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Saturday, July 16, 2011


115 minutes

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Welcome aboard the Space Vessel Vancouver. Its mission: to guard a vast shipment of grain from Earth to the planet Safenesthome.

Its Captain is called Ace. She seems a little unsure of herself. In fact, some might almost think she was new to the job...

Its medical officer is called simply "the Doctor", and he's perhaps not all he seems.

When mysterious ships target the Vancouver, Ace and the Doctor are pushed to the limit. Meanwhile, there's something nasty in the grain containers. And it's not very happy....

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How to listen to Earth Aid:


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3 reviews

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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Animal

Season 27 might just be the most mediocre run of stories I've ever done. I don't think I have too much to say about this one, it's just quite dull. There's some interesting stuff with Ace pretending to be a spaceship captain (and being utterly hopeless at it) that's actually fun but the whole "crew suspects she's not who she seems" stuff went on a bit long.

The Metatraxi are back again. They're not the most interesting of villains if I'm being honest so I can't say I cared too much for their backstory in this one. There was a really good moment between them and the Doctor where they call him out for how he puts others in danger and I thought that was a solid moment.

Other than that, a dull affair to cap off a dull run.

Next Story: Dimensions in Time


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Ufa! Pelo menos uma história boa pra encerrar esses Lost Stories do 7° Doctor, porque meu deus estava bem difícil dar continuidade nisso - Em um cenário limitado envolvendo duas naves espaciais e um planeta curioso, mesmo que o script de Earth Aid ainda sofra dos mesmo diagnósticos narrativos que seus antecessores, seu enredo conseguiu me envolver trazendo situações onde realmente me vi interessado querendo saber qual será os próximos passos de sua história. Ace é quase que a personagem principal sendo fundamental para todo o progresso da problemática - Infelizmente o mesmo não cabe a Raine que novamente fica bem distante e não tem quase utilidade nenhuma na aventura. Por incrível que pareça, eu gostei dos retornos dos Metrataxis os vilões voltaram full pistola com sede de vingança transmitindo uma imagem de seres implacáveis – Tá certo que a forma como os vilões foram embora (foram detidos) novamente foi bem ridículaaaa...mas nada que comprometa o empenho das criaturas. Em resumo, não há muito o que dizer de Earth Aid, está longe de ser um áudio incrível e sensacional do tipo: “Nossa galera, vocês precisam ouvir isso” não, não é... é solido, consistente com pouco a se reclamar – Uma nota 7 tá de bom tamanho.


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Okay this story was really fun over all s27 is a banger


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