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[Dream forest]

(Starkey is running through the mist, pursued by a monster. He stops at a stone idol and finds Jorjie behind him.)

STARKEY: Jorjie!
JORJIE: Behind you!

(Starkey turns. Darius steps out from behind the idol.)

STARKEY: Darius! What’s wrong?
DARIUS: Uh… It’s behind you.

(Starkey and Jorjie turn to see the monster.)

[Starkey’s bedroom]

(Starkey wakes up in bed.)

STARKEY: I need to lay off the fizzy drinks.

(He gets up. A monstrous hand beneath the bed grabs his ankle. He manages to get free.)

[The laboratory]

(Starkey hurries in. He is pursued by the monster, a Jixen Warrior.)

STARKEY: Jorjie! Darius! Anyone, help! (He sees K9.) K9, sic him!
K9: Alien threat detected! Target identified: Starkey. Course of action: terminate.
STARKEY: Wait! No! Not me! No!

(K9’s cannon powers up.)

[Starkey’s bedroom]

(Starkey wakes up. K9 is hovering over him.)

K9: Rise and shine, Starkey.
STARKEY: I’m up, I’m up, all right?
K9: I’m bored. Let’s do something.
STARKEY: What time is it, anyway?
K9: 1:48pm. You’ve been asleep for almost 15 hours.
STARKEY: 15 hours?
K9: Correct.
STARKEY: I had a nightmare. K9: Nightmare. Dreams. Bad design, I call it. If you humans would simply upgrade your processors, you wouldn’t have to spend so much time asleep, defragging those tiny brains of yours.
STARKEY: Where are the others?
K9: Idleness must be contagious. I haven’t seen anyone all day.
STARKEY: Come on. We need to wake them.

(They leave.)

[The laboratory]

(Starkey enters. Gryffen is asleep at his workbench.)

STARKEY: Professor!
GRYFFEN: Eleanor. The children, Jacob and Mina. They’re gone.
STARKEY: Professor, you have to wake up. (He hits a spoon against a glass teacup.) Tea’s made.

(Gryffen wakes up.)

GRYFFEN: Starkey?
STARKEY: Professor, are you okay?
GRYFFEN: I’m fine, I’m fine, I was... I was just having a bad dream.
STARKEY: That’s just the thing. You’re not the only one.


(Darius is sat in Mariah’s backseat.)

DARIUS: Mr Fluffy Fun Pants. (Mr Fluffy Fun Pants, a clown, enters and sits next to him. Other clowns appear inside.) Mariah, open the door. The door, Mariah.
MARIAH: I’m sorry, Darius, but I can’t do that. Destination: circus.

(Darius bangs on the window.)

DARIUS: Help me!
MARIAH: I’d rather you just clean out all the junk food wrappers from off the backseat.

(The clowns have disappeared.)

DARIUS: Open the door! Help!

(Outside the car, K9 is watching.)

K9: This one’s going in the memory banks.

[Jorjie’s bedroom / the laboratory]

(Jorjie is awoken by an alarm from her dog whistle, which she switches off. She uses a device on her wrist to activate her screen. Starkey, Darius, Gryffen and K9 are calling her from the laboratory.)

JORJIE: What on Earth did you just do?
K9: I remotely recalibrated your dog whistle. Zapped the amps, but you can’t argue with results.
STARKEY: Jorjie, you’ve been asleep all day.
STARKEY: And having nightmares?
JORJIE: Yeah, really nutty ones, but what’s that got to do with you clowns?
DARIUS: Hey, don’t mention clowns. (Everyone looks at him.) I told my dad that I didn’t want one but he went and hired one anyway. Mr Floppy Fun Pants. Yeah, clowns are funny, he said. Everyone loves a clown. It was the worst birthday party of my life. I was only six years old. (He is tearful.) Hey, um, sorry, look. It’s my dream and I’m dealing with it.
GRYFFEN: Uh, Jorjie, is your mother at home?
JUNE: No, she’s off supervising some project or other. Why?
GRYFFEN: It’s just that I tried contacting her and she’s not responding. In fact, no one is. Look at this.

(He shows an image of the deserted London on his screen.)

DARIUS: Where is everybody?
STARKEY: I know it sounds crazy, but I think they’re all asleep.

(Gryffen faces him, but he suddenly has an alien head.)

