is still audible.) EMPEROR: I see one of your Earth soldiers who attacked my palace and killed my people.DOCTOR: Jo? Jo, can you still hear that sound?JO: Yes, it's fading. It's almost gone.DOCTOR: Your Majesty, I beg of you. Please look again.PRINCE: Why do we delay? Destroy him!EMPEROR: Wait! He has spoken the truth. (The Emperor can see the Ogron.) [Ogron spaceship bridge] (The spaceship has taken off from Draconia.) MASTER: Great lumbering idiots! Now you tell me that you've left one of your fellows in the palace. Do you realise what this means? As soon as the effect of the hypnosound wears off, the Draconians will know who it really was who attacked them. You've ruined everything!OGRON: What shall we do now?MASTER: Do? There's only one thing we can do. Make sure that the Doctor and his evidence is never allowed to reach Earth. [Throne room] (The Ogron is awake and in chains.) DOCTOR: Why does the Master want war between Earth and Draconia?PRINCE: Did you attack our spaceships and those of the Earthmen?JO: Oh, it's no good. We're not getting anywhere.PRINCE: Let me take him for questioning. He shall answer to me. I shall use the mind probe.DOCTOR: You'd only be wasting your time. The Ogrons have got the finest defence mechanism of all. Stupidity. They haven't got a mind for you to probe.EMPEROR: Then remove him. We will deal with him later. (The Ogron is taken away.) EMPEROR: Why did that sound make us see this creature as a soldier from Earth?JO: Because you're frightened of Earthmen.PRINCE: Draconians fear nothing, female.JO: Well, of course you do. You fear them and they fear you. That's why when Earthmen heard that sound, they saw Draconians.EMPEROR: That is true. We do fear the Earthmen and they fear us.DOCTOR: And fear breeds hatred, your Majesty. Fear is the greatest enemy of them all, for fear leads us to war.EMPEROR: We shall tell the Earthmen what has happened here. They too must know the truth.PRINCE: They will not believe us.DOCTOR: The Prince is right, your Majesty. We must mount an expedition at once, and we must take the Ogron as evidence.PRINCE: The empires are on the verge of war. A Draconian spaceship in Earth space could be destroyed before it reaches its destination.JO: We could use the ship that Master brought us in. It's an Earth police spaceship.PRINCE: Females are not permitted to speakEMPEROR: The female may speak.PRINCE: ButEMPEROR: We must respect the customs of our guests, strange though they may be. The suggestion had merit.JO: Thank you, your Majesty.EMPEROR: You too will go on this mission. But it must be headed by a Draconian of noble rank. I shall send my son. [Police spaceship brig] (The ship is in flight and the Ogron is in the cage.) JO: Here you are. Brought you some food. And a delicious banana. (The Ogron bites into it.) JO: I think you're supposed to peel it first. Oh well. (to guard) Hey, you know, you want to be very careful of him. He's not as stupid as he looks. I know, I know, women aren't allowed to speak. You know, I think it's about time that women's lib was brought to Draconia. [Police spaceship bridge] (The Doctor is at the controls.) DOCTOR: Hello, Jo. How's your Ogron friend?JO: Not too happy. He seemed to enjoy his banana though. Doctor, where are we?DOCTOR: We're just about to cross the frontier into Earth space.JO: Oh, that's good.PRINCE: Unless your Earth people destroy us.DOCTOR: Well, this is an Earth police spaceship, you know, sir.JO: Even if it is stolen. (A light is blinking on the monitor.) PRINCE: What is that?DOCTOR: Well, it looks like another spaceship. It appears to be following us. [Ogron spaceship bridge] OGRON: Look!MASTER: Well, that must be them. No other ship would be on a course for Earth at a time like this.OGRON: We are on a course for Earth.MASTER: Well naturally, because we're chasing them! Oh, keep quiet and let me think. Now, soon they'll be within striking distance.OGRON: What will you do, Master?MASTER: I'd like to try and take the Doctor alive if possible. If not, I'll blast him out of space. Pity though.OGRON: