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We go back to the Short Trips with Erasure, featuring one of Big Finish’s longest tenure characters, Narvin. Co-Ordinator of the CIA, Narvin has appeared numerous times in multiple series over the years, a main character in the Gallifrey series, Narvin started off as an antagonist of the series with his vain and cowardly nature and his constant attempts to plot against Romana and Leela. But over time the character evolved into one of Romana and Leela’s closest allies and developed a more noble demeanour. This story centres on him telling a story to an unconscious Leela about his early years working in the CIA and his first meeting with the Doctor, freshly returned from E Space what with Adric being his only companion. The main focus of the story is highlighting the darker side of the Time Lords when dealing with other races who begin to make breakthroughs in time technology and the show how different Narvin was in his youth to who he would become later on. It ends on a very downbeat note with Narvin basically confessing his sins and a shock reveal as to who helped him carry out such an atrocity. A very strong short story, though it’s probably best to get a sense of Narvin’s character from the Gallifrey series first.


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