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Such a good Zoe story love how it captured the era nicely these stories for s6 keep getting better and better


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In this story an old Zoe is reminded of something she's forgotton - a woman called Ali she once met when Zoe travelled with the Doctor?

The TARDIS team arrive in a medical facility, where they find the Achromatics - beings that can absorb diseases, but its never that straight forward is it?

A Zoe story with Wendy Padbury. Her Scottish accent for Jamie isn't quite the one Jamie has, her second Doctor impersonation is quite good at times.

Another story told in present tense, 'He moves to the table', ''wait' 'I shout' - Its not something I'm fond of.

I enjoyed this, but now its a week since I listened and have only just found the time to write and I'm struggling to remember much about it.


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