You do not wish to kill him?MASTER: Of course I do! But I don't know, rocket fire at long range, it's. I don't know, somehow it lacks that personal touch. [Police spaceship bridge] DOCTOR: They're closing in. Perhaps it's a frontier patrol ship coming to investigate us.JO: Well, can't we talk to them and tell them who we are?DOCTOR: We can try. We should be within audio range. Hello, this is Earth police spaceship two three nine oh on a special mission to the President of Earth. Do you read me, do you read me? Over. [Ogron spaceship bridge] DOCTOR [OC]: This is Earth police spaceship two three nine oh on a special mission to the President of Earth. Do you read me, do you read me? Over. (The Master disguises his voice slightly, and the static does the rest.) MASTER: This is Earth police spaceship number one four two. Your ship is one that has been reported as stolen. You will please reduce speed so that we can board you. [Police spaceship bridge] DOCTOR: Hello, Earth police spaceship one four two. (sotto) I think there'll be trouble over this. (normal) Hello, we've recaptured this ship and are taking it back to Earth. Over.MASTER [OC]: Reduce speed immediately so that we can board you.PRINCE: Why should we submit to this delay? Our mission has diplomatic immunity.DOCTOR: Yes, but they, unfortunately, didn't know that, did they? Hello, Earth police spaceship, we are reducing speed as you request, over.JO: Doctor, are you sure? We don't really know if it's the police.DOCTOR: Yes, exactly. That's why I want to get them into visual scanner range. [Ogron spaceship bridge] MASTER: Right, they've reduced speed. They should be within striking distance now. That's about it. Release the first missile! (The Ogron presses the big red button and two missiles are fired.) [Police spaceship bridge] DOCTOR: We should be able to pick them up on the visual scanner now.JO: It's an Ogron ship! (Boom.) DOCTOR: Hold tight! I'm taking evasive action. (Boom.) [Ogron spaceship bridge] MASTER: Come on, Doctor, keep still, keep still. That's better. That's about it. Right, fire! (Missile three away.) [Police spaceship bridge] DOCTOR: They're still after us. (Boom. Meanwhile the Ogron has ripped the cage door off its hinges and disposed of its Draconian guard.) [Ogron spaceship bridge] MASTER: Fire! [Police spaceship bridge] PRINCE: Can we not fire back?DOCTOR: No. No, I'm afraid we're outgunned. This isn't a battlecruiser, you know. (Boom.) DOCTOR: Hang on. I think we're shaking them off. (The Ogron enters.)JO: Doctor!DOCTOR: He's broken out! Get out, Jo! (The Doctor and the Ogron fight. The Doctor is pushed back against the throttle control on the console.) [Ogron spaceship bridge] MASTER: We must have hit them. They're losing speed.OGRON: Shall I fire again?MASTER: No, no, it might be possible to take the Doctor alive after all. Muster a boarding party.OGRON 2: Yes, Master. [Police spaceship bridge] (The Ogron has finally been overpowered and is being tied up.) DOCTOR: Right, there you are, my friend. [Police spaceship brig] JO: Are you all right? (The airlock door opens.) JO: Oh no, you don't! No, no! No, let go of me!OGRON 2: This way! [Police spaceship bridge] JO [OC]: Let me go!DOCTOR: We've been boarded! We need the blasters. Come on!PRINCE: The prisoner?DOCTOR: Don't worry about him. He's no use to us at the moment.JO [OC]: No, let me go! [Police spaceship cabin] (The weapons locker is in a cabin just off the bridge.) JO [OC]: Let me go! No! Doctor!DOCTOR: Get down!OGRON 2: The enemy! (They fire at each other.) OGRON 2: You, go! [Ogron spaceship bridge] MASTER: What is happening? They should have taken that ship by now! Must I do everything myself?OGRON: Look! (A third spaceship is on the monitor.) MASTER: An Earth battlecruiser. You'd better recall the boarding party. I'll take over here. As soon as they're back on board, we'll unlock. Fools! [Police spaceship brig] JO: Help me! Doctor!OGRON 2: You come!OGRON: You must come!OGRON 2: No.OGRON: Look out! We must take the girl!JO: No! (Jo is bundled into the