BODACH: And so are you!

(Starkey falls backwards.)

[The main hall, first floor]

(Starkey wakes up on the floor by the Space-Time Manipulator’s controls.)

K9: Starkey!

(K9 activates an alarm.)

STARKEY: Okay, K9, enough! Enough! I fell asleep.
K9: Affirmative.
STARKEY: I never sleep during the day.

(Jorjie is on the screen.)

JORJIE: Something very odd is going on.

(Darius helps Starkey up. Gryffen’s cyclotron makes a noise and prints some information.)

GRYFFEN: My cyclotron agrees. According to this, the city is being bombarded with psychic energy. It’s affecting everyone’s brainwaves, literally inducing them to sleep.
K9: Not me, it isn’t.
GRYFFEN: Everyone, that is, except for a smug robot dog who loves to keep on…
K9: No, I don’t.
GRYFFEN: … interrupting!
STARKEY: Well, how can we stop it?
GRYFFEN: I have no idea. But, in the meantime, this should counteract its effects. Tinfoil hats all round!
JORJIE: Oh, you can’t be serious.
GRYFFEN: Why not?
JORJIE: Because we’ll all look like complete clowns.


(The street is deserted aside from one man asleep on his milk truck, one in a red bus and another in the road. Jorjie is wearing tinfoil in her hair. She talks into her wrist communicator.)

JORJIE: I’m heading over now. And you’re positive that everyone’s asleep?

[The main hall, first floor]

(Starkey, Darius and Gryffen are all wearing tinfoil hats.)

GRYFFEN: We can’t see a single upright citizen in London.


JORJIE: Good. I don’t want to be caught wearing this in public.

(Jorjie walks down the street. She is unable to wake any of the sleeping men up.)

[The main hall, first floor]

(There is a knock at the door.)

DARIUS: Fine, I’ll get it.

(He goes down the stairs, removes his hat after seeing it in the mirror and tousles his hair.)

[The main hall, ground floor]

DARIUS: Yeah, all right, Jorjie. I’m coming. (The knocking continues.) Yeah, keep your hat on. (He opens the door. Jorjie is stood there with a monster, the Bodach, behind her.) Look out!

(He gets her inside and closes the door.)

JORJIE: Where did that thing come from?
DARIUS: Ah, fellas, please tell me that I’m dreaming.

[The main hall, first floor]

(Starkey and Gryffen see on a screen that the Bodach is knocking at the door.)

BODACH: The Eye. Give me the Eye of Oblivion.
STARKEY: That’s the creature I saw in my nightmare!
K9: My sensors indicate this is not a dream.
BODACH: The Eye. Give it to us now.
K9: Identify yourself.
BODACH: We are the Bodach.

[The main hall, ground floor]

JORJIE: We? You mean there are more of you?
BODACH: We are legion and we come to feast.
DARIUS: Yeah, well, not here you don’t! This isn’t a café, so clear off before I come out there and clock you one! (The knocking stops. The Bodach has gone.) Looks like I scared it off, whatever it was. (Jorjie gives him a look.) What? I’m a pretty intimidating guy when I want to be.

[The main hall, first floor]

(Gryffen drops a book by the Space-Time Manipulator’s controls.)

GRYFFEN: The Bodach! Phantasms that feed off of people’s nightmares. At least, that’s what the old Celtic legends say.
JORJIE: That’s crazy. You can’t eat dreams.
K9: The Bodach evidently can. After all, thoughts are just energy and that’s what your human dreams are.
GRYFFEN: And nightmares are more powerful than normal dreams.

(K9 nods.)

DARIUS: So, these creeps have put this city to sleep to feed off our nightmares?
JORJIE: And what’s the Eye of Oblivion?

(Starkey looks at the book.)

STARKEY: I saw that stone idol in my nightmare, remember? I didn’t see the Eye specifically. I saw the eye socket.
GRYFFEN: Artefact 781!
STARKEY: What’s Artefact 781?

(Gryffen digs out a box.)

