Stories Audio Drama Gallifrey Gallifrey Episode: 1 2 3 Evolution 1 image Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite NARVIN: Knowing how the technology was acquired and the cost to those poor people, would you really want to use it? ROMANA: You’ve changed. Once you’d have considered slaves beneath contempt. NARVIN: Travel. Broadens the mind. — Evolution Link to Quote Favourite NARVIN: Well Romana, I hate to say I told you so- ROMANA: Please feel free not to in that case. — Evolution Link to Quote Favourite MARIS: I’m not happy about all this. I’m not cut out to be a spy. NARVIN: Look we’ve been through all this. You’re not spying. You’re just keeping an eye on her for me. MARIS: That’s a nice distinction you’re making. And I’m not sure it’s one she’ll understand. NARVIN : Look all I want to know is that she’s safe and well. Not spying, keeping watch. — Evolution Link to Quote Favourite LEELA: I have seen this before, among the slaves of many worlds. When life has been very cruel, people will make themselves believe in any story. They tell themselves a tale about a better life, a life to come. That is what has happened here, I think. When people have lived lives of suffering, of pain, of course they will tell themselves that a better life is within their grasp. They need something to live for. — Leela, Evolution