airlock and all the Ogrons follow.) OGRON: Bring the girl.JO: Doctor! [Ogron spaceship bridge] OGRON: In here!MASTER: Right. Unlock! [Police spaceship brig] (The Ogron ship speeds away without having closed the police spaceship airlock door. The Doctor and the Prince struggle to hold on as the air rushes out as they make their way round the brig to the inner door. Finally the Doctor manages to pull it shut.) DOCTOR: We should be all right in a minute. The ship'll pump in more oxygen. [Police spaceship bridge] EARTH CAPTAIN [on monitor]: This is Earth battle cruiser X two nine. Do you read me? Identify yourself. This is Earth battle cruiser X two nine. Do you read me? Identify yourself. (The Doctor and the Prince enter.) DOCTOR: Hello, this is Earth police spaceship two three nine oh on a special mission to the President of Earth. Over.EARTH CAPTAIN [on monitor]: Identify the ship that has just unlocked from you. They refuse to answer our signals.DOCTOR: Look, it's of vital importance that you pursue and capture that ship immediately. Over.EARTH CAPTAIN [on monitor]: You are in possession of a stolen police spaceship. You are under arrest. Stand by to be boarded. [Ogron spaceship bridge] DOCTOR [OC]: Look, you don't understand. The man who stole this ship is escaping in that vessel.EARTH CAPTAIN [OC]: You are under arrest. You'll be given the opportunity of making a full statement. Do not offer any resistance. Stand by to be boarded.DOCTOR [OC]: Oh, very well. We're standing by.MASTER: Ha, ha! Poor Doctor! Enmeshed in the throes of bureaucracy. It'll take him a long time to talk himself out of that one.JO: But he'll get to see the President eventually.MASTER: She won't believe him.JO: Oh yes, she will, when she sees the Ogron prisoner. He's our evidence.MASTER: Your evidence is standing right behind you.JO: The Draconian Prince knows the truth and he's with the Doctor.MASTER: My dear Miss Grant, in the climate of opinion that I have created, do you think that any Earthman is going to believe the word of a Draconian? [President's office] PRESIDENT: Your Highness, we've heard the Doctor's theory before, and, with respect, there is still no concrete evidence. I myself would like to believe you but, as you can see, I need proof to convince my people.DOCTOR: Then we must mount an expedition to the planet of the Ogrons. The proof we need is there, Madam.WILLIAMS: With Earth on the brink of war, how can we divert our forces into such a pointless expedition? Suppose this is yet another Draconian trick to divide our strength?DOCTOR: My dear chap, I'm not asking for a battlefleet. All I require is one small spaceship.PRESIDENT: Your request is granted.WILLIAMS: On the contrary, your request is denied.PRESIDENT: My authorityWILLIAMS: In a purely military matter of this kind, Madam, your authority is limited.PRESIDENT: I can overrule you.WILLIAMS: Only with the backing of the full Earth Senate. Do you think they will give it?PRINCE: How can we expect help from a man such as this? This is the man who deliberately caused war between our people!WILLIAMS: That is untrue!PRINCE: Twenty years ago, you destroyed a Draconian ship that had come in a mission of peace.WILLIAMS: A ship that was about to open fire on us when we were damaged and helpless.PRINCE: They came in peace as had been arranged.WILLIAMS: Then why didn't they answer my signals?PRINCE: Their communications equipment had been destroyed in a neutron storm. The same neutron storm that damaged your ship!PRESIDENT: Is this true?PRINCE: I have read the records of my father's court. It is the truth.WILLIAMS: But why a battlecruiser? The agreement was that both ships were to be unarmed.PRINCE: Naturally we sent a cruiser. How else should a nobleman of Draconia travel? But its missile banks were empty. The ship was unarmed. [Ogron spaceship bridge] MASTER: Well, very soon we shall be landing. I think, Miss Grant, you had better prepare yourself for a long stay. I'm afraid it's not a very comfortable place, but as the old song