GRYFFEN: Builders unearthed a Celtic ruin on a vacant lot on the edge of the city. The Department sent me this to study.
JORJIE: And what did you find out?
GRYFFEN: Well, I hadn’t opened it. I have an aversion to opening mail from the Department.
STARKEY: Yeah, don’t we all? (There is a red orb inside the box.) Hey, that’s from the idol in my nightmare. Do you think that’s what’s putting people to sleep and giving them nightmares?
GRYFFEN: It can’t be a coincidence.
K9: Then disturbing the obelisk brought the Bodach through to our dimension.
JORJIE: And that thing came here to get to the Eye.

(K9 nods.)

DARIUS: So, what do we do now?
STARKEY: For a start, you can put your hat back on.
GRYFFEN: I have an idea. Meanwhile, why don’t you three read up on Bodachs?

(Gryffen heads downstairs.)


(The Bodach is stood in the street.)

BODACH: Arise, my legion of sleepers, arise!

(People sleepwalk to it in various states of dress.)

[The laboratory]

STARKEY: Are you sure about this?
GRYFFEN: Of course not, but I believe that by inducing a trance-like state via hypnosis, I can enter the dream world and study the obelisk.
STARKEY: That’s not what I meant.
GRYFFEN: I shall be fine. Now, we must keep the crystal safe until we find out what it does.
K9: Anyway, this crystal dream-gazing nonsense is all primitive humbug.
GRYFFEN: If my nightmares get too bad, wake me.

(Gryffen gazes into the Eye. He starts falling into a trance.)

DARIUS: Well, is it working?
DARIUS: Whatever. (He looks at a screen.) Guys, did anybody order a bunch of zombies?

(The Bodach is outside the front door with a group of sleepwalkers.)

STARKEY: K9? K9? (K9 is unresponsive.) No, he’s gone too.
JORJIE: But I thought he doesn’t dream.
STARKEY: Well, he’s gone somewhere. (Darius leaves.) K9! K9! Come on, wake up! It’s no good. What do we do?

(Darius returns with a clock.)

DARIUS: This should do the trick!

(Darius sets off the alarm, but neither Gryffen nor K9 wake up.)

JORJIE: Looks like we’re on our own. Darius, you check the basement for planks, nails, tools, anything we can use to fortify the place. Starkey, you’re with me on barricade duty.

(Darius yawns and falls asleep.)

[Dream forest]

(K9 is near the idol with a sheep in front of him.)

K9: Electrifying.

(Gryffen emerges from behind the idol and spots K9.)

GRYFFEN: Do you mind telling me what you’re doing here?
K9: I know this is only a dream but you have left the house. I couldn’t let you go all by yourself.
GRYFFEN: Well, it’s definitely alien. Some kind of emitter. The Department informed me that excavators accidentally unearthed it. No surprise in guessing where the crystal goes to complete the circle of power, amplifying its range a thousandfold, putting the world to sleep permanently.
K9: Interesting.

(K9 flies off.)

GRYFFEN: K9? Be careful. K9! K9, come back! K9! Here!

[The main hall, ground floor]

(Starkey and Jorjie are barricading the door.)

STARKEY: It’s not going to hold! Where’s Darius?
JORJIE: Just keep piling stuff. (One of the sleepwalkers puts their arm through the letterbox and grabs Jorjie. She slaps it and gets free.) Take that, creepy!


(Sleepwalking, Darius walks down some stairs and opens the back door. The Bodach is stood outside with more sleepwalkers.)

BODACH: Give me the Eye.

(Darius nods and walks back up the stairs.)

[The laboratory]

(Darius takes the Eye from in front of the entranced Gryffen. Gryffen jerks awake and sees that it is missing. He runs into the main hall.)

[The main hall, ground floor]

GRYFFEN: Jorjie? Starkey?

(Starkey and Jorjie are stood at their barricade.)

STARKEY: That was easy.
GRYFFEN: Perhaps we should have blocked the backdoor.

(Gryffen turns around. The Bodach has entered with the sleepwalkers. Darius gives the Bodach the Eye.)

BODACH: You serve me well.
GRYFFEN: He’s asleep.
JORJIE: He took off his hat and the Bodach’s got him.
STARKEY: Darius, what have you done?

(K9 arrives.)

K9: Nightmares. Mind control. It’s obvious. It’s the scary mask.

(K9 knocks off the Bodach’s head, revealing that it is a mask worn by a sleeping June.)

