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First ever DW comic. Figured I start with the beginning for the 8th Doctor. Interesting format and I imagine quite limiting for the writer. But ultimately, it was a good short trip with a neat Cyberman design and details (loved the one in the background tearing through the TARDIS' bookshelves). Wish we got to see more of the Doctor shining through but maybe we will in the comics to follow.


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The story that opened this series and the first part of which was published on 1 June 1996. It's a really cool story with cybermen. Lee Sullivan has an incredible talent for drawing them, so this is a treasure. The series of strips starts with a lot of action right away, although it's understandable - we only have six panels to get to know each other, we need to move quickly and get used to it, so the first parts are just action to action. The part with the already captured Doctor and his new companion Stacey is more relaxed, but the battle between the Doctor's mind and the Cyber Leader looks great (again, given the limitations). The ending simultaneously refers to the Third Doctor and invents the trope of ‘a cyberman can't kill the person he used to love’, which Moffat will then rediscover with Danny and Clara.

Basically, it's a cool story, I liked it.

This review is a translation of a part of my Ukrainian-language text, the original can be found here:


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RADIO TIMES COMICS: STORY 3 (Eighth Doctor: Story 1)

Dreadnought is the first comic in a short series of Eighth Doctor Radio Times strips, all penned by Alan Barnes.

These comics star an original companion called Stacy Townsend, who sadly does not do anything to capture the readers in her debut story. There is absolutely nothing special about her.

Aside from a very forgettable companion, what does Dreadnought have to offer?

Well, apart from more of the Eighth Doctor, not much.

It seems like the Cybermen are intended to be the strip’s highlight, but they don’t excite or interest me as they do in their other appearances.

We do get some good artwork though, which almost makes up for the very basic story.

At the end of Dreadnought, Stacy joins the Doctor in the TARDIS, and they head off into new adventures...

But will they be any good?


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They made a metal Mcgann


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