says, 'Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home. [President's office] WILLIAMS: Your Highness, please accept my deepest regrets for the wrong I have done your people.DOCTOR: Then can I take it, sir, that you will now authorise the expedition?WILLIAMS: I intend to lead it. If the planet of the Ogrons exists, we shall find it. [Ogron planet] (It is, of course, another quarry. Beachfields, I believe.) MASTER: Be careful down here. This way. Right, in there. (They enter a cave.) [The Master's Lair] (The main cave is brick-lined but spartan. There is a desk and chair, a large interstellar radio set and some miscellaneous equipment.) MASTER: Well, Miss Grant, welcome to my humble abode.JO: I think you were better off in prison.MASTER: Oh, temporary quarters, my dear. I shall soon be changing them for something better.JO: Oh, you'll soon be back in jail. When the truth gets out, Earth and Draconia will combine their forces to attack you.MASTER: I don't think so. There's too much distrust between them.JO: The Doctor will find you eventually.MASTER: Ah, there I agree with you. He must find me. Not only to rescue you, but also to be reunited with his beloved TARDIS. (Which is standing in an alcove.) MASTER: You know, Miss Grant, I'm going to set a trap for the Doctor and you are going to help me. What? No noble speeches to the effect that you'd rather die than betray the Doctor?JO: You know I'm not going to help you.MASTER: I know that you are. I know that you will obey me. You will obey me! I am the Master.JO: Mary had a little lamb, his fleece was white as snow, and everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go.MASTER: You will obey me!JO: "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fallMASTER: Stop that, Miss Grant!JO: It's a form of self-conditioning. You fill your mind with nonsense and then you can't be hypnotised.MASTER: You will obey me.JO: See-saw, Marjory Daw, Johnny shall have a new master.MASTER: You will obey me.JO: He shall have but a penny a day, because he can't work any faster.MASTER: All right, all right, all right, all right! I was never very fond of nursery rhymes anyhow.JO: Then you'll just have to give up all hope of hypnotising me, won't you? Once was quite enough, thank you.MASTER: In that case, I shall have to try something else. You may have heard this noise before, Miss Grant. It works directly on the fear centres deep in your mind!Episode Six [The Master's Lair] JO: It's not real! It's an illusion!MASTER: Then we shall have to try a little harder, Miss Grant.JO: It's not real! (Jo sees the Master turn into a Drashig.) JO: It's you! It's the Master!MASTER: You cannot shut your eyes! It is impossible! Let's try a little harder! (The Drashig turns into a Mutant.) JO: It's not real! It's an illusion! It's you! (Then a Sea Devil.) JO: It's the Master! It doesn't work on me any more! It's you! It doesn't work on me any more! It doesn't work on me any more! It (She can see the Master clearly again.) MASTER: Congratulations, my dear. I seem to have failed again.JO: Yes, you do, don't you? Never mind. You can't win them all.MASTER: Hmm. I shall have to think about this. I'm afraid I shall have to ask you to be my guest for a little longer. Show Miss Grant to her room, will you? (Two Ogrons grab Jo and take her away.) JO: No, let me go! No!OGRON: Master?MASTER: Yes, what is it?OGRON: Two raiding ships have returned.MASTER: Oh? Were they successful?OGRON: They found and attacked two Earth cargo ships.MASTER: Where was this?OGRON: In Earth space. One ship resisted. We destroyed it.MASTER: Excellent! That should stir things up. It can't be long now before they declare war on each other. [President's office] (An American Congressman is holding forth to a crowd in the open air somewhere on the wall screen.) BROOK [on screen]: And I warn the President that the people of Earth will no longer tolerate these insulting and murderous attacks! I hear the cries all about me. Attack Draconia! Attack now! Earth will not produce peace at the price of humiliation! There is only one solution