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There are some really cool additions to this Target novelization, like a backstory for Bonnie that reveals how she had met a Zygon who took on the form of Danny Pink and called himself 'Clyde'. It does a particularly excellent job at diving deeper into Bonnie's motivations, and why she is so bitter towards the ceasefire.

It's also interesting reading The Day Of The Doctor from Osgood's perspective. It's a neat way of incorporating the flashback to Day of the Doctor at the beginning of the story.



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The ending of this book is sublime. In Doctor Who the “big speeches” can be hit and miss but this story has the Doctor’s biggest and most impactful speech. Beautifully realised both on screen and in this book. Like the best of science fiction it makes you reflect on related real world issues

Overall this book is a solid retelling of a complex couple of Doctor Who episodes which don’t read quite as well on the page as they came across on television. There are however lots of funny moments and newly added moments that make it a worthwhile read for fans. It reminded me of the story in question and made me feel like I knew the story that bit better.


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