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The Death and Life of River Song 1: Last Words • Episode 2

Fate & Fatality

3.50/ 5 16 votes

Reviews and links from the Community

Review of Fate & Fatality by MrColdStream

🙏🏼C.Baker --> Fine!

Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time!

The intro sequence here is a bit messy to my taste; I couldn't fully grasp what's going on. The story had me confused until it began dropping answers in the second half.

This story builds upon the faith stuff and the search for Balthasar introduced in the previous story.

The performances are altogether great.

The final stretch is where things turn interesting, as Balthasar is revealed and we learn a bit more about Garrison Case and his motives.

The story is slower, earth-based, and centred on emotions, faith, simulations, and other such things, and it doesn't quite carry the dramatic tension I had hoped for.

Tension is amplified towards the end, which helps to bring the story across the finish line.


  • It's sort of disappointing to end the story on a similar cliffhanger to Apokalypsis, even if the mention of Nerva Beacon has me excited for the third part.
Review last edited on 22-08-24

Review of Fate & Fatality by twelvesoswald

looooved the concept of this one, a really strong second story. i liked that the elements of the arc were integrated into the plot, and again i am very intrigued. it's not as good as friend of the family but the vibes are just that, a 4 parter with a lot of mystery and intrigue!!!

Review last edited on 16-08-24

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