now! War! War! War! (The President turns off the screen.) PRESIDENT: I don't know how much longer I can hold them.PRINCE: You must tell them it is not the Draconians who attack you.DOCTOR: Your Royal Highness, could you convince your people they were not being attacked by Earthmen?PRESIDENT: If only we had proof. Then I could convince my people and you could convince yours. But there's not much time. (Williams enters.)WILLIAMS: Madam President, everything is ready. We shall use my personal scoutship.DOCTOR: We'd better leave at once. Madam President. (The Prince kisses the President's hand.) PRINCE: My life at your command!WILLIAMS: Madam President. [Cage] (Jo is in a barred cell with no bunk or chair. An Ogron brings her some food and drink then leaves.) JO: Thanks, cheerful. (she sniffs the bowl) Yuk. (Jo looks at the large metal spoon she was given and tests the firmness of the floor of the cell. It is mostly soil, so she starts digging.) [Scoutship] (Another bridge from the same mould as all the other Earth spaceships of this era.) DOCTOR: Right, thirty-four seconds. A course correction to galactic coordinates two three four nine, six seven eight four.WILLIAMS: You realise where that will take us? A completely uninhabited sector of the galaxy.DOCTOR: Well, not completely uninhabited, General Williams. That's where the Ogron's planet is.WILLIAMS: No doubt your information is better than mine. May I ask where you obtained it?DOCTOR: Certainly. From the Master. He fed the coordinates into his ship's computer when I was his prisoner. And after you'd captured the ship, sir, I extracted the information from the ship's memory banks.WILLIAMS: We're simply wasting time. (BOOM! and everyone staggers.) WILLIAMS: Dragons!PRINCE: Let me talk to them. I shall explain. (Boom.) DOCTOR: Somehow I don't think they're in the mood for explanations at this minute. Can you outrun them?WILLIAMS: This ship can outrun anything. Hyperdrive. (Boom.) WILLIAMS: Max hyperdrive! (The little ship zooms off at impossible speed.) DOCTOR: Right, we're out of range now.WILLIAMS: Reduce speed, return to course.PRINCE: I regret the behaviour of my people. The officer will be punished.DOCTOR: Well, we were infringing Draconian space, after all, your Royal Highness.PILOT: General Williams?WILLIAMS: Yes?PILOT: I can't get her back on course, sir. One of the drive outlets is malfunctioning.DOCTOR: Do you know exactly what's wrong?PILOT: There's damage to exterior electrical circuit.WILLIAMS: Can't you repair it?PILOT: It'll mean going outside, sir.WILLIAMS: Put the ship on automatic and get out there.PILOT: No good, sir. I've got to control it manually.DOCTOR: Right, well, you hold her steady. I'll go and effect the repairs.WILLIAMS: No doubt you're a qualified space engineer too, Doctor?DOCTOR: Naturally. (So once again the Doctor makes his way around the outside of a spaceship, this time with the flying harness wires clearly visible, so we can say he is on a lifeline. He unlocks a panel cover and gets to work.) WILLIAMS: How's it going, Doctor?DOCTOR [OC]: A bit of a shambles, I'm afraid. Though I'll do my best to bodge something up.PRINCE: Look! (The Draconian ship is back.) WILLIAMS: It's coming up fast. Looks as if your friends are catching up with us.PILOT: Once they're in range, they'll fire again.WILLIAMS: Doctor, there's a ship approaching. [Outside the Scoutship] WILLIAMS [OC]: We think it's the Draconians. How long will you be?DOCTOR: I've no idea, old chap. [Scoutship] WILLIAMS: Stand by for hyperdrive.PILOT: I can't sir. The Doctor's had to disconnect the main circuitry to make the repair. I can't boost the speed until he's finished.PRINCE: If my people fire, he will be killed. Let me speak to them.WILLIAMS: Do you think they'll wait to talk? The Draconians are coming up fast, Doctor. If you don't get that repair finished, we'll be a sitting target. [Outside the Scoutship] DOCTOR: I know. I'm on the outside. (The Doctor starts to close the hatch.) WILLIAMS [OC]: It's getting very close.DOCTOR: I'm being as quick as I