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Paul Cornell is clearly having fun playing in the Doctor Who sandbox, packing this story with exciting elements: multiple races of Daleks, multiple Doctors, Abslom Daak and his motley crew, and it slots neatly between two televised adventures, tying the two together. Davros makes for an excellent villain, and overall, it’s an energetic romp.

That said, it’s a runaround. While it’s good fun, it doesn’t develop the characters in the way Paul Cornell’s writing has been known to do in other contexts. As a six-issue epic, it’s undeniably enjoyable, and I especially appreciated how Part Four uses colour to help distinguish between the white Daleks and the black Daleks.

Ultimately, though, while it’s brimming with energy and entertainment, it doesn’t quite reach the heights of a classic. It’s a lot of fun, but it doesn’t leave a lasting impression.


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