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This was the best out of the bunch for how absurd it is.

"Greetings earth people!"

"You have a Problem, don't you, hm?"


Dr.Who fixes it

"Thank you, byeeee"

"They're going to take forever until they reach home, hm!"

Not even kidding, this is basically the story. It's almost so much nothing, that it just works, kinda having a bit of a "so bad, it's good" Quality here, which I can't say for any of the other Stories in this Set, sadly.


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Decided to do all 16 stories of these I think there basically Ian 1st and Barbara stories the final 2 retell the webplanet with just those 3 but over all there not the best but I think if I was from the 1960s I’d love them


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meh resolution but when the doctor said "they have a 5 million years journey" i felt that


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