can. [Scoutship] PILOT: He's done it!DOCTOR [OC]: Right, I'm coming in now.WILLIAMS: Right, stand by. (The Doctor goes back up the ladder and climbs down through the upper hatch. Boom!) WILLIAMS: Maximum hyperdrive! [The Master's Lair - passageway] (Jo has dug her way out of her cage with a soup spoon. She hides while a Ogron lights a brazier in front of a wall painting of a bug eyed slug and bows to it. When it leaves, Jo comes out of hiding and follows.) [Scoutship] (They have arrived at the planet.) DOCTOR: Pilot, can you get her into a closer orbit?PILOT: If you want me to take her in that close, sir, we may have to enter the atmosphere. What about that repair, will it stand the heat?DOCTOR: Well, we'll just have to risk it. We can't see anything from up here. (Smoke is starting to pour out of the hatch on the hull.) [The Master's Lair] (Jo finds the hypnosound control box and puts it inside her judo jacket. Then she takes a card over to the radio and makes a broadcast, reading from it.) JO: Mayday, mayday. This is an urgent message for both Draconian and Earth forces. The Ogrons are using a planet galactic coordinates two three four nine to six seven eight four. [Scoutship] JO [OC]: As a base for their attacks on both Earth and Draconian spaceships.PILOT: We're losing the signal.JO [OC]: Please inform the authorities.DOCTOR: Can you boost it up?JO [OC]: I repeatPILOT: I'm sorry, sir. We're nearly over the horizon.WILLIAMS: Did you get a fix on it?PILOT: Pretty close. I can put us down on a general area.WILLIAMS: How long will it take us to complete the orbit?PILOT: About twenty minutes.WILLIAMS: Increase speed. [The Master's Lair] JO: Please inform the authorities of either Earth or Draconia. I repeat. Mayday, mayday, this is aMASTER: Thank you, Miss Grant. That was the trap.JO: Oh, no. You're the one who's trapped. I've just given your entire position away.MASTER: Yes. I left those galactic coordinates for you to find.JO: You mean they were fakes?MASTER: Oh, no, no, no. They're genuine enough. But this is a short-range transmitter, so no one will have picked up your message more than two or three hundred miles from this planet.JO: Nobody heard me.MASTER: On the contrary. The Doctor heard you. Yes, at this moment, he's orbiting the planet in a small spaceship. I picked him up on radar a little while ago.JO: How do you know it was the Doctor?MASTER: My dear Miss Grant, who else could it be? You see, when the Doctor arrives, we'll be waiting for him. So you have been useful to me after all. But, er, just in case the Doctor should get lost. (The Master turns on the little device he had with him in the spaceship brig.) MASTER: There. Now he'll think that this homing signal comes from you, Miss Grant. By the way, congratulations. I knew I could count on you to get out of your cage. Right, take her away. And this time, make sure that she's properly under guard.JO: No! No! No! Stop it! [Scoutship] WILLIAMS: How much longer?PILOT: Two seconds to go.WILLIAMS: We're overheating badly.PILOT: Yes, I know. This is it. We should pick her up again now.PRINCE: What is that signal?DOCTOR: Jo must have fixed up some kind of homing device.WILLIAMS: Splendid! That'll lead us right to them.DOCTOR: Doesn't it strike you as being a bit too convenient?WILLIAMS: Hmm. (There are flames coming from the hatch cover now.) PILOT: The drive outlet circuit's gone again.DOCTOR: Can you get her down?PILOT: Yes. But I'm not sure where. [The Master's Lair] MASTER: Yes, they should be here very soon now. Judging by the size of the ship, they can't be in any great force. So conceal yourselves and ambush them as soon as they arrive. Right? (The Ogrons turn to leave. The radar bleep stops.) MASTER: Hold on, wait a minute. Something's happened. They must have landed very nearby. Right, send out patrols! Get them and bring them back here immediately. And remember, I want the Doctor alive.OGRONS: Yes, Master. [Ogron planet] (The rescue party come over a ridge, and the Doctor uses a hand scanner to pick a direction. At the bottom they come