Stories Television Doctor Who Season 10 Classic Who S10 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 Frontier in Space 1 image Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite Tags: Funny JO: A mind probe? DOCTOR: Oh, you don't want to worry about those things, Jo. As long as you tell them the truth, they can't do you any harm. JO: They can't? DOCTOR: No, of course not. Well, they're only sort of computers with a few extra knobs on. And you know how stupid computers can be, don't you? Now come and sit down, stop worrying. Come on. Sit down. Did I ever tell you the story about how I was once captured by the Medusoids? JO: What are they? DOCTOR: Medusoids? How can I describe them to you? Well, they're a sort of hairy jellyfish with claws, teeth and a leg. JO: Erk! DOCTOR: Anyway, they put me under one of these mind probes things, you see, and tried to get me to tell them where I was going. So, I said I was on my way to meet a giant rabbit, a pink elephant and a purple horse with yellow spots. JO: What happened? DOCTOR: Well, the poor old machine just couldn't believe it, had a nervous breakdown. JO: And then what happened? DOCTOR: Well, they put me under another one of these mind probe things and the same thing happened. JO: But you weren't telling the truth. I mean, you weren't really going to meet a giant rabbit, a pink elephant and a, what was it? DOCTOR: A purple horse with yellow spots. Yes, I was. You see, they were all delegates for the third Intergalactic Peace Conference. JO: How did you get away from these things? DOCTOR: Well they had to turn me loose eventually. JO: Why? DOCTOR: They ran out of mind probes. — Frontier in Space Link to Quote Favourite GOVERNOR: I'm releasing you into the custody of this Commissioner. He will fly you back to Sirius 4 to stand trial. DOCTOR: And may I ask what I'm supposed to have done there? MASTER: Defrauding the Sirius 4 Dominion Bank, evasion of planetary income tax. Assault and battery committed upon the person of a Sirius 4 police official. Taking a spaceship without authority and piloting the said spaceship without payment of tax and insurance. Landing the said spaceship on an unauthorised area of Sirius 3. Need I go on? DOCTOR: I seem to be quite the master criminal, don't I? You don't mean to say that you really believe all this nonsense, do you, Governor? Whatever credentials that he's shown you are forged. — Frontier in Space Link to Quote Favourite MASTER: That must be them. No other ship would be on a course for Earth at a time like this. OGRON: We are on a course for Earth! MASTER: Well, naturally, because we're chasing them! — Frontier in Space Link to Quote Favourite MASTER: I'd like to try and take the Doctor alive, if possible. If not, I'll blast him out of space! Pity, though. OGRON: You do not wish to kill him? MASTER: Of course I do! But I don't know... Rocket fire at long range, I don't know, somehow it lacks that personal touch. — Frontier in Space