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Flickering Flame (written by the hand of Cwej's own creator, Andy Lane), is another great time. It's a bit of a comedy story where Cwej is out on a mission and runs into Iris Wildthyme, who insists on getting involved. Iris is brilliantly characterized here, overbearing and funny, so she can be a good foil to Cwej, but her excesses are curbed so her meta-humor does not distract from the story Flickering Flame is trying to tell. Alien experimentation is one of the old chestnuts of sci-fi, but it's again approached cleverly here.

The thing that distracts from perfect marks is that three stories into this series and I hadn't a clue what Larles and Kwol's deal is whatsoever, as they've been largely irrelevant to both this story, and the last one. At this point I couldn't really tell them apart, and this is at least initially, a growing problem. Ah, well. I'm happy to stomach the side effects of spending some time with Auntie Iris at her charming best.


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