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3 reviews

That was definitely a story and that definitely had the doctor in it i believe

If I'm being generous, I can say that this was probably hampered by its format and the practicalities of fitting a story onto two sides of a record. I can imagine that the novel is better.

Right, I've been generous enough. This is a supremely unsatisfying story that moves in leaps and bounds, a bit like getting the first and last five minutes of every episode in a serial and nothing in between. I can't take the Pescatons seriously, and the Doctor and Sarah both seem unusually hapless. Worse still, it has some truly ear-splitting sound effects. The only good thing I can say about it is it has a few funny lines of dialogue.

Doctor Who and the Pescatons has a minimal cast, in the vein of the Big Finish Companion Chronicles. The story is a fairly simple, paint by numbers, alien invasion. While there wasn't much to it, it wasn't bad. It was nice hearing Elizabeth Sladen again, and Tom Baker sounds as smooth as ever. This is a quick and easy listen, and won't tax your time.