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Monday, November 3, 2003

Written by

Nicholas Briggs


67 minutes

Time Travel

Present, Alternate Reality

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, England, London


What if... the Doctor had escaped the justice of the Time Lords?

"They want to punish me for being me!"

All the Doctor has to do to avoid being caught by the Time Lords is work in a supermarket and go to the pub. It's a cunning plan - certainly far less dangerous than fighting the dreaded Quarks and all those other alien fiends.

But just when everything seemed mundane and safe, alien transmissions, exploding poison gas, Princess Anne and wobbly trolleys burst onto the scene to ruin everything. It's a crisis! A fiendish alien plot! And the Doctor must use all the resources at her disposal to defeat it.

She'll probably need to have a large vodka first, though.

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3 reviews

It's usually really hard to make me hate a story. I am one of those people who think that 'every Doctor Who story is someone's favourite' (but if anyone thinks this is their favourite Doctor Who story - no offence)

But... This is just sexist

My anarchist nature likes that Theta Sigma is described as an anarchist by the Time Lords but that's literally the only positive thing I can say about this story

First ½ rating from me. Never thought I'll do it


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Oh, I wasn't ready for this.  I saw the absurdly low ratings and negative reviews and I still really wasn't ready for just how bad it is.

There's a detailed analysis to be done here on some level.  Shows that are now pretty old like The Simpsons have long joked about alcoholism and suicide.  In the 90s, that was kind of the entire bit behind characters like Barney and Moe.  And I would argue those jokes mostly work and hold up to this day.  Sure, they aren't very sensitive, but they aren't terribly offensive, either.  There's something in the writing and animation that gives a level of detachment to the darkness and it's very easy to have a fun time with early Simpsons in spite of some dated cultural sensibilities.

I also thought a lot about Rick and Morty in Exile.  Because both properties feature a character drinking and belching quite a bit.  Yet, Rick and Morty managed to win me over with Rick's unpleasant delivery.  That never feels like it happens in Exile.  This Unbound audio is not funny.  The performances are annoying.  There's a gross sense of misogyny to the first ever female Doctor.  Nicholas Briggs is simply not a professional comedy writer and it really shows in a failed comedy.  This is one of the most unpleasant audios I've ever listened to.  I absolutely loathed it.  What an incredible waste of some talented voice actors, including David Tennant.  Such a crushing disappointment.


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Oh this is ummmmm yeah this is a story that exists


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