upon large prints in soft ground.) DOCTOR: Williams, look. Another one.WILLIAMS: One dominant lifeform. A large and savage reptile.DOCTOR: Yes. Well, let's hope we don't encounter one.WILLIAMS: Doctor, has it occurred to you what we're going to do when we discover the source of this signal?DOCTOR: I've no idea, old chap. We'll find out when we get there. Come on, can't be far. (An Ogron stands up from behind an outcrop and watches them move along a track. As they climb up a slope.) OGRON: Stop! Surrender! (Weapons fire. One soldier dies.) WILLIAMS: Take cover! (The soldiers, Williams and the Prince all shoot Ogrons. Then suddenly a large orange inflatable with bug eyes comes over the ridge and the Ogrons flee.) WILLIAMS: What is that?DOCTOR: I've no idea, but whatever it is, it's on our side. [The Master's Lair] (The Master is finishing a radio broadcast.) MASTER: Yes, I await your arrival with the greatest of pleasure. And I shall be there to meet you the moment that your ship touches down. (Frightened Ogrons run in.) MASTER: So where's the Doctor?OGRON: The monster came!MASTER: The monster? And I suppose you all ran like rabbits?OGRON: We fear the monster!MASTER: You stupid, cowardly idiots! You will answer to your masters for this!OGRON: What? They are coming?MASTER: Yes, they are coming! Which means that I can dispense with your doubtful assistance! Out of my way! [Ogron planet] DOCTOR: That's good. It's started again. Come on.PRINCE: A ship! (A dust storm is kicked up.) PRINCE: Somebody else seems to have received the message. (When the dust dies down, they move on to an area with a small pond in it. The Doctor looks around, worried.) WILLIAMS: What is it?DOCTOR: I don't know. I've got a feeling. Some sort of premonition.WILLIAMS: Doctor?DOCTOR: Yes, come on.MASTER: Hello, Doctor! (The Master is standing on the ridgeline above them.) MASTER: So here you are at last, eh?WILLIAMS: Surrender or you'll be shot down!DOCTOR: No, he's unarmed.MASTER: Unarmed maybe, but not unaccompanied. I've brought some old friends along to meet you. (A bevy of oversized pepperpots appear.) MASTER: Quite a touching little reunion. You don't seem very pleased.WILLIAMS: Fire! (The Daleks exterminate the hapless soldiers.) DOCTOR: No! No, don't. It's no good. [The Master's Lair] (A Gold Dalek is in charge.) GOLD: Doctor, you are in our power and you will be exterminated.MASTER: No, not yet.GOLD: You will obey the Daleks!MASTER: You know as well as I do that this man does not fear death. I want him to suffer a much worse punishment. Look, my skill and cunning has brought about this war which will make you the masters of the galaxy. Leave the Doctor with me, and let him see the result of that war. Let him see the galaxy in ruins. Let him see the planet Earth, that he loves so much, in ruins, then exterminate him.GOLD: Very well. He will remain your prisoner until the war is concluded. Then you will bring him to us and we shall exterminate him. We shall now return to our base and prepare the army of the Daleks. (The Daleks leave.) DOCTOR: Oh, I suppose I should thank you for saving my life?MASTER: Not for long, Doctor. It's going to be a very short war. Right, take them away. [Cages] (The Doctor is put in with Jo, Williams and the Prince in another cage.) JO: Hello, Doctor.DOCTOR: Hello, Jo.JO: Oh, so now they've got all of us.WILLIAMS: All except the pilot. He's repairing the ship.PRINCE: Why do these Dalek creatures wish to set your people and mine at war?DOCTOR: Because war will mean the extermination of both empires, your Royal Highness, and the Daleks will emerge as the supreme rulers. Now somehow, we've got to get out of here and stop them.JO: (sotto) Doctor! Doctor, would the Master's little fear-box help?DOCTOR: Well done, Jo!JO: You see, we could use it to frighten the Ogrons away and then we can all escape.WILLIAMS: Well, that's hardly practical, Miss Grant. They'd just run off and we'd still be locked in.JO: Oh.DOCTOR: There is one thing we can do, though, and it'll need a very slight adjustment. [The