Stories Audio Book The Companion Chronicles The Companion Chronicles Episode 2 Fear of the Daleks 1 image Back to Story Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Newest First Oldest First Most Likes Highest Rating Lowest Rating Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 2 reviews 6 July 2024 · 189 words Review by dema1020 Spoilers This review contains spoilers! This is an audio definitely only for those familiar with Zoe and War Games, I feel, with lots of references to the Second Doctor era throughout. In this story, Zoe, Jaime, and the Doctor encounter a villain named Atrika, the Daleks eventually show up, and then the scientist realizes siding with them was a big mistake. All pretty standard stuff and a very slow burn to get to the more entertaining aspects of Fear of the Daleks. Near the end of the audio, Nicholas Briggs does get to have some fun with Daleks possessed by Atrika, but I get why people don't like this one. They do a decent job at making Fear of the Daleks feel very much like a Second Doctor story, but I would argue to a fault. Repetitive audio cues and music were not things to preserve from that era, leading to an audio I didn't really hate, but would never want to touch again. Definitely one of the weaker Companion Chronicles I've encountered thus far, and based on the reviews of this range, quite possibly one of the worst of the series out there. Like Liked 0 28 May 2024 · 35 words Review by Rock_Angel 2 I love how this compliments evil and wheel for Zoe at the same time and really sets up Zoe for her role in the tardis and her relationship with the doctor and Jamie very well Like Liked 2