Stories Comic Doctor Who Magazine Comics Fellow Travellers 1 image Back to Story Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 2 reviews 16 February 2025 · 101 words Review by joeymapes21 A simple story, which doesn't carry too much to it - but it pulls it off well. Some of the artwork included is fantastic, and brings in the horror aspects of the story well. The villain is interesting, but more could have been done to build the threat, and build the world and story around them. This would have helped build my interest in the comic. Character wise, the Doctor, Ace and the supporting characters weren't served with much, but even in the limited space, were given enough to let character traits shine. It's ok - but could have been better. joeymapes21 View profile Like Liked 0 18 July 2024 · 148 words Review by Goibniu 2 The Story A simple, small story (the synopsis says it all and arguably too much, spoiling things). This simplicity is a strength, allowing focus on the characters and the overall atmosphere. Nice callback to early times / an earlier incarnation of the doctor at the end. The Characters The Seventh Doctor and Ace are depicted very well. I absolutely buy them acting as they do. Great depiction of the dynamic between the two of them. The characterization of the “guest cast” remains superficial but shows all aspects needed for the story. The Art Arthur Ranson’s art elevates the story for sure. Starting with the first page, I absolutely feel myself transported into the setting. His art brilliantly creates just the right atmosphere and is a big part of telling the story through its visuals. The lettering by Glib does its part to keep me absorbed in the story. Goibniu View profile Like Liked 2