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I love all of the characters in Dark Eyes 2. McGann's Doctor and Molly were already very well established in the previous box set. They properly introduce Liv through giving her centre stage in the opening episode. She provides a frank and dark counter to The Doctor, she has depth, coming from her own fully established world and is as different as can be from Molly. To an even greater extent, Macqueen's Master has his own unique presence in a role we have seen filled by countless other actors. He feels even more conniving than the other Masters - getting the degree of campness in his performance *just right*.

The Eminence are a good idea on paper, but the generic way they are performed and presented with a "scary voice" is not particularly interesting to listen to. As such, the end of part 3 (the only part of the box set which relies on them) fell a bit flat. I'm not 100% sure how The Doctor got a fragment of The Eminence stuck inside him (can anyone explain?)


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bald man very good

For real though, Macqueen makes his return with aplomb; playing the role MUCH more subdued than he did in Dominion and it rules. One of my fave incarnations of The Master by far. What a great second debut story for him, and debut for him in a non-special set.


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