STARKEY: Hang on. Jorjie’s mum’s a Bodach?
GRYFFEN: No, the Bodachs have no physical form. They’re controlling June through her dreams. She’s their avatar.
K9: Well, in that case, she’s getting a wake up call.

(June fires electricity at K9 using the Eye.)

JUNE: Now, take me to the obelisk.

(Darius and June leave. A vehicle can be heard leaving. The sleepwalkers advance.)

STARKEY: K9, you have to wake up.

(The sleepwalkers fall to the floor.)


(Gryffen checks on an old man holding a teddy bear.)

OLD MAN SLEEPER: No, don’t take Teddy.
STARKEY: They’ve stopped sleepwalking. Why’s that?
GRYFFEN: That’s because their avatar has gone.
JORJIE: Avatar. You mean my mum.

(Jorjie picks up the mask.)

GRYFFEN: She must be heading straight back to insert the Eye of Oblivion which means it’ll be lights out for the whole human race.
STARKEY: And an all-you-can-eat dream buffet for the Bodach.

(K9 wakes up.)

K9: Not on my watch. Stand by for take-off. Coordinates fixed and blast off.

(K9 flies away.)


(K9 flies across London and finds Darius asleep in Mariah.)

DARIUS: Mr Floppy Fun Pants. It’s my birthday.
K9: Thanks, Darius, but I’ve recorded this one before.

(He flies off.)

[The main hall, first floor]

GRYFFEN: Stop mucking about! K9, destroy it. Destroy the obelisk and the Bodach’s link to our world will be gone.

(The screen shows K9’s view of June approaching the idol.)

K9: I can’t do that. Inspector Turner is too close to the obelisk. I can’t endanger the inspector by blasting with my cannon.

[Excavation site]

(June inserts the Eye of Oblivion into the idol’s empty socket.)

K9: I’ll try ramming the obelisk instead. (He flies at the idol, but a force field knocks him down.) Weapons offline. My photon capacitor needs to power up.

[The main hall, first floor]

GRYFFEN: Oh, fig.
JORJIE: Oh, no. This is all wrong. I can’t just stay here and let her do this.

(Jorjie grabs the mask.)

STARKEY: Jorjie, wait! What are you doing?
JORJIE: I’m going into Mum’s nightmare.

(Jorjie puts the mask on.)

[Dream forest]

(Jorjie removes the mask.)

JORJIE: Okay, girl. You can do this. Just concentrate. This is your dream. You call the shots. (June is stood near the idol.) Mum! Mum! It’s me, Jorjie. Mum, you have to look at me. Look!

(June turns around.)

JUNE: Jorjie Louise Turner, what do you call that? (She notices that Jorjie has a heart tattoo with Darius’s name in it.) A tattoo!? How could you!? You’re only fourteen and… Darius!? What were you thinking?!
JORJIE: Gotcha.

(Jorjie pinches June’s arm.)

[Excavation site]

(June wakes up.)

JUNE: What…?
K9: Inspector Turner! Inspector! Inspector Turner! Quick!
JUNE: K9? What’s happening?
K9: The crystal! Remove the crystal! (June removes the crystal.) Now run!

(K9 flies upwards. June runs away. Once she has gotten away from the idol, K9 shoots and destroys it.)

[The main hall, first floor]

STARKEY: Yes! We did it! (Starkey removes his tinfoil hat.) Everyone, we did it! (The sleepwalkers start to wake up.) We did it!

[The main hall, ground floor]

(Gryffen hands out tea and biscuits to the sleepwalkers.)

BUS DRIVER: Cheers, man. Thanks.

(June enters with Darius.)

JUNE: Gryffen, where’s my daughter?

(Gryffen looks upwards. June heads upstairs and Gryffen follows.)

GRYFFEN: June. Wait.
DARIUS: Does anybody need a cab home?

(Four people raise their hands.)

[The main hall, first floor]

(June finds Jorjie asleep on a sofa. Gryffen and Starkey follow. June checks Jorjie’s arm.)

JUNE: Where is it? (She sees that there is no tattoo.) But it… seemed so real.
GRYFFEN: June. (He takes the Eye from her.) Let her sleep. Your daughter just saved the world.
STARKEY: So, what do you think of dreams now, K9?
K9: I think they are outdated and illogical.

(Starkey holds out the Eye.)

K9: But, who knows? Perhaps…

(K9 falls asleep.)

Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.