Stories Audio Drama Gallifrey Gallifrey Episode 1 Enemy Lines 1 image Overview Characters How to Listen Reviews 1 Statistics Quotes Overview Released Tuesday, May 24, 2016 Written by David Llewellyn Publisher Big Finish Productions Runtime 203 minutes Location (Potential Spoilers!) The Capitol, Moros, Outpost Delta, Gallifrey Synopsis In the distant future, President Romanadvoratrelundar will do anything it takes to save her world, even if it means sacrificing her allies and friends... In the distant past, President Romanadvoratrelundar will also do anything it takes to save her world, even if it means sacrificing her own life in the process... Unfortunately for Romana, there is no easy option. With the threat of impending war, and negotiations still ongoing, the Temporal Powers are growing restless. Every day, they find their future slipping away from them. Every decision they make proves critical. And no one can escape the fact that sacrifices have to be made... Time is running out… and it’s running straight to Gallifrey. Listen Listened Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Kalbez Plutus Romana II Leela Ace Irving Braxiatel Narvin Livia Caralis First Appearance Trave First Appearance Show All Characters (9) How to listen to Enemy Lines: Big Finish Audio Gallifrey: Enemy Lines Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 1 review 10 February 2025 · 296 words Review by Jae Spoilers This review contains spoilers! I really like these more atmospheric feelings of Enemy Lines and Intervention Earth. The music is a very nice touch. But I also have to be honest, this one was very long at about three hours and I feel like maybe it could have been shortened a little bit. I adore Leela in this one. I feel like this is one of very few Gallifrey episodes where she is consistently treated as smart and competent. She figures things out, she is an equal to Romana in the investigation and I love to hear it! The Leela/Romana relationship is very strong in this one. They are just so them, hurting each other, leaving each other, saving each other and all of it! They care so much and it shows. The ending of them in that other universe broke my heart. Romana is in a very interesting position here, her becoming coordinator was not something I expected and it is so funny to me that she just stole Narvin’s job. I do actually feel that this is a role that fits her very well because not only can she lie much better than Narvin, she is so good at meddling. I think she needs power, and to have no one who can tell her what to do, but also being responsible for all of Gallifrey is not good for her. This position gives her much more freedom. Poor Narvin gets killed! That was really something. He really can’t catch a break. I love the Narvin and Ace dynamic. I didn’t expect it but it is absolutely wicked. Ace brings something to Gallifrey that I didn’t know I needed but I am in love with her. She’s incredible. I need more of her. Jae View profile Like Liked 0 Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating74 members 4.03 / 5 GoodReads AVG. Rating93 votes 4.10 / 5 Member Statistics Listened 147 Favourited 15 Reviewed 1 Saved 2 Skipped 1 Quotes Add Quote Submit a Quote