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Main Range • Episode 196


74% 173 votes

Released Thursday, February 12, 2015
Written by Matt Fitton
Runtime 114 minutes
Time Travel Unclear
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Ice Planet
Locations Isenfel E-Space

Still looking for a way out of E-Space, the TARDIS crashes to Isenfel - a realm of snow and ice. Snarling beasts stalk the frozen plains, a feisty princess leads the hunt, and a queen in an ice palace rules over her loyal subjects.

But this is no fairytale kingdom, and everyone in Isenfel knows the price of survival. While Nyssa and Tegan uncover deadly secrets hidden in the palace, Turlough flees for his life across the tundra.

And as for the Doctor... he only ever wants to change things for the better. But in a world such as Isenfel, such a hope may not even be possible.

Signal Strength: 40%

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