Master's Lair] (The Master is on the radio again.) MASTER: There's nothing to worry about. The Doctor will be perfectly safe in my hands. I promise you, when I deliver him to you, he'll be a broken man.DALEK [OC]: Do not fail the Daleks.MASTER: The war is certain now. And once the great empires destroy each other, I ask but one thing. Let me rule the planet Earth in your name. [Cages] DOCTOR: General Williams, if we do manage to get out of here, and Jo and I manage to create a diversion, could you find your way back to your spaceship?WILLIAMS: Certainly.DOCTOR: Good. Right, that should do it. Now I want you to take off immediately. Get the truth back to your respective governments.PRINCE: Yes.DOCTOR: Tell them that they must mount a joint expedition and capture this base at once.PRINCE: I shall stay and help.DOCTOR: No, we'll need you to convince the Emperor, your Royal Highness.WILLIAMS: What about you and Miss Grant? How will you get away?DOCTOR: Jo, I presume that the TARDIS is still here?JO: Yes, I know where it is.DOCTOR: Well, don't worry about us. Our spaceship is here.WILLIAMS: That's all very well, Doctor, but we still happen to be locked in.DOCTOR: Yes, well, would you mind blocking your ears and covering your eyes just for a moment?PRINCE: I do not understand.DOCTOR: No, but I think you will in a moment. Just do as I ask, would you? You too, Jo.JO: Oh no, it's all right. I can resist it.DOCTOR: Can you?JO: Yes.DOCTOR: Good. Er, how much longer are you going to keep us locked in here? (The Ogron guard turns around.) DOCTOR: Yes, I'm talking to you. (The Doctor turns on the adjusted hypnosound device and turns into a Dalek.) DOCTOR: Open the gate. Open the gate. Open the gate or I will exterminate you. (The Ogron obeys and flees.) DOCTOR: It worked. (The Doctor releases Williams and the Prince.) DOCTOR: Right.JO: Come on then. Follow me. [The Master's Lair] DALEK [OC]: We are about to enter hyperdrive and return to our base. Do not fail the Daleks. (Transmission ends.) MASTER: Right, we'll see who rules the galaxy when this is over. Do not fail the Daleks, indeed. You stupid tin boxes. (The Ogron runs in.) MASTER: Why aren't you guarding the prisoners?OGRON 2: The Daleks sent me away!MASTER: There are no Daleks! The Daleks have all left the planet!OGRON 2: The Dalek said to open the cell.MASTER: Did he now? Fetch the others! I want them here immediately! [The Master's Lair - passageway] (Jo shows the Doctor the shrine to BEM.) JO: Doctor, look at this.DOCTOR: Well, that's fascinating.JO: Is it some sort of idol? I saw one of the Ogrons worshipping it.DOCTOR: Yes, I'm not surprised. We've seen the real thing, haven't we. They're probably more frightened of him than they are of the Daleks.JO: Right, come on. This way. [The Master's Lair] JO: Right, you can get out this way. Good luck.WILLIAMS: And you, Miss Grant. Doctor.DOCTOR: General Williams.WILLIAMS: Farewell.JO: Good luck.DOCTOR: Your Royal Highness.PRINCE: My life at your command. (Williams and the Prince leave.) JO: The TARDIS is over there.MASTER: Going somewhere, Doctor?DOCTOR: You know, you really are incredibly persistent, aren't you?MASTER: That is my property, I believe.DOCTOR: Oh yes, yes, a most ingenious device. I congratulate you. (The Doctor switches it on and the Ogrons panic.) OGRONS: The monster! (The Master's gun is jolted as the Ogrons flee. It fires, grazing the Doctor's skull and knocking him down. The Master is swept along with the Ogrons. Everyone wave farewell to Roger Delgado. Jo kneels by the Doctor, who opens his eyes.) JO: Oh, Doctor, I thought you were dead.DOCTOR: Help me up.JO: Come on. That's it. Careful.DOCTOR: Help me into the TARDIS, Jo.JO: Okay. [TARDIS] DOCTOR: All right, Jo.JO: Careful.DOCTOR: The first thing we've got to do is get out of here. (The TARDIS dematerialises. Then the Doctor puts his hands on two roundels on the console and concentrates.) JO: Doctor, what are you doing?DOCTOR: Telepathic circuits. Sending a message to